General Discussion

General DiscussionCant win anymore... does it happen to you also?

Cant win anymore... does it happen to you also? in General Discussion

    Hi guys, as you can see lately i cant win anymore... doesnt matter what i Play, i cant win with the team I am assigned to.

    I m not that kind of person who always blames the others, but really i m very flexible about the roles and position and i just wanna win... i play position 3 4 5, i dont complain and still I always team up with idiots!!

    the first match with lion today, our safe lane super good and our offlane ( titan + magnus) was 0 12, total after 10 minutes... there is always someone like that... what should i do? i m the most flexible guy in dota, playing even support if needed and nothing we loose 80% of the matches bcs of idiots/account can i get out of this circle... it seems my account is cursed!!!


      Don't play on EU East?

      Pointy Shoes

        If you are really flexible and can play basically any hero and is tired of losing, I suggest using this link:
        Then go for 4th or 5th pick. Just pick whatever suits your team the most. I sometimes do that to bounce back in the mmr ladder. It can get quite boring to be the one who always takes "responsibility" though xD

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          It happens to everyone i think its rigged tbh, i get constant 10 games lossing streaks crits lately, i win some lose some and chill as soon as im getting near that next star BAM!!10 games lossing streaks, no matter what i pick what i play it just happens and then grind all over again, im not only one, call me conspiracy theory advocate or paranoid trash but im not only one who noticed this!

          Its a Volvo conspiracy to make you spam more games and buy more hats for Gabens blessing!

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            you cant loose when you dont play


              well honeslty i never thought about changing server...i will try, thanks for the tip..maybe US, they are more trustable players...

              In regards to pick yes i often pick as 3-4 order to counter... the problem is most of the times the people mind and attitude and i frankly dont understand bcs if u play ranked, we all have one goal - gain why act so stupid..




                  I can relate, mate.
                  Just about two weeks ago I've experienced the similar losing streak.

                  I tried playing my best.. but still, there is either someone who plays a rather bizarre build on my team, or someone who's just so aggressive.. to the point of going war in the enemy jungle with only 2 peoples.. or acting strange in battle like he/she was still learning the hero.. not using the utility items when needed (though they buy those items!) whatever.. as if it was an unranked match. Even when I played with Legend or Ancient..

                  But then this week, suddenly I won games without too much hassle. I dunno what these 'cursed' period which sometimes appear to any people in Dota is. Few days, everything goes wrong, another days, a snowball of green streak. I can't explain this phenomena.

                  May someone with a higher experience care to explain to us?

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    Also my dude, in those last 3 games of yours you were kinda outdrafted, frankly i would be surprised if you won those games.


                      Hey mate,

                      i can understand a bad strike, i mean it s fine as i can remeber good strikes.. what makes me crazy is those bad strikes whn u understand that the game is gg after 8-10 minutes... that makes me crazy....


                        It's called forced 50% winrate


                          in the last 3 games i understood after 5 minutes that was GG

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Hey mate,

                            i can understand a bad strike, i mean it s fine as i can remeber good strikes.. what makes me crazy is those bad strikes whn u understand that the game is gg after 8-10 minutes... that makes me crazy....

                            Welcome to modern e-sports dota where you lose games at draft if you dont have answer to their setup its a 30-45 minutes of waste time, its very good for e-sports scene, its sucks balls for pub games when you mix and match random 5 players who wont draft togheter but pick something they like to play and hope for the best!


                              that mentality might be the main reason for you loosing games.
                              its gg when your ancient is at 0hp


                                yeah that s the point i was trying also to bring up!! for example in both 2 last games I picked lion to prevent BB (second last game) and weaver( last game) to spam their skills and on top i have a good stun and I try to pick an heroe that makes sense.. the other teammates nofor 90% of times...what should i do?

                                However this "luck" should be balanced... it doesnt seem for me lol


                                  @melt... I undestand whay us say mate... but look the second last...

                                  top did 0 12 in 10 minutes and mid closed 1 9...probably it was 1 5... well unless they disconnnect all for me after 10-15 minutes, you can say gg..

                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                    Yeah i know those games, when enemy team has an active roamer who bolster the lanes initiates ganks but you dont, in those games you feel like you are matched with some randoms vs an 5stack tournament team, you ping in desperation to your teamates to come and help you out but they just afk farm jungle stacks far from lanes for reasons. Been there done that!

