General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa 7.07 build

Medusa 7.07 build in General Discussion

    So I've played Medusa a bit before 7.07 update and I could use some suggestions on her build? Thx


      arcane boots, drum, kaya, harmlet and then you finish with 6 rapiers

      Player 153433446

        Phase aquila mask...standard agi core items.
        Then u go yasha linkin, or skadi maelstorm.
        Depends on the enemy lineup really.

        Mr. Biggles ♥

          Avoid linkens (especialy first item), very common mistake is people get this when there are far better items for her.
          Only get if agaisnt LC and afraid of duel for some reason or there is a necro on the opposing team.



            96min game comeback vs megas with my friend on dusa


              What I notice alot with YouTube videos I've watched and Your Friends 96min game is that You eat her Get Treads and hurricane pike or Phase boots But What About Mask of Madness? For example. Treads MOM then Maelstorm pike and Skadi if the game gets late. I would think just skip out on The Ring of Aquila if you time your Mystic snakes well.


                I dont buy mom in her. She farms quick enough and stats so more for her

                2 wraith bands
                linkens and Hurricane pike
                Butterfly and/or skadi or even 2 skadi

                I get deadalus at 25, splitshots can crit on every target now. Also works with mkb, mjollnir

                Aghanims and bkb are situational


                  Im pretty sure we will try MOM,Maelstorm build.

                  The idea behind aquila pike skadi clearly just for at least some stats early,not die at first we went for late game,planned dmg item after pike and skadi.....


                    Hmm ok I get it I'll eventually try both builds out later today the Phase and The Treads ones the for the input :)

                    Dire Wolf

                      Mjollnir is core now because you get the level 25 talent to proc off split shot. It was good for her before that so it’s gokd before you hit 25 too.

                      Id go phase, Aquila, maelstrom, pike, skadi, finish mjollnir, bloodthorn, butterfly, mkb.


                        Well what I've found in playing under the 1k bracket The Treads mom maelstrom build would work the best because it takes some degree of positioning And turning on and off your mana shield. Then Farming Jungle and lane a lot till you get Maelstrom then pike then Skadi but usually games is near over by then.


                            mjollnir is good with the proc, but sometimes u want physical as opposed to magical
                            i wouldnt say its every game, but its rlly rlly good now


                              Mom mealstrom for sure.
                              Diffu is Kinda op also skadi is MUST HAVE with lvl 25 Talent.


                                Depends if you have drow or not. Start is "always" phase, aquila.

                                If you dont have drow, you need some farming item - be it mom, maels.

                                If you have drow, you can skip it and go for core item directly. I usually start with aghs, as it gives a lot of value to your team. Even in early fights you are bringing value.

                                Afterwards skadi and usually there ends a game (with drow).

                                If you dont have her, finish your mjolnir and finish now.

                                casual gamer

                                  by 25 u want lifesteal and mjolnir at least. skadi is also very good

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I just realized medusa can now lifesteal off multiple targets

                                    why does she even need mana shield again



                                      so apparently I did this wrong.


                                        Hmm I haven't thought about that, that I'll just get by without phase boots like 27 damage I think it is? That it would matter But I wouldn't build my rave band into the ring of Aquila Since I'll need it for hurricane pike. The build would be. Phase Keep the Rave band mom Maelstrom Then you Can go into Skadi Crits or mjollior diffusal ect.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          so apparently I did this wrong.

                                          bg ez medusa report


                                            In those 2 games Bearcats built Speed Medusa with Phase And Butterfly And ulannaut's game you Went mom and butterfly and manta for the speed My question is would you just keep farming in lane for a whIle or Shift beween the 2 But personally I would think ulannaut's build would Be more Proactive IN GENERAL Because builds can change of the hero's you go agesnt. But I've found why build Dragons Lance if it's not going to be a hurricane pike later?


                                              I would have eventually built it into a hurricane pike I just felt that for that game there were more important items to get. Such as aghs because that's both a ck and a pl in the other team.


                                                Ah ok.,


                                                  I love travel, bloodthorn or linken(depends on enemy line up), SKADI, mjollnir, butterfly/manta, mom is a good way tho


                                                    blademail and aghanim build?
                                                    is that good.
                                                    i see Chinese pro player did that.


