General Discussion

General DiscussionDK solo offlane

DK solo offlane in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    I have been playing ranked mm recently (I usually play normal games, but we decided to try to go up in rank), and spamming dk offlane (since no one likes going offlane in 7.10)
    I usually win even when feeding on the lane stage, because he is extremelly tank, has a good stun, and push extremelly fast. Even so, i wanted some tips for dk because one time or another my dk solo offlane will stop working.
    My build is usually soul ring, boots and wand, sange and yasha and then go bkb/assault cuirassa. My skyll build is usually maxing either the nuke or the passive, skipping stun until level 8

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      if you are playing offlane, dont go for damage items. dagger, solar crest, halberd, hood/pipe, bkb are all great choices.

      Andre Kairalla

        Makes sense, maybe i should change s&y for hallberg. I usually go assault for pushing power, so i dont depende too much on hcs to push (if they decide to go jungle after winning a tf)
        Ty for the tips :)

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          what the fuck is with all the offlane dks i see in my games recently

          on one hand i hate it and the hero is just a walking dummy target if he doesnt have a good start
          on the other hand i dont see how is his lv10 talent at all balanced

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            wut? level 10? neither of them are that good anymore.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              -20% dmg is insane

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                meh. it has 100% uptime but it is dispellable and most heroes have other ways of doing damage anyway. even in very late game 20% is like 60 damage, which is good but not gamebreaking.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  yeah ur carry just deals half their damage is hes hit by it since minute 10, meh nbg

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    yeah man literally no one buys bkb or manta or have any form of magic damage

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      haha ure right, how can any debuffs even be op? just buy bkb/manta LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 4HEad

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        enfeeble reduces damage by 120, can be up on 2 heroes at the same time, cannot be dispelled in any way and people dont even fucking care about the spell most of the time and now suddenly breathe fire is a big deal? just fuck off honestly.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          why is od even a hero in dota? u can just press bkb and he deals 0 damage lol! =)
                          why is butterfly an item in dota? they can just but mkb or use their spells to kill u through evasion! =)

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            alright you are starting to become retarded, i'll stop before this turns into a retarded reddit arguement

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              oh right enfeeble the spell which has the only use of reducing damage, that noone skills before 20 minutes because its on a paper pos5 hero who presses grip and dies

                              totally the same as pretty much free(when was the dmg reduction even added, like a year ago and before the spell was just linas/dps q?) 45% dps reduction strapped on an aoe nuke on a hero who is a tanky frontliner than manfights people and can live for enough time for bkb manta or whatever mega dispel they have

                              u might be correct that the talent is nothign special(highly doubt it) but ur reasoning is mega dumb, pretty much a "just counter it LOOOOOOOOOOL" argument that moron 2ks make on reddit when talking about balance

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                retarded reddit arguement

                                possible to play around and doesnt have an immediate devastating effect = not op


                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  i guess anchor smash is the best spell in the game then


                                    ^pretty much LOL

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      ure incredibly dumb

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        btw going by ur moronic method of spell by spell comparison, tide has +25% dmg reduction on anchor as a level fifteen talent
                                        u have 20% total dmg reduction(on a 25% default reduction no less, an 80% increase) on lv10 vs a 25% green dmg reduction(60% default, 42% increase) on lv15

                                        doesnt take a genius to tell which talent is stronger haha =)

                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                          i agree with sam, the fact that its dispellable and ppl buy bkb as 1st/2nd item nowadays just doesnt make it very op

                                          on the other hand 2 mana regen/s is worse so id take 20% over that one anytime

                                          if u rely on physical dmg to kill enemy dk then u probably made an error during drafting

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            i dont agree with someone = they are dumb haHAA because im so smart haHAA

                                            i am not comparing the spells. im just trying to make a point. you are hugely overestimating the power of damage reduction. most of the time it is irrelevant.

                                            "possible to play around and doesnt have an immediate devastating effect = not op"

                                            i also dont remember saying this but w/e.

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              u have it up much earlier than most carries get bkb(which is why i dont understand why is it a lv10 talent, kick it up another 10 percent and move it to 20 and we're good), and once the duration starts to wear off it becomes very relevant again, especially since dk is usually tanky enough to survive 7 or less seconds unless initated on

                                              other than bkb there are no real ways to consistently remove it and outlive it, or they are too situational and u will face them like every 5th game tops; besides 90% of spells in the game are negated by bkb, its not a fucking argument

                                              if u rely on physical dmg to kill enemy dk then u probably made an error during drafting

                                              of course u will have rely on phys dmg to kill dk sooner or later, hes not THAT great against phys and sooner or later he will just get on ur carrys dick because thats what he does best

                                              u seem to think that i say the talent is op as in it turns around the game or something, but its just a very strong upgrade to an already strong spell that idk what is doing on level 10, no carry will be happy with a 45% dps reduction that is not even the main point of the spell - it used to be and still is a standard aoe nuke buffed for whatever the fuck reason

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                ure dumb not because u dont agree with me but because u use dumb ways to prove a point
                                                dota is very complex and theres millions of situations where the same thing is both mindnumbingly op and completely irrelevant, u judge the strength of the game element almost entirely by experience + general gamesense, which makes arguments like "just dispel it" all the more stupid

                                                i also dont remember saying this but w/e.

                                                ur entire argument is "it's dispellable" + "it's not THAT big of a deal"

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  and your entire point is what? "it reduces their carry's damage by 45%" well yeah thats what it fucking does.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    yeah and its strong


                                                      just looks like one of these things that look rly dope on paper but in reality they dont do much/anything

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        might be

                                                        that is usually the case with niche mechanics or meme aghs upgrades though
                                                        this looks like the opposite - something that looks not that impressive(after all 45% is not 90%)/hard to judge but is actually good, just not in a flashy way

                                                        i.e vlads, frost armor, <30% cdr reduction talents

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          almost everything in dota looks fucking strong. 225 damage nuke with 60% miss chance that lasts for 5 seconds and it only has 9 sec CD and costs only 50 mana. and this spell has a secondary side that doesnt even share cooldown. no one complains about it being "unbalanced" though because looking at things in a vacuum, everything looks op. but after all, it is all about disables and damage. anything else is nice to have, but mostly doesnt have much impact most of the time.

                                                          Andre Kairalla

                                                            In my opinion, DK was more OP before the -20% talent, because people used dk much more as a midlaner than an offlaner. But i believe the 20% reduction is good for a offlane dk, because you help much more in the early/mid game. But what makes dragon OP is not the level 10, but the level 20/25 talents. 40 str on a hero with 40 armour is very absurd. The 1,75s+ looks good too, but i never used it.

                                                            Andre Kairalla

                                                              Also, it has 100% uptime BUT dk has very low manapool. Even with a soul ring + wand you still cant spamm it that much in a tf