General Discussion

General DiscussionLUL Matchmaking i matched with a toxic player who were previously my ...

LUL Matchmaking i matched with a toxic player who were previously my enemy in previous match in General Discussion

    It was at my lastest 3rd and 2nd Edit: it was 4rd and 3rd

    Previously, i winning as 0 kill PA (dood wtf). the enemy was a support who got triggered by noob AM, then at the next match, i teamed with him again. He pick alchemist mid but failed. Fortunately its safe to leave lul

    If u curious what region. Its sea server with classic pinoy and indogs

    I suggest the matching system should prioritize different player from previous match instead of matching with the same people again.

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      If u don't want to be match with the same people, just wait a lil bit after the game. Maybe around 2-3 minutes then u may play.


        Why complain about them when you feed in most of your games? Possibly one of the lowest avg KDA players I have ever seen. Might be new to game, but you have 600 games already, how long does it take you to learn basics?




            man how you post like that on forum check your recent games first you look toxic who always blame and blame but feed to much


              Dont blame the toxicity when you lose


                Damn you have a lower kda than me.


                  I don't know you enough but your KDA as core might need some improvement, If my carry go feed like crazy I would become Toxic as well.