                                                      Yah bloodthorn would uitilise her ultimate with the more damage felt and the passive critical saying they get petrified I play in US east. Chinese players probably don't get preuvians at all (forever condemned to 1k below lol)


                                                        Aghs is highly situational to counter illusions
                                                        Blademail used to be a semi staple dusa pick up but idk anymore

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I think the hard part is my dream 6 slotted medusa build is not what I want to build up midgame. Lane into pike is extremely useful mid game when you don't have skadi yet to kite and need mobility, and when you need the hp off lance and the range helps, but late game I wouldn't use it. So do you build it just to see later? Most games end before you get 6 slotted with a hyperstone anyway. Is it worth selling a pike for something better before you have a hyperstone buff?

                                                          So 6 slotted with the multi shot proc talent obviously, I'd want phase, skadi, satanic, mjollnir, bloodthorn. Last item is mkb if they have evasion, butterfly probably if they don't. I think those are better dmg choices for proc'ing mjollnir than going for more crit with daedulus.

                                                          But some games you want a linkens. And my mid game buildup I love to go phase, aquila, lance, mask of madness, maelstrom, skadi. Then finish pike and mjollnir, game is often over at that point.


                                                            I started using Manta on Medusa instead of Hurricane pike I'd go now for Phase boots,mom maelstrom manta then Goes into situationals like bkb or mkb If I was going agent like Pl or ck I'd skip manta for ags then build more damage. I like manta because of its speed it gives and the dispel to dispell past dagger or lifestealers slow and souch.


                                                              This would be around my build currently


                                                                aquila phase mom maelstorm skadi , other item situational

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  meteor hammer, tranquils, s&y is a good build

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    I hate manta on medusa, would rather build s&y if going for yasha.


                                                                      did anyone mention satanic bkb? i mean you life steal off of every split shot. what is it 150% per shot?


                                                                        but neither of those give mana and mana is like the best way to increase dusa's ehp. And while yes more than 100% lifesteal on 4shots is nice medusa would just much rather have more stats.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          guys I hope you realize that medusa does not really need to primarily depend on mana shield anymore, in fact, it is detrimental

                                                                          depending on mana shield means you will eventually die if the enemy team can outsustain you in any way

                                                                          if you get the mana talent but instead build stuff to increase your EHP in fights through sustain yourself (like through satanic) unless you are disabled for very long periods of time you still wont die

                                                                          you can get a skadi and be done with mana-granting items you literally do not need more mana, it is overkill, just get satanic and damage instead

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            You can't skip MOM. It's just too good to not get on a ranged hc.

                                                                            One common mistake I see when playing against Dusas is they build too much hp and tankiness but not enough damage. Which means they got Pike, Linkens, mom, skadi, but can't finish off anything in team fights due to lack of damage.

                                                                            I don't play dusa (I hate inactive farming heroes), but I know what kind of hcs I hate going against.


                                                                              Yah I Try to do damage Medusa I've stopped getting Pike with her but I'll try out sange and yasha With her.

                                                                              I'll try Aquila Phase mom maelstrom Sange and yasha Skadi (I'm thinking of Crits or Desolator after Skadi or put crits/desolator first?) I would think Satanic would be nice if your always losing Mana and you need a last life line And bkb would offer some damage and the Buff and the Dispell but as already said it's situational.


                                                                                Guys, i d like to remind that 3 most cost efficient dps items are:

                                                                                1) MoM
                                                                                2) Diffusal Blade
                                                                                3) Maelstrom

                                                                                Than why not building all three? Diffusal Blade is also great for running away opponents.

                                                                                So i go like this:

                                                                                Start with WB
                                                                                1) Phase Boots
                                                                                Skip ring of aquila (i know it is core item but..)
                                                                                2) Diffusal Blade
                                                                                3) Maelstorm
                                                                                4) Situational item (Agnm, mkb, bkb, linken)
                                                                                5) Skadi
                                                                                Upgrade to Myjollnir
                                                                                6) Daedalus

                                                                                If the game goes on, sell MoM and buy Butterfly.

                                                                                What do you guys think about this build?


                                                                                  Why TF wud u want diffusal on this hero
                                                                                  Before it purged so it had some utility, now it's pretty bad
                                                                                  Even then, ur too squishy with just diff mom and maelstrom


                                                                                    The fact that u even consider a deso on dusa tells me u have no idea what ur talking abt


                                                                                      I am new on Medusa, low mmr on the game. But i am fasinated with medusa, had 18 wins in 20 game in ranked matches (as i said, low level but still, my level)

                                                                                      So, i am here to further expend my knowladge on this hero.

