General Discussion

General DiscussionSpirit Breaker

Spirit Breaker in General Discussion


    I am thinking about spamming SB but don't have much expierience with the hero.
    Is it good for MMR boost?
    Players worth analysing?




        thinking too much actually harms when playing sb
        same for lich


          if you're not familiar with roaming dont do it, youll just overextend and feed all lanes


            ^thats exactly what you are meant to do with a spirit breaker


              just press Q and scream on mic MOOOOOO
              many times saw sb players do that and rape


                Max W first

                Potato Marshal

                  QEWQEREEQQQ is my usual skill build. Echo's overrated, much better to go shadowblade after your wand, urn, and treads.


                    Cant help you with much as am new to dota and at my games i can charge through the mid laner and still get a gank off.

                    I found a top sb player according to opendota.

                    Hes plays him a lot and recently as well.


                    Cant find him on dotabuff.

                    Hope it helps.

                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                      very good vs low hp enemies.
                      good when your mid has enough nuke dmg to do when you gank (same with your safelaners)
                      good vs certain heroes like sniper to shut down early or furion to gank on his ratting and ,,,
                      a bit bad vs heavy stunners, and bloodseeker cuz of rupture

                      i build EQQEEREWWWWRQQR cuz i prefer more bash on ganks than more charge speed or a bit longer stun


                        hmmm......the only thing this hero has to do with using the upper half of ur knowing how to force tps somewhere then gank another weak lane+guessing support movement.....otherwise u can play him with ur feet and win.


                          You can literally play the hero with one hand. Assign the charge and nether strike skills to mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons and you're good to go. I go bash first, charge, get a level in the 2nd, max bash, then charge. It's nice to play SB but you need to know how to roam, since the actual hero is fairly easy to play.