General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone interested in playing friendly team games?

Anyone interested in playing friendly team games? in General Discussion

    So I want some guys who are interested in playing in a team. But only for fun. Not a team who's gonna play for tournaments and battle cups, etc. Just ranked party captains mode matches or even maybe from faceit. Im looking for people who are from SE server and only friendly players who.dont trashtalk. Im a pos 3.player player so im looking for pos 1,2,4,5 players and someone who can add through their steam so we can play as a team. Because sadly i cant add in my acc as this is a new acc. Range is from legend 2 to.ancient 2 players :D. I hope someone's interested :'(

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      I generally play the 5
      I would like to if it was in eu, in SEA i get about ~250 ping

      anyways it probably for the best, your'e 2 medals above me

      good luck finding team mates


        Add me I’m friendly. Same medal too and I have my best wr on pos 4 like tusk,NS. Though I play 5 but not if I cam help it. I enjoy offlane the most. And my safe is limited to juggernaut and mk lmao

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