General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i git good in solo mmr

how do i git good in solo mmr in General Discussion

    title says all

    explain to me in detail pls im too lazy to analyze my own replays


      stop playing heros you're bad with (>50%winrate)


        play support and everyone will love you .


          i'm just gonna end it here, no matter what anyone is gonna tell you:

          there's no holy grail that will make you pro overnight, you're asking the same question as ''how do i finish school without ever opening a textbook''

          TikTok Deangerous

            Persistence my young friend


              Masterbating to replays of miracle .

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                go carry like PA, Magina, Jug, Lc. All good for boost ur MMR bro, if you in tbd match i guess better play party with ur friend MMR > 4 K so u get high party MMR TBD, and u can go solo MMR. Better u do it from 1st match in normal match party with ur friend who has MMR >4 K. I Guess is work to get VHS.