General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get out from archon 5 to legend

how to get out from archon 5 to legend in General Discussion

    straight to the point, i have 1,120 solo MMR, and i have 3,140 party. is it possible to get out from archon with playing solo mmr, because my friend told me that must have atleast the same mmr as your party so you can out easily. is that true? and most of people in my friendlist has the same rank as me before but they ranked up easily. i spent more than 4000 hours of dota and people keep telling me just make another acc. but i dont really want to do that.

    ps: im sorry for my english, english is not my main language, i hope you guys understand what i mean, thanks

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      i just reached the same mmr as you :) i was initally 100 mmr and i dint care, but later on i really wanted to improve so i played with 4k and 5k mmr player offline and online and learned a lot from playing with them and watching them play. If youre good, you will automatically improve your mmr, right now im finding 1000 k mmr and im sure ill reach 2k in 2 weeks or less
      there is no shortcut to success, youll see that even if u make a smurf account you wont rise by too much maybe youll get 100 or 200 mmr but that isnt improvement, you gotta analyse your plays and correct what your doing wrong, youll see that by doing this youll soon get out of the 1k bracket


        Your Solo is basically 1k MMR which is Guardian badge, but it is ARchon 5 because of your party mmr. So better improve your solo skill you are far off from Archon. The easy way out is probably play more party games but theres no satisfaction in that badge.


          Yes. It's called stop being carried and actually improve..

          SASA POPOVIC

            Make new account, theres no way that you can grind up 2k MMR in some reasonable time period, dota doesnt work that way, That 6k MMR guy who wanted to prove that you can get out of trench bought 3k MMR account, took him 2 months to grind up to his original MMR, and you are not that pro guy so make new account!

            Cancer Malaria

              my solo mmr is 2.5k. i never take it seriously when playing party which is why my party is 1.5k mmr lul. Improve solo plays bruh and then maybe go for Legend


                i think it is actually possible.

                i am flat 3.5k solo, used to be legend (1)
                didnt play solo ranked in a few weeks
                when i played a party ranked a few days ago and won that i got promoted to legend (2)
                party mmr is about 2.5k


                  If you dont belong in that mmr u will eventually climb out. "Trench" is something people put themselves in. Improve ur plays, watch more pro-streamers and observe how they play from their perspective then compared it to your own replays to figure out whats the difference. Try not to repeat your mistakes, be more active in making calls if no one is doing in your team and PMA! I climbed my smurf from 3.5k to 4.5k in around 2weeks+- and if i can, so can you.

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    I dont know if im getting too old for this game, but ive noticed the following, only time i have huge winstreaks is when i tryhard and im 100% focused, problem with that is it tires me out after 2-3 games and i cba playing more. But when i just play and chill i lose most of my games but i can play like that whole day if i want to.

                    Guess im not made for great things in doto LUL


                      Why does this question get asked every day? You play at the level you belong in. Simply put: YOU FUCKING SUCK. Get better at the game and your mmr will increase, seriously.