General Discussion

General DiscussionMinimum MMR if consistent in vhs bracket? Can I still get less than 3...

Minimum MMR if consistent in vhs bracket? Can I still get less than 3.5k, whic is the max mmr? Thanks. in General Discussion
but u said dota was fun :(

    (Solo queue)
    Game 1 = normal skill
    Game 2-5 = high skill
    Game 6-onwards = consistent in vhs

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    but u said dota was fun :(

      I asked because first few games I played in vhs, I played with divine players for some time. Now I know win rate affects hidden mmr, but I know I'm not qualified yet in that bracket. Back to the point, now I get paired with players under vhs only. No more experienced players. Still have 50 games left and I know I can go hs or ns anytime and it's making me anxious. I play like it's my last time playing support. I play support now because even on those divine brackets, they still pick all carries, automatic lose against experienced team with support. We are all farming.

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        Me too

        BUT Consist on git gud and suck less because eventually when you calibrate u will have nice mmr especially if u play as most impacting player


          max mmr u can get is 3500 MMR = Legend ~3 or smth idk

          Story Time

            I know I can go hs or ns anytime and it's making me anxious

            what can possible be bad in playing in ns or hs? Is this the matter of your life or what? To be in some game ranking higher than 50% other players? Will you shitbricks if you go into normal skill? Non sense


              I got 4.3k when i calibrated, u need to stomp most of your wins though

              Story Time

                ^lol that was before the 3.5k cap, and no one cares how u calibrated, you are not fantastic player in any terms