General Discussion

General Discussionminus 80 second cooldown on mirana ult... Broken or not?

minus 80 second cooldown on mirana ult... Broken or not? in General Discussion

    I feel under the impression by having played a game against that character and seeing a video on youtube about that, that there is no way for each 20 seconds, mirana would be able to transform her whole team into mini-rikis and it wouldnt be broken... Its almost perma-invis and since mirana aint a position 5 neither a support, its definitly easy for her to get to lvl 25.

    I would like to have some thoughts on the matter.


    Have a good day.

    (Its by speaking about it, i think, that we might have a fix on that matter in next patches)


      literally completely unbroken considering you have to base your build around it. and while the build isnt bad necessaraly its not been considered the way to play mirana for a while now. Plus you come visible anytime you do anything other than move. Just get dust, or really at that point someone should probably have a gem.


        who cares
        triple arrow is better
        arrow has far more game impact, and u really dont need moonlights shadow that often

        Hide The Pain - Herald

          Playing against any mirana lineup you would get dust and sentries right from the moment she puts a skill point in ulti.

          I would presume by the time she even reaches lvl 25 most teams would have gotten a gem and grouped up, possibly even much earlier.

          Its not broken at all to be honest.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            If they're stomping, it's quite hard to get sentries and dusts. But if it's an equal game, not really a big deal.


              ^ if its a stomp game wont last long enough for lvl 25.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Gem of true sight

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  well, that's a level 25 talent. even if she can reach it it would take time, and at that point having gold for vision is not really a problem

                  someone looked at dota watafak


                    Well you can lose gem and waiting for other one for 5 minutes or even more is not really good.

                    And dropping 800 for every push to wards (+dust) is quite expensive, not mentioning you can drop them late.

                    And as Well, your observers are almost useless, you can't split and farm, as they can just jump one of you.

                    Only option is going 5man, which is not really good strategy if enemy has superior teamfight.

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Level 25


                        get necrobooks or heroes with natural detection (bounty, slardar, zeus)... by the time mirana is lvl 25 you can have the necrobook for the pushes and sentries for the defense. not really hard to play around that invis ult

                        Story Time

                          wow, every ult that deals no damage is so broken


                            Get octarine to become team of riki WAOW!