General Discussion

General DiscussionFPS / Ping

FPS / Ping in General Discussion

    Just from curiosity, what is yours? and do you still enjoy playing on it?

    Mine fps 15-20 / ping ~75 (when there is no spikes) but still manage to enjoy the game!

    ps. boredom made this topic :))

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    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Weird, or maybe I'm looking at the wrong place coz my FPS is always around 100+.

      Ping is consistent at around 90-110ms, which is acceptable in our country.


        A lot of lags but around 100fps


          At home:
          FPS: 8-11
          Ping: 70-120

          In cafe:
          FPS: 100-110
          Ping: 30-70


            40-60 fps
            38 ping


              30 - 50 fps
              Ping: 30 or less

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Fps generally locked at 60 at the lowest settings (not because of my laptop's performance, but rather because the heat)

                Ping lately is around 80-90


                  What are your specs to have 15-20 fps?

                  I used to play on a GT610m and I had 50-60fps. 15-20 is pretty much unplayable

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                    30 fps 180 ping minimum and can get upto 250+ during games very often.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      fps 100+ generally and ping around 80

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        40 fps
                        90-120 ping
                        2-10% PL


                          180-230 fps
                          35-45 ping

                          Bosnian Blade

                            40 ping

                            Pump Cultist

                              210 fps
                              20 ping



                                  50 fps / 120-150 ping

                                  Player 404335202

                                    Vertox specs ?


                                      100 fps / 35-70 ping, depending on which server i play on


                                        100 fps/30 ping on my ROG laptop. On my computer I get 300fps/30ping.


                                          50 -70 fps / 50 ping but changes sometimes especially at critical moments going crazy like 200 , idk why.
                                          eu west


                                            Fps: 30-40 in fastest settings.
                                            Ping: 70-80 India 90-110 SEA
                                            PL: 0-4% occasionally though... Can even vary to 25% though.

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                                              What are your specs to have 15-20 fps?

                                              intel core i7 -3537U 2.00 ghz
                                              8gb ram
                                              and some internal graphic... fps was way better 1-2 years ago when game had few gigas less :)


                                                100-120ish FPS
                                                800+ Ping

                                                Welcome to North Korea


                                                  60-120 fps
                                                  32 ping


                                                    180 - 200 Fps
                                                    20 - 35 Ping

                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                      I ser a lot of 30 ping here. Lucky people. Here in PH, my 90-110 ping is considered great.

                                                      1st class tourist

                                                        Locked 145fps
                                                        Like 30 ping

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          My ping is usually like 25... wtf kind of internet do you guys have?

                                                          I use vsync so it's always 60. I tried turning it off once and it said I was getting ~110 fps, but the game felt weird. It seemed jerky or laggy, not as smooth. Which doesn't really make sense.


                                                            48 fps 60 ping


                                                              VSync locks it to your monitor's refresh rate I believe, so it renders frames as fast as your monitor can put out. I forgot the technicalities behind it, but it could sometimes seem jerky when you render frames faster than your monitor can handle because it can't keep up with your video card.

                                                              1st class tourist

                                                                We call that screen tearing

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  That's what I thought but many people on this forum seem to think exceeding your monitor's refresh rates makes gameplay smoother. Many players want 200 fps on 120 hz monitors and say then notice the difference lol.

                                                                  1st class tourist

                                                                    Just lock ur fps +1 of your monitor lol no need to make ur gpu/cpu work more for nothing


                                                                      i have a monitor with 144Hz and G-Sync, and you DO realize a pretty big difference to 60Hz

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        well yes because your monitor supports it. What I'm saying is people with 144 hz monitors claim they notice a difference on the same monitor when they get 150 fps vs 200 fps. I think that's bs.


