General Discussion

General DiscussionSiltbreaker Act I 30 Star Try

Siltbreaker Act I 30 Star Try in General Discussion

    Yo ma bois,

    I got pretty late into the whole Siltbreaker thing so I missed the stream of people who tryed to finish it with 30 Stars or at least get all the 3 Stars from each Zone.
    Long Story short, I am missing 3 Zones: Omnis, Desert and Sand King for all zones to be covered with 3 stars.

    I would ask a friend for help but none of them play SB.

    The Rewards tab said the whole Compendium thing ends in less than 16 days so now seems a reasonable time to finish this.

    If noone replies I will just get one of the last 4 Heroes I still didn't win Act 1 with and probably start playing Act 2 to get all the achievements from it.

    Alternatively you can use this thread to gather up people you can play with even for smaller things like getting 3 stars on the Fire Traps(what a lot of people have problems with) and similar stuff.

    Also, if you want you can ask me questions, I can't promise I will answer them since I am not really active on this forum anymore.


      I have 30 stars and victories on all 14 heroes in Act I. I have 2 stars on half of the quests and 3 stars on the other half in Act II. I would like to party up and play but been having issues with my laptop and it's been at the service guy for the past week. I expect to get it back on Monday and then would be glad to party up and play.

      Just to confirm, getting 30 stars in total on all 10 quests is easy but 30 stars on one run is a lot harder. If you're asking for the latter, I will state right now itself, to approach it with a patient mindset and not give up every time someone dies or we don't 3 star on zone. Even a flawed run can be a learning experience and will help you perform better in the next run. I have too many bad experiences with pub players quitting in the first zone itself or being toxic because someone dies unintentionally.

      If you're interested, add me, and we'll play when I'm back into the game.

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        I'd like to join in as well if it's okay. Have got most 3 stars on act I except omni and buzzick capt. Havent done much act II though.

        I just want the full 3 star on all stage without considering the amount of runs. Though it would be great if 30 stars in 1 run is possible.


          Just an update.
          I have managed to play the second one and have to admit that it is good. It wasn't that hard since I have all the items necessary from silt 1.
          The problem for me right now is that I am waiting for 10+ minutes to find a silt1 match so it will become even harder to try the 30 star run.
          Lets try one more time with this on top of the forum to see if someone is interested in teaming up.


            bump of any use?


              I would have liked to play but unfortunately it's been 3 weeks since my laptop is not functioning and I haven't been able to play any Dota. Future prospects don't look good either. RIP potential final month battle pass rewards.


                well the battle pass is over in like a week so yeah...


                  update from the battlefield: playing anything this weekend is cancer


                    I'm gonna play for a few hours tomorrow late afternoon/early evening GMT +5:30. Silt + pubs.