                                    Bottom line, dota matchmaking feels unreal from time to time, where you have to play and give 200% of yourself for that stupid +25 MMR after that you feel so tired and dont want to queue anymore.


                                      you cant lose if you dont play


                                        sometimes you match with ppl who are way worse than the games average skill level, have a bad day or just suck at the hero they picked. most of the times these ppl will still try to do their best as long as nobody starts crying and calling gg at 5min. if you just do your best yourself and help them recover from the shitty early game your chance to win the game will increase from 10% (when you gave up) to, dunno, 40-50% probably.

                                        the other scenario are intentional feeders. ignore them. the enemy team will not try as hard when theres a feeder, they wont farm properly, they wont do rotations to kill the remaining 4 enemies. you will get bonus gold for each successful rotation you do with the 3 teammates you have. encourage them, gank their lanes, enable the carry. the feeder is 0-30? good. killing him is 100 gold while any kill you archive is 400+
                                        after a few successful rotations and taking a tower or 2 the feeder will eventually stop the nonsense and actually play the game because he realizes he can win

                                        again, win condisions are not 50/50 here. its 40/60 at its best, probably much less. but giving up is more like 0/100


                                          yeah man but i won 2 games out of and out 13 lost games at least 8/9 are UNREAL.. if had the the chance to play a core probably would a bit different..but it s not like the first games wheere u have a lot of space and can farm everywhere...

                                          at the level i m now you cannot pick the 5 carry... i lll quit for some days because really it seems a like a pushing to lose more and more.. not even a noob, never ever played dota, can lose 13 games out of 15... not even if u play 4 vs 5 15 games you can loose that much.. is possible that my team never finds a team of idiot who has the same issue that we have? (stupid people)..
                                          they always manage to counter pick and to agree about the position? that seems unreal to me...

                                          if now the system matches people who are toxic, well than i m in for the last 4/5 games...

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            Well yeah thats dota, in most games you wont get position you want to play wich will automaticaly lead to early fight and tilt, troll picks and other shit, so its downhill from there.

                                            But really you picked wrong place to complain, first of all on this forum nobody takes you seriously unless there is bluestar at your name, if you are crusader/archon/legend everyone gonna treat you as a trash and give you some dumb advices like "l2p scrub" "pick lycan and win games" "have you tried taking down enemy ancient"

                                            Honestly 90% of people here sit on their high horse and act like they didnt had game beyond their control in their life, so think twice before you ask help here.

                                            Dota is unfortunately heavily team based game, so your impact in the game is limited by 4 people in your team who can either help you or squander all your effort and make it meaningless.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              it's a common thing my man , 2 month ago i have a good recent games and now i dont know why the game so hard to win. Looks like i need to stop playing for a while and go date some chicks to feel better

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                You stupidh trash m0therfucker, you fucking braindead mongol0id went and bought an account 19 days ago and now you hope that we can give you some magic fucking formular to fix your autism and make you win games in a bracket where you don't belong?

                                                Get fucking real jackass. Return to your 1k main account you donkey.


                                                  lol 19 days ago really?? this is mys second account the first one is "papi silvio" i tried to smurf and recalibrate lol


                                                    i bought 2 accounts...i m going to buy the 3 one

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      shut the fuck up you little ape it's clear as day that you bought it you fucking trashcan. Go suck a dick dipshit.


                                                        aahhah :D lol

                                                        Giff me Wingman


                                                          Nice "Main" m0therfucker. You bought calibration service then started to lose over and over again you dumb trashcan monkey animal dogshit.

                                                          Right next page:

                                                          Little deluded shitfuck trash donkey animal thought he could hide it. How fucking adorable, you even got low prio for being so utter dogshit. You're probably inb4 6 months ban and bought another account because of it. fucking dog.

                                                          Stop posting on this forum you braindead animal. You're wasting your time you fucking trash. Go fuck urself and make sure to destroy any elecrtical device in your fucking place and live in the garage you animal.

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            lol i d like to know what is ur mind issue... yeah so bad that within these two months i gained 3 stars.. i dont really know what u want to show up with these links.. calibration??

                                                            of course i think everyone knows how to calibrate at the maximum, when u want to rank is different things and beside raching HS and VHS makes you play with stronger player where u cant spam void or riky with the same capabilities...

                                                            and look at u??? meep with a kda of 2.38, storm spirit 2.59?? i have a better KDA above 3 with undying... trash talking, stupid and meaningful messages...try to learn meepo...


