General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play arc on current meta?

How to play arc on current meta? in General Discussion
Nina Dobriv

    Wanna learn how to use arc, help!


      arc is such a greedy hero and doesn't fit in any team fights.
      if you're below 4k you can go mid with him and get fast midas, then get fat and split push.
      otherwise I don't think he is THAT dynamic. and the meta currently is all about being dynamic and ganking all lanes. cheers, pretty. :)


        phase>midas>maelstorm>shadow blade

        Giff me Wingman

          brown boots, aquila, midas, maelstorm, BoT, Mjiollnir, Pike, Sheep/Bloodthorn, rest is situational.


            dont listen to bluntard hes 4k, if you want to listen to someone that has knowledge about arc then you should listen to cookie because cookie spammed arc to 6k.


              cuki, im learning arc and i would like to known.. in wich scenarios its good to get only brown boots (and get aquila -> midas) and wich are better to go phase 1st like you said?


                blunt is not 4k , blunt is 7k!


                  basically this hero get fast midas. farm like antimage and solo carry in late game !


                    Brown boots>Dagon>eblade>refresher

                    ichiban, lipstick for men

                      fun tip: Arc loses mid to a lot of heroes and is susceptible to ganks; run him safelane imo (not saying mid doesn't work but it isn't the go-to)

                      Nina Dobriv

                        Could you guys check my previous arc matches and have a comment on them, thanks!


                          @hackerman: What hero (except viper) win 1v1 vs Arc mid? His ghost is insane

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                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            id say arc can also face viper at lvl 6, but before that then expect to get raped hard


                              @NANI?! phase is always better.

                              @a no, he doesn't. midlaner is not a safelaner, learn the difference.

                              @'zphyr-hackerman no he doesn't, arc is a solo lane stomper. obviously he doesn't win every matchup, but he wins the majority.

                              @learning heroes viper is no problem, just get magnetic on lvl 2 and fight him every time he tries shit.

                              the only problem are heroes with units because they mess up your 1st and 3rd ability.

                              so invoker, lone, brood, pl.

                              and a special shoutout to jugg for being basically unkillable, you won't lose you'll just get really annoyed.

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                                well he can gank a lot with bots and shadow blade on his ult
                                the problem is he needs way more money but he is weak early needs to secure farm just like AM
                                But he has no blink dagger to Runaway


                                  you're farming 5k gold to go ganking with sb + bot, when you can just get a 1k gold item(phase) and go gank.

                                  secondary, you need phase to kill your opponent in lane and survive support rotations.

                                  the problem with arc is that the majority of players just sit afk and farm their midas + maelstorm in games where they should and shouldn't

                                  so they end up being useless when they're the strongest.



                                    Watch his VODs, they helped me a lot. He always rushes phase boots & gets pretty late travels. He ganks & fights a lot with him. Phase Boots seems core because he gets easily out last hit because of bad dmg. The biggest counters to him are purgers, heroes who can easily jump on him or pushers, who don't rely on physical dmg to take towers. In lane as Cookie mentioned - heroes with units/illusions (or purgers) or with v. high dmg (like Bloodcyka). He has one of the highest kill potentials in the game when he hits lvl 6, before that he is not that strong.

                                    I also think that Bloodcyka mid is an unwinnable matchup for him. It's impossible to zone him out & he has like +40 dmg over him.


                                      nah i have no problems with BS. you gotta remember that ARC has pretty good DPS early on, just ask your support to roam on him lvl 1-3 and he'll tip over like a cow.

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                                        phase>midas>maelstorm>shadow blade why shadow blade? Isn't whole purpose of arc to split the map and fight behind cores ? I saw some players flaming shadow blade because this item didn't do much for like 20 mins.

                                        I'm by no means good arc but isn't rushing mjonir/mael + force better? Shouldn't shadow blade be situational ?


                                          @MagE - to get pick offs, it's much harder to do it with force. Also, Silver Edge allows his clone to man fight pretty much anyone. Not to mention it's great if there are passives to be disabled.


                                            consider cookies guidelines to become really good arc player cauz he actually is a really good arc player


                                              btw congrats for reaching 6k cookie :D