General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ritalin effect ur games?

Is ritalin effect ur games? in General Discussion

    Recently I take 20ml ritalin half an hour before I play Dota but my winrate stayed same as before is there any instruction to use effectively?


      You can take phenelzine or isocarboxazid in combination with ritalin for better results

      Notice: Don't take that serious though, taking those in combination with ritalin can lead to a fatal drug interaction. Why are you even looking for such advice here.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        Why would you want to take any form of drugs to improve your performance when that boost will last temporarily and will not help you improve.
        Besides ritalin gets addictive and if you constantly take it your overall performance will decrease. So please this is just a game, stay safe and just have fun :)
        But if you do take it stray hydrated.


          Dang my performance would Increase a lot if I took that . But all it does it make you think faster so if you think stupid thoughts faster you will not improve anyways .


            ^that is generally a very good point


              how good is ritalin/adderall for sdtudying/exams btw ?

              Low Expectations

                >be 2k
                >cant climb cuz teammates holding you down
                >why watch videos and review replays to improve teammates holding me down
                >become drugaddict stay 2k

                Jay the Bird

                  i heard vaping helps you concentrate and makes you look cool as well!!


                    Drugs don't effect everyone the same especially those , however to answer your question most people would be able to do a lot longer studying sessions by taking these stimulants . Also if you are tired you will have more efficient study time in addition to being able to last longer . You will crash off it though so once it leaves your system you may need some extra sleep or just take it every day . I personally don't like these meds , however if you had something super important to do I understand taking it . So doesn't make much sense to take for casual gaming , however if you are a pro with lots of money on the line it would be worth it unless you have heart problems since these drugs increase heart rate and blood pressure .