                                                              i forgot AM 2.38...u play support with AM?


                                                                SF 2.10 support man it s better, at least i recognize my limits and dont play mid lol...


                                                                  I read it now About the 6 months ban which would have let me to buy another account.. as you may see i played in both yesterday... :) it s nice..go ahead AM support..

                                                                  SASA POPOVIC

                                                                    HEy man i am contributing part of the society which means i have money, where did you bought the account so i can get one divine+ i wont play on it, i just want to meme here and shittalk to scrubs like all the cool kids!


                                                                      dont fall for it please... you feed him


                                                                        Project tide if u want a legend five or 2 ucan borrow mine... for free

                                                                        lol but what i m surprised of is that.. someone who has kda around 2 with mid heroes and i have higher KDA with tide hunter , undying and skywrath mage.. that surprise me a lot..

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                                                          Nah im good i found a website I had no idea they are so cheap?? Is this site legit? So i need only 100 euros to be a toxic king to people on this forum? Why do people even bother with this game?

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            trash account buying scumbag is trying to talk himself out of it. Uninstall you animal fucktard. trash 1k animal fucktard.

                                                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                                                              Dude you dont understand, i can became a rockstar on this forum for my 1 labor hour price! Who are they hiring for boosts, Indians?

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                They hire russian dogs who have no fucking money or asian plebs. Either way OP is an account buying trashcan.

                                                                                Ranked MM 178 46.07%

                                                                                ask OP to buy you some boosting as well, dog.

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  lol being insulted by a crusader 2.... and from an ancient who didnt understand that AM, Storm spirit with 2 KDA are not a good thing...

                                                                                  you can see that in january i was not playing with the main bcs i was calibrating the new one.. it s visible..

                                                                                  Probably the reason is that a crusader 2 thinks that no one can be a legend?? can u use your fingers when u play?? or u are one handed??

                                                                                  For the other one i dont spend a ward any longer... the top KDA is 3.19 with slark... you know why? bcs u started years ago when it was easy to get 1k mmr you are 2.5k trash my dear :)

                                                                                  I am gonna give u this...if i have a legend 5 account...why should i buy a legend 2 account?? answer that?? u think i m banned? i m gonna play a game right now :D

                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    Your very existance is an insult to the animal kingdom. Get the fuck out of here and never post anything again retard.

                                                                                    You talk to to a guy because he's crusaider and then you talk down to a guy who is vastly above your rank, god you fucking deldued braindead animal, go back to your herald account and stop posting you filthy dog. Go take a dump on your moms bed and get a bath you filthy dog.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      the only one not posting here for a long time will be u.. trust me... and u are a bad player at ur rank..kda talks

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        Low animal mmr account dogshit fucktard dares to talk down to superior masterrace?

                                                                                        trash, go stab yourself animal fuck. You stinking pile of garbage. Stop buying accounts and die a horrible death you fuck.


                                                                                          loook at my main...what did u tell? that was ban for 6 months?? finished a game now and destroyed the enemy apparrently ur theory doesnt work :)...

                                                                                          once again i repeat myself, your kda are horrible!!! u play core and all ur kda r around 2, u dont find this people even at 1k/ but the reason behind it is that u started many years ago and the calibration was30/40% higher... so u re not even an actual 3k play core and u barely have 50% of win change subject..

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            You didn't destroy shit you animal trash fucktard g4yshit. You got lucky by getting carried, nothing more nothing less. You're useless waste of space and need to be fucking deleted. Nobody likes you neither does anyone fucking care about your. Stop buying accounts you filthy dogshit.


                                                                                              lol was i carried?? of course i played WD, should i carry ? u miss the fundamentals.. well at least I didnt have a mid KDA 2 like you to carry the game otherwise it would be another failure :)

                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                Says guy who is 1k mmr buying account getting his ass carried. You don't understand jack fuck, all you do is sit afk in your fucking lane nerfing your carry as much as you possible can by sitting in the corner of the lane watching him taking lasthits while praying that he carries your dumb useless stinking ass. Get skill you fucking animal.


                                                                                                  lol u are funny though-..

                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                    you're not, go uninstall dog.


                                                                                                      Dude this account was obviously boosted by someone else 😟

                                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                        Nononono, he just suddely decided that he doesn't play void anymore, it was to effective.

                                                                                                        /sarcasm off

                                                                                                        The animal even tried to copy the booster and failed miserably.