General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's a good solo offlane against a trilane with a ranged carry?

What's a good solo offlane against a trilane with a ranged carry? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    > Title.

    Also please don't answer Dark Seer. He's pretty bad in pubs in my experience. Gets farmed and does nothing with it.

    Riguma Borusu

      whatever you pick, go jungle and farm the waves when they inevitably push them

      also, centaur

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      死の恐怖 Haseo


        Forget me not

          Spread the winter wyvern glory to offlane. Try wr too ar offlane it's pretty good againts ranged carry, and abadon.


            its pretty bad to do trilane if you have ranged carry except medusa i think.
            always do trilane if you have weak carry at early game and u really wanted to its farmed at late game.
            well if enemy team have ranged carry and they re doing trilane , consider your pick to other 2 draft they made.
            for exp. if they have cm at that trilane , windranger is not a good option.(well i believe wr is not a good offlane pick unless if you not make it as 1 vs 1 i mean that if enemy went agro lane to top u can pick wr bottom to 1v1 enemy solo.)
            dark seer is not an answer ofc against range carry ds is bad imo.
            pick sth can go jungle and wait till their lane is pushed and get a ward to entrance of the jungle or maybe pick earthshaker and get soul ring spam fissure or try to pull jungle creeps to ur wave (idk if this still works)

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Nature's Prophet or Lone Druid if you know how to play them. Keeping both supports in lane is a big advantage for your mid hero and these two heroes are pretty good at that. Or you can go with Tide.


                If I'm not wrong lc can do that I'm not too sure tho

                Story Time

                  LC is great versus threelane, but do not forget the old good void or fenix, night stalker or LD

                  Mlada i Luda

                    NP the best if have decent micro skills. but anyway trilanes are not effective that much in the current meta, like if they cant zone you out and shut down completely, if you force theyr prezence overthere constantly even if you got nothing you prety much won the game, cause your team will be 4vs2. insta win safe and mid lane. even if they zone you out completely you can farm jungle with talon, not best case scenario , but again who cares, if they trilane have not a good " roaming " material in theyr supports than they again lost the fucking game cause they will stuck safe lane , and thats it its again 1 lane win 2 lost, cause this is the meta of roaming , they win games, its not coincidence that gh is almost 10k he could never be that high playing pos 4, if it was not for the current meta.


                      u hide in trees on first wave and check items and wait till every enemy hero is on the map.....if u feel like they will play a more passive game of pulling and zoning then pull ur creeps to the enemy hard u farm safely undertower and get a few levels if you are someone like timber or sk then u can repeat till u are lvl 5 and enemy is lvl 2 or smthn and then u can actually get a kill....
                      however if they are here to kill you ...then if you are playing a hero who is mainly there for the solo xp then its ok to hide in the trees for xp/grab bounties and take lasthits when wave pushes....however if your target is to farm a blink or some big item then just iron talon jungle while collecting bounties and lasthitting when wave pushes to you
                      or yeah fuck that get lc or es and spam q ez lane

                      Szczeniarz Brzeczyszcyski

                        Bristleback or Centaur. Undying is pretty good too, you will be stealing strength from 3 guys at a time if you build soul ring, and whatever you do, build a magic wand.


                          im so fucking autistic i missed the question and answered something completely different ....hope it helps tho op

                          Story Time

                            btw is the ranged carry much different from a non ranged carry? Does that make a bigger threat to you in lane?


                              its just that most offlaners are melee so its easier to get harassed....also they lasthit from safe distance so it gets a bit harder to try to kill them without getting into a bad position^


                                If you want to stay on lane then BB or Undying. Undying is the best hero against triplelanes. Most versatile is SK and Centaur since u can just jungle with it. BB and undying doesnt give much crowd controll if your mates dont have any disables.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Solo Undying is horrible. He doesn't achieve anything by going to the offlane alone. He can't farm. He can't harass anybody. Not dying doesn't mean shit. You can't go jungle either. But you can run him in a duo with Necro/Lich.


                                    ^ With undy u keep enemy's supports attention while other lanes are easier to dominate. As an offlaner you are supposed to get xp and not die most of the times. You can alway ask for rotation.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      But you won't. Undying can't even 1v1 properly against most ranged carries. Yes you would get farm in a 1v1 lane but their supports will do w/e they want.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Bristle is ok if they are really passive cus you just soak xp, if you get a couple levels on their supports you can dive and kill them with quill spray.


                                          solo off vs 3, carry is ranged? Undying, but he's a traditional offlaner, not in it for the farm, just there to survive and soak xp. maybe Bara, if you're feeling more aggressive.


                                            Most offlaners can handle trilanes, it just depends on the trilanes
                                            If it's a ranged carry trilane then np will do good, if they have a lot of melee then axe, bat, or smth is good
                                            It just depends on the lane imo


                                              Most offlaners can handle trilanes, it just depends on the trilanes
                                              If it's a ranged carry trilane then np will do good, if they have a lot of melee then axe, bat, or smth is good
                                              It just depends on the lane imo

                                              ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                                                Legion commander

                                                lone dog

                                                  Yeah sorry trash offlane heroes but it's time stop living in the stone age.
                                                  Solo offlane winter wyvern is the offlaner of the future and your answer to free mmr and easy games.
                                                  6-0 so far and games have never been easier.