General Discussion

General Discussionspamming heroes

spamming heroes in General Discussion

    good pos 1/2 heroes to spam this patch


      spam your invoker
      select 4-5k, filter by winrate


        Invoker xD

        Shadow Moses

          If you wanna carry by yourself

          Pro : Meepo, Invoker
          Med : SF, TB
          Newbie : Viper

          Tinker is good but if u believe with ur carry...

          Pump Cultist

            troll seems legit at the moment me thinks

            < blank >


              死の恐怖 Haseo

                mid pudge


                  DPS Nature's Prophet because everyone always think that he is just going to push with the +4 minions talent and the 2x minion health and dmg talents. They really aren't expecting nor do they really know how to deal with a full on DPS build on NP.

                  Just push less and gank and teamfight more...




                      My mother


                        Viper (orb walk and win your lane. the only way viper loses mid is if you suck or you get ganked 3v1)

                        SB (when you suck but can gank the shit outta the opponents and still have an impact)

                        Underlord (farm greaves and organize the sheep on your team to push. As long as they didn't get pooped on in their respective lanes, the enemy team will crumble thanks to -40% damage output

                        Sven (Cuz very hard to lose with Sven. Just don't do retarded shit like not getting bkb).

                        Necro (Built in meka, ghost sceptre, radiance, and dagon 5. what else do you need?)


                          in 1k: spam void with items : MoM, Diff.Blade, Manta, Mkb (if needed), Bkb


                            Forget about patch.
                            Spam your T.A
                            you're good with her and she's a good stomper.


                              TBH just spam a hero who isn't complete dogshit that ur good at.
                              Meta position shouldn't matter too much as long as ur not rlly horrible at the hero and the hero isn't last place in the meta u shud be fine.


                                Theres no such thing as pos1,2,3,4,5

                                In SEA, theres only 4 players pos1(one of them afk jungle till 20-30minutes) and 1 player pos5

                                Or maybe 5 man pos1


                                  I think in 1-2k u can win 90% of ur games with sky/monkey mid


                                    Visage mid because of the crazy power spike when you reach lvl 6


                                      i am good at am but is he good for spamming?


                                        ANY hero that can do almost all of these
                                        ability to fight in all stages, sustain, escape, splitpush, flashfarm. Also it's fine if he's not meta but if he's really far from meta then dont

                                        For me slark's doing fine


                                          Am is fine if you don't suck but I recommend having at least 2 other Heroes as AM is quite situational.


                                            Just don't first pick AM unless you're trying to challenge yourself


                                              ^or you are already mentally challenged


                                                Oh wait, i first pick am


                                                  Troll and Bloodseeker

                                                  never seen sun rises

                                                    bloodseeker mid
                                                    if your enemy have solo offlane than sven, troll ez win
                                                    if its dual than jugger is fine
                                                    offlane is very situational i think
                                                    and support, roam - sb


                                                      Jakiro mid lane - works everytime!