General Discussion

General DiscussionViper Solar Crest

Viper Solar Crest in General Discussion
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    Dire Wolf

      where's the solar crest? you sold it?

      I used to build it sometimes, stacking with phase boots and nethertoxin it's a ton of dmg. But now I rush maelstrom so I can't fit it in.


        what's a bkb?


          Shit wrong game posted lmao
          I fixed it this is the correct game link

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            pretty obvious item for him doe
            not new meta or anything

            Riguma Borusu

              It's actually pretty amazing on viper. The buildup is great, you benefit from all components and the active since you want to get in and hit shit, and it's really fucking cheap for what it does.

              It also lets you wreck ancients since they are pretty weak to -armor. So it's not too shabby even as a semi-farming oriented item.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                Yeah, solar is legit on litterally every single hero in the game, expect maybe techies)

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Solar Crest is a very good item on every hero almost, there are very little ways to counter evasion in the game and even if people buy MKB, forcing them to buy a 5k item to partially counter (you still get the bonus armor and you can use it offensively) your 2.6k gold item is a huge victory in itself.

                  < blank >

                    You can counter solar crest with another solar crest, not even kidding

                    Dire Wolf

                      and you stacked it with slardar's ult. Seems really good if you're going for early fighting viper. For farming viper still need that maelstrom. I guess you could get both and then rock some expensive items like treads, solar crest, maelstrom, hurricane pike, bloodthorn, butterfly.


                        I don't see why you'd ever go maelstrom on viper though. Not like you're farming on the hero anyway. I'd much rather get an early phase/drums/wind lace/aquila/yasha and start running shit down. Solar crest after that seems like the most legit way to play the hero


                          Shadow blade is good


                            Its good coz Viper has good magic resistance but not good armour. Atleast not until the level 25 talent. Also helps both ways, aggressively and defensively. Although its not as strong as before since it can be countered by just buying one yourself. They basically cancel each other out.

                            Btw you won that game because you had a super aggressive lineup against an extremely greedy, farm oriented one. I'm pretty sure the enemy team forced an offlane enigma into the jungle with a Riki on your side and forced him to buy sentries and wards rather than Midas into BKB. Typical.

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              We rolled over them in 25 min with me and Riki godlike


                                Riki tried rupture ganking me 1v2 with invoker and they both died

                                basement :)

                                  Considering Viper has a 54% win rate, it might be time to spam him.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    a solar crest cast on an enemy target with a solar crest basically removes only 7% evasion (but balances the armor bonus to zero)

                                    the accuracy mechanic works really well only against high miss chances like windrun, smokescreen and axes, in other cases it's pretty meh