General Discussion

General DiscussionThesis from our fellow grad student in DotA University

Thesis from our fellow grad student in DotA University in General Discussion

    Thumbs up to masta cookie for writing such a long paper to help those in the trench.


      Feel bad for cookie, what will happen when Dota dies


        he will die because he wont get attention anymore


          just lol

          ur not even a 6k player u hit flat six k mmr once in life w/e with arc and sk ur only heroes played ever

          but ok if bosnian pride like to do this then do your right


            Read the first few paragraphs. And I must say cuki, this stuff is well written and organised. (I'll say more when I've read more hopefully)

            I like that you decided to write something with a clear and central theme like "decision making" upon which you talk about other Dota concepts and provide clear prescriptive actions whilst explaining the thought process.

            Этот комментарий был изменён
            Dire Wolf

              I need to get back in this midset, I've definitely been taking too many stupid team fights and we got our asses handed to us in one game cus every time I went to rosh the team went to farm jungle/pick their butts/whatever, so it was me and like 1 support hitting rosh, rosh to 20%, enemy team comes and wipes us. I should've realized my team was fucking stupid though and bailed at 80% and lived and not handed rosh over rather than depending on them.


                Nice read, thanks cookius!

                True North

                  @Killua Chan ty for your recent riki's replay, the world has never seen a best riki player like you.

                  Giff me Wingman

                    All the effort writing wall of trash just to get trolled.



                      Read some bits and parts and i agree. Basics but good that someone took the time to enlight the noobs


                        B-God when are you gonna play again and update your mmr? I want to see that sweet 3.5k.


                          I've been busy


                            Ranked MM 4,001



                              B_God approves of cookies guide , what more is left to be done in this world!



                                U AL TRASH I QUIT DOTA HAHAH

                                ANYONE WANT THIS ACCOUNT ?


                                  Katz nr1 retard


                                    yes i quit dota no point play hahaha

                                    want account hunter .??cya noobs

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Water is wet :o