General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Bristleback

About Bristleback in General Discussion
Nice Try

    How is Bristleback this patch?
    Personally i think he is very weak this patch, his talent are mediocre tbh compared to other heroes.


      My boi is not looking hot rn

      Potato Marshal

        He'll be back


          The good thing about bristleback is that he is an offlaner that can farm ancients/stacks. I'd potentially pick him if my team needs an ancient taker because you have a mid Qop or puck or something.
          The bad thing is he needs a draft around enabling him or he will become a walking creep.

          Generally, the things bristle does well, there are other heros that fill that void better.

          He needs a wisp, kotl or some other aggro dual lane hero and he can run down lanes forever, Without an iniate enabler it is very difficult to run him.
          Usually as a position 3 you want to become the 'enabler' for your mid/carry, which is why heros like 'Batrider, abbadon, omni, beastmaster' are all Tier 1 offlaners in this meta.

          Having a space taking offlaner like bristleback for 10-15mins till he can start running at towers, you'd probably prefer to have a brewmaster, tide or sandking as an alternative because once they have '1' core item they're essentially ready to go.

          If the meta shifts towards a 'slower' pace 20min deathball instead of a 10-15min deathball Bristle will probably be quite a strong pick, untill then, you're an offlaner that needs space, needs to get off too a good start and can only realistically fight with 'Vguard+hood+treads' before then you're not going to be doing too much in terms of 'tankability'

          Lruce Bee

            He is a sleeper hero. If you play him mid against the right draft and go lifestealer build (radiance rush into solar) you could potentially be unstoppable paired with a deathball lineup.

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            Lruce Bee

              A bristleback without farm and levels is a non factor. So probably don't bother playing him offlane

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                he is a shit offlaner. he doesnt do anything an offlaner should do. he can be okay as a position 1/2 or in the offlane with a dual lane (best partners are wisp/kotl). i still think the hero is bad though. his window of power is really short.


                  Bristleback is absolutely broken sir.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    He is probably one of the weaker heroes currently, he simply doesn't have a ground in the current pace, with the current popular hero in the current playstyle, together with necrophos and sven, from how I see it

                    He is really not good at holding lanes early on, he can be easily bullied by strong laners like gyro, razor, etc' that are all over the meta.
                    Not to talk about terrorblade, which shrugs off quill spray with his insane armor

                    He really need some early levels to sustain himself, and has very hard time doing that nowadays with the offlane changes

                    Another big downside of bristleback is his lack of ganking contribution. He can't setup ganks, he can't burst heroes down, and he lacks utilities to team fights

                    Bristleback is essentially a front line engine, he can stand in front of his team, getting stuff done (like objectives) and being ready to take a punch from the other teams, he is basically an immobile initiation sponge with tower sieging capability (he has great right click)

                    Well, that isn't really useful in the current meta of fast paced pushing, teams are mobile enough to deal with his allies that behind him, and he is too narrow and one dimensional to be adapted in the draft, so if a pro team decides to draft him, they have to commit to his playstyle

                    Especially for the last reason, that enough to make the hero dumpster in pro games and high level pubs


                      is Viper a viable pick, there you have your answer, I just do not see bristle being a good pick if the other team can counter with a viper. A bristle against a viper relies entirely on his bkb and thats just not viable.