                                                                          fps 150 - 220
                                                                          ping ~30

                                                                          I do notice it from 150 and 200 cuz I have 180hz screen with gsync haHAA it feels even smoother. Even on the screen I tried 120, 144, 160, 170, 180hz and between all of them there's a difference while you're moving your mouse on the screen or moving a window, 120 vs 144 feels pretty big actually then 160 is very noticeable from 144 too and 170 vs 180 only ppl with a trained eye might notice, but I personally could still tell the difference even tho it's very small, but it feels much nicer. When I used to have a monitor with only 75Hz I would always turn down settings to get 100+ fps like 150 minimum if it's esports title, cuz it felt much better to play with it than with 75fps, it was still smoother even if it only displays 75 frames. Vsync was just garbage, never used it and never liked it. Only game I turned it on was dishonored, cuz the screen tearing was so fucking bad. Vsync feels laggy as fuck I have no clue how some can play with this shit. I'm 100% sure that's people who never sat and played infront of a 144+ hz screen or tried GSync.

                                                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                            Ayase wow. And I thought having my 70-90 ping is bad since were basically the only neighborhood in Iloilo with no
                                                                            optic fiber connection.

                                                                            Fps is at 20-60 with occasional monitor blackouts which I cant seem to find a resolution for


                                                                              what about pocket loss?


                                                                                Since this thread doesn't really seem to have a conclusive point, here are the average results so far:

                                                                                Average FPS = 91.33
                                                                                Average ping = 93.27 (likely skewed because of the one guy who said 800 ping)
                                                                                Without his input average = 68.03

                                                                                Pretty sure no matter how much people laugh off statements that personal systems giving 10-15 FPS are a major drawback in winning games, will boast about 100, 200, 300 FPS systems but will refuse to face the reality of technical drawbacks in a game that requires so many actions at a constant rate.

                                                                                I have seen the difference myself, between an 8-11 fps system at home to a 100-110 fps system in a cyber cafe. There is no doubt as to how much impact it has to gameplay experience and effective output.

                                                                                Also, personally I would consider the threshold of 100 ping to be the absolute playable limit. Though I'm sure plenty of people spoiled by 20-30 consistent ping would consider 70 ping "unplayable".

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  FPS 150+
                                                                                  Ping about 40, but no ranked servers here, so to connect to the best server (EU West) I get 220+ping


                                                                                    I don't believe when people said they play dota below 30fps . I mean at 29~30 is already unplayable . You cant even move


                                                                                      I don't believe when people said they play dota below 30fps . I mean at 29~30 is already unplayable . You cant even move

                                                                                      Before the last few games we played together where I was in cafe, before my almost month long break, I constantly played on an average 10 and max of 18 fps for over half a year.

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                                                                                        Ive played below 30fps before i dont think its playable . I wont even bother to play if i had that fps

                                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                          When too many things happen on my screen, I drop to 10 fps and at that point I'm just hoping I can just drop my payload and have some impact(if any).

                                                                                          I was only able to reach 3.6k last year probably because I was spoiled enough of the 150 fps and 30ms from the cybercafes back in Manila. Coming back to my shit system that just got shittier after I have to give up my damaged i7 for an AMD really hurt my experience of the game.


                                                                                            Latest iMac 5K display.
                                                                                            On 5k resolution and default best looking settings
                                                                                            FPS: 50-60
                                                                                            Ping: 37-40



                                                                                              fps is around 120 now i miss the old dota with 300-400 fps


                                                                                                my friend is playing around <30 fps because he play dota with max setting rofl. he says that quality > quantity. then i invite him to cybercafe with 200+ fps and he got his first rampage lol.
                                                                                                good ol days


                                                                                                  FPS locked at 60. Ping varies from 130s on a good day, 170-180 on average, and 2-3 days a week where it's consistently above 300 which sort of soft disables matchmaking (you get a warning about poor connection if you click on Find Game). These ping values are all SEA btw. Dubai has lower pings (100-170 mostly) but you can't play ranked there and 4th pick Tinker into 5th pick Invoker in a lineup with an SF/TA/Sniper/OD is not uncommon (once every three games maybe) so it's not a great server to play on. Used to be pretty decent (much better than SEA) until ranked was disabled.

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                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    You shouldn't have any packet loss. If you do it's wifi interference. If you're on lan, I have no idea why you would lose packets. Maybe server issues.