General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker is too fun?

Invoker is too fun? in General Discussion

    This guy has some serious skills set. As a carry he have good crowd control and can turn the tide of battle easily. I am looking at you EG. but is this hero just too fun to play? Stun, damage, stun, damage. Only that? All flashy movements and no boring shit like broodmama. No boring shit like AM 50 minute farm. He is just.. Invoker, we need a rework to make him a boring playstyle. To make him shit. And not just doing everything like a god.


      Being average at everything doesn’t make him a good hero.


        You take the fun out of my trolling.


          He need rework 10 spells is just too op. Bring him down to 1 spells like WK


            how is invoker average at everything
            he lacks single target disable, isnt good at front lining, is farm reliant
            he excels at burst dmg, aoe magic, teamfight control, and split pushing

            chicken spook,,,,

              he lacks single target disable

              who needs single target disable if you have a o e d i s a b l e :thinking:


                ^it forces aoe skills with greater potential on single heroes
                its not always bad, but like a less severe version of rp'ing a single hero
                it can and will be good and needed, but it is also technically not using a skill to its fullest potential


                  There are too many morons on this forum, it’s hard to tell if you’re memeing or not.


                    Lack single disabler :thinking: so cold snap is aoe disabler stun now? :Thinking: new update ??

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                      invoker excels at burst dmg ?
                      daddy just st.fu most of times, u know english, but not alot of dota thats why ur 1k mmr .


                        Too many scripters and hackers for me to consider him fun


                          invoker is a fucking afk farm hero


                            Thats why he has solid 40% wr


                              did we consider coldsnap though?


                                mepoo has 40%winrate so what?


                                  Feelsbadman, stop commenting shit you don't know man.

                                  You give us cancer!

                                  morbid man

                                    injoker is fun cos its a low skill imba hero with 5 million spells and 150 dmg by minute 2. 0 skill


                                      Fun but fall off late, he's shit


                                        i just love this nornal skil coments

                                        meteor hammer

                                          if u farm 50 min on am u got turbo autisnm


                                            Invoker is fun because he is some what easy learn, but the hardest hero to master.

                                            I’m dogshit at the hero,but still love playing him because it feels so good getting better with him.
                                            (And by easy to learn I mean learning Which key combos makes what spell. Hard to master because it takes a good invoker player to know when to use the spells, what times they will be off cd, and knowing the timings of when to cast them at each level.)

                                            There are some truly god-like invoker players out there

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                                            supp0rt picker

                                              just bkb and dust to kill him dude.


                                                Too much fun, what's that mean?
                                                It's like too much money, there's no such thing
                                                It's like a girl too pretty with too much class
                                                Being too lucky, a car too fast
                                                No matter what they say, I've done
                                                But I ain't never had too much fun