General Discussion

General Discussionthank you for aeon disk

thank you for aeon disk in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    just realized it's the greatest counter to techies after a gem. thank you for listening to our prayers icefraud.


      Good idea actually.


        i hate that item so rtd.... and techies ofc worst hero to play against.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          ^ worst hero to play with as well
          techies pickers are public enemy


            Hi, techies player here.

            Why have you released the sekrit dokumentz. No one was supposed to know about this. There will be 3 black SUV's showing up outside in a few moments.

            Lruce Bee

              wow didnt realize this. actualy useful. thanks

              주 롄양

                22/657 games as techis= techis player? :<



                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    I've been trying it on Lina and it works pretty well (turbo only tho)
                    It's like a Euls but you can move to escape and reposition yourself after being jumped in a teamfight
                    Coupled with Euls and Blink (which Lina naturally builds) it's a solid escape

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    chicken spook,,,,

                      22/657 games as techis= techis player? :<

                      I thought it was his techies winrate

                      ♏mikeeCS ツ

                        It's also good for axe counter.

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          And a good wombo combo breaker

                          Mr. Can't Win

                            Also good conter for void and LC


                              Its a counter to chrono as well.

                              Story Time

                                necro counter as well? (haha no)


                                  i'm sure it has a place in a ck build but hard to fit it in seeing as it doesn't do damage. can still rift and do most of the damage from phantasm whilst it is active.


                                    Aeon trigger after below 70%hp and huge af cooldown


                                      it'd be a great buff if you could toggle it on and off so only triggers when you need to survive.

                                      Cheesy Wenis

                                        Until Techies buy an Aeon Disk for themselves and realize they can just initiate team fights with a 7 second silence that deals 900 damage.