                                                                                      I explained why i like DB, It is most cost efficient 2. item and it has infinite slow now, which medusa really needs to be able to chase. It just makes sense to me.

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        LMAO diffusal in 7.07


                                                                                          this thread is so good that i even throw up just now because i build 5 bracer and tranquil on medusa and manage to go 3 0 0 on min 6 last game lobby


                                                                                            @Washed up I wrote that comment when I was really tired lol And I still am.
                                                                                            As for that build. You need mom with Medusa it Helps do the most damage if someone is under Medusas ult. You have to get it after Your boots so you can wipe out creep waves fast. Mom would be Effective all game I don't see a need to sell it?


                                                                                              Yokedici is right with lvl 25 Talent diffu is the Best Coast effective dps Item on Medusa. Its + 55 dmg on 4 targets, better than crits deso mjollnir if u consider the low cost.

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                The cost shouldn't matter at 25, you should have enough gold to buy whatever you want and it's not the strongest in slot item.

                                                                                                I agree linkens is not needed for mana regen. It might be needed to block something and ensure you get your ult off in a fight. Skadi will always remain core, just does way too much for the hero.

                                                                                                The rest is situational, lots of good options. I just think at 25 you want to play on those procs which means mjollnir, crit (orchid is best on dusa for obvious reasons), mkb. Diffusal isn't as good as those other ones. I haven't tried satanic but it sounds good too.


                                                                                                  u dont need cost effective items on dusa
                                                                                                  she is a big fatass lategame carry, she just wants big items, not 3 3000 gold items
                                                                                                  diffusal just falls off, and it doesnt purge anymore which makes it even more unnecessary
                                                                                                  desolator is even worse, cuz -armor falls off hard lategame, AND ITS ALSO JUST A SHITTY 3K gold item, that doesnt do as much as another big item
                                                                                                  fucking hell use ur brain


                                                                                                    So it's just the way I play Medusa in my very low level bracket and I'm pretty sure I'm doing a lot of mistakes compare to real players but sometimes it works for me:

                                                                                                    In 7.07b you now need items that provides you HP because the strengh gain has been extremely nerfed (1.95 to 1.5).
                                                                                                    So Skadi is fully mandatory but the problem with Skadi (for my low skill of farm) is the cost of this item that can't be rushed as a first item (my opinion).
                                                                                                    In 7.07 I was going for:
                                                                                                    1) Early phase + aquilla + Dragon lance + MoM
                                                                                                    2) Mid MkB first for damage/attack speed/Pierce + Mjollnir Then Skadi or Butterfly (depending on the context)
                                                                                                    3) Late Crits + Satanic
                                                                                                    In 7.07b
                                                                                                    1) I sometimes prefer Treads for HP instead of Phase + aquilla + Dragon Lance/Pike (good for HP) + MoM (Cost/efficiency still great but risky)
                                                                                                    2) Now I'm more tempted by S&Y for HP and attack speed instead of MKB Then Skadi is a must !!! + Talisman of Evasion (BKB is often usefull to not die before u start ulti)
                                                                                                    3) Late Butterfly or Mjollnir and I had recently very bad suprises when I went for Crits because of late Blademail with 25 Talent
                                                                                                    So I First go for Satanic before crits

                                                                                                    Medusa is now really really squishy in early, Mid and even beginning of late game.
                                                                                                    Now in early/mid phases I try to never never tank/initiate a teamfight and I wait until fight has started then I start ultimate then I jump in with pike/(blink if u like it) then MoM and I try to deal as much damages as I can. If u try to initiate like a tank be sure that in 7.07b you will blowup instantly like a sniper in a field of PA (even with +800 mana of talent 20)

                                                                                                    One remark with Satanic: This item is really good with attack modifier talent because u intantly regen your life but If one of the opponent uses any item or ability to disable you (stun or disarm for example) be sure you will still die in a second because you still a fucking little snake without HP. As long as Medusa keep the attack flow it is an incredible tanky beast which destroys everything in its path but keeping this flow is the key :-D (bkb bkb bkb...)


                                                                                                      I think Dire wolf sumed it all up. The goal is to Kill them before they are on you the farther you are from your enemy the better. Kabals point about Medusa is good BKB will keep you alive. Not getting stunned Or disabled so you and your team can charge in there.

                                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                        Acquilla, phase, yasha, butterfly, 20 mins. Maelstrom/mjolnir, manta 25 - 26mins, daedalus mkb 30 mins +