General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 midlane blocking

7.07 midlane blocking in General Discussion

    Since the bounty rune locations have been moved, it became a dilemma to either get the initial bounty rune as a midlaner or not get it at all and position yourself to block creeps. I’m an experienced midlaner and I prioritize lane control over anything but the initial bounty rune boosts my itemization, so my question is, as a midlaner, should i risk lane control to obtain the initial bounty rune or let my supports get the initial bounty rune and i block the creeps in the middle lane? Thank you for your responses :D


      Ask a sup to block for you if the rune is that important


        Id rather block the creeps.


          Even at the previous patch, I was volunteering to block mid creep if my mid want the rune

          Now if he want to, I'll block
          If not, I'll take the rune

          Seems like a win win condition either way


            Take the bounty rune then use the tp scroll which you got at the beginning of the game to tp to the Tier 2 tower and block the creeps.


              tp on cooldown ?

              Riguma Borusu

                also doesnt that negate half the advantage since you are expending a tp scroll randomly? maybe give the rune to your offlaner instead because he gets 100 gold off of it, you get 50


                  the tp scroll is free

                  La Flame

                    take the rune and tp free in tier 2

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Block creep = better mid lane
                      = more than just 50 gold

                      The CD is 40 sec from count down btw


                        If your experienced midlaner as what you claim. You can control the creeps to make them kill your range creep first. Get rune wtf is that a question

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                            I THINK BLOCK CREEP IF SUPP DONT DO IT FOR YOU

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                            Story Time

                              do u also notice that rune contesting is easier now? so it is not so bad when all heros are present at runes?


                                I was thinking the same, I've only blocked creeps so far, because if no support blocks it, the lane goes from ok to hard, however now I'm nit present for rune fights, which makes it easier for them to contest


                                  take the fucking rune and teleport to t2

                                  Story Time

                                    i thought we are talking about bounty rune and a rune of focking xD


                                      today i had a game where i decided to be a good guy and block creeps for my midlaner.

                                      because the enemy mid didnt block at all, the creepwave met at our tower, midlaner missed almost all LH, gg wp hahah