General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you low mmr people not understand how to win the game

how do you low mmr people not understand how to win the game in General Discussion

    not knowing what items to build or WHY you actually build them

    not knowing the importance of contributing to the team aka helping to gank or defending at the expense of your farm

    you can be a 3-5-4 offlaner and have contributed more to your teams success than the 8-0-3 carry, your kdr isnt important, whats important is understanding which of your actions provided any actual benefit to the team

    i've seen carries rat instead of joining and when we eventually win the hard game they're like "carried u scrubs", no if you joined teamfights using all the farm you acquired from the space WE made, we'd have won earlier

    etc etc

    that was why bh was cancer at one point of time at 5k plus because u instapicked him and ruined enemy mid lane, even when u end up under levelled and no kills you win your team the game


      Because... low mmr.


        you gotta understand that this game is basically made to make people learn it wrong.

        there's nothing guiding you except the constant sounds of your announcer complementing you when you're high kill

        annoying you when you're feeding or losing towers.

        basically making people become afraid of learning it properly


          if you created this post then your dumb.


            'i've seen carries rat instead of joining and when we eventually win the hard game they're like "carried u scrubs", no if you joined teamfights using all the farm you acquired from the space WE made, we'd have won earlier

            AMEN to this


              i've seen supports bitch about not joining a fight when they tried to force a 5v5 into an enemy with way better teamfight then proceed to flame the carry for ratting instead of dying with them.


                there are many ways to win the games. if you are better at team fighting, you are more likely to group up. if you are better at splitting enemies up and getting objectives, you are more likely to let your team suffer while u take objectives.

                it's all about perspective. play style matters a lot. there are many complex decisions and outcomes, and the trade-offs are usually not that clear. every decision has a risk and a reward. hence some ppl who are better at taking objectives may see team fighting as higher risk (and choose to avoid those decisions).

                heck as long as it is winning games.


                  Not that it actually matters. people are too
                  dumb and too lazy to learn.

                  Yesterda I had an offlaner slardar rushing maelstrom, getting blink at minute 40. This to counter a PL. Wasting his powerspike and giving the PL all the time to get fat. paired with a jakiro
                  that doesnt level ice path because it doesnt do damage.

                  other game a luna that
                  a. didnt read patchnotes for half a year and build
                  b. didnt actuall use the item to stack ancients

                  Venge carry with yasha and crystalis, who the f even buys defensive items like BKB, does no damage so its for noobs.

                  even at 2.9k people have 0 clue how to play dota, all they do is run around like headless chickens amd afk farming jungle.
                  5 enemies taking top tower? naah grouping up and taking their bot tower, waiting for them to TP in (100% 2 of enemies have no TP's) is dumb, just afk farm all game. towers will magically destroy themselves.

                  The only reason why the cringe hasnt given me cancer yet is because i play int ranked and just yolo with all hero challenge picks


                    FFS how do you get highest lvl as shadow shaman, only one with TD, and higher HD then your offlaner?
                    playing support is just asking to loose games

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Not saying that this doesn't happen but I had countless situation where I went highground with aegis, guaranteed to take a set a rax, they stayed behind me, and suddenly my team abandoned me to farm when a teamfight happened, all of them had every fucking spell ready and 80%+ hp, now tell me, would you trust people to just go force objectives afterwards?

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Also I would rather afk farm and take objectives on my own than 5 manning with retards who doesn't even know force staff/mek/solar crest/glimmer/vlad exists to sustain your carry for sieging highground

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          It's also not my fault if there was one guy diving 1v3 and the rest of the team tunnel visioned and joined in because "Omg teamfight!!!" although the fight was obviously bad (vision disadvantage, they have big teamfight spell ready, cooldown, etc) and making a feed chain except for myself



                            idk where youre going with this but i know various playstyles can lead to winning

                            hence my post stating sometimes its necessary to sacrifice farm to rotate even if youre carry/mid or whatever, people lack the simple capability of UNDERSTANDING the game

                            like what actions helped or did not help your team

                            im not complaining about elo hell or anything like bad teammates (they are less frequent the higher you go) but im more curious as to how these people play thousands of games of dota and dont know anything about it

                            cuz im currently playing on a smurf since this account is restricted and holy shit (fuck calibration only am at 4k flat) are the people here horrible and it pains me im going to have to grind up

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                              Solo MMR

                              Party MMR

                              can you blame him? he doesn't even know anything.

                              Forget me not

                                Because sometimes people just play for some fun at video game, not to understand everything there are about dota,
                                Just the different perspective of the person playing it. You are 5 random people grouping up together in your team, but not all have the same mindset of how winning game, that's why communication and coordination is very important, and a PMA is too needed if you really want to win your game.


                                  jacked is 3.6k he just doesn't show his mmr on his profile

                                  i mean just look at his recent games, dear god

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    Anyone sane or doesn't have their eye blinded by their ego would know that jacked is 3.5k at least right now

                                    -DI- TheDrengr

                                      I just win


                                        @Last Order

                                        i think its essential to grasp the depth of the activity you're committing hundreds/thousands of hours into for it to actually be enlightening or to enjoy it to its max potential

                                        you know what i see?

                                        its like if dota was a yoyo instead of a game

                                        1k-3k is like treating the yoyo as a frisbee or something instead of an actual yoyo, then 4k they roll it up and down like 5 year old kids do and 5k onwards people actual start learning tricks and 6k onwards people are actually good

                                        i guess technically its possible to have fun with the yoyo no matter what youre doing but it feels counter productive

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                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            whats the purpose of the thread


                                              its for questioning the intelligence of the general dota populace


                                                hence my post stating sometimes its necessary to sacrifice farm to rotate even if youre carry/mid or whatever, people lack the simple capability of UNDERSTANDING the game
                                                like what actions helped or did not help your team

                                                you could well have been absolutely right about a particular strategic decision in the game. but maybe u are not giving credit enough to how a certain trade-off helped your team in the long run (you losing a few heroes but gaining map control because of ur carry splitpushing).

                                                but anyway, im just talking in the general sense, where sometimes the outcome or risk/reward is not always so CLEAR. Heck, you may think u know what you're doing in a 4k game. but ask a 7k to watch it and he might kill himself.

                                                and then u have things like this:

                                                id say the same about quite a few 7ks

                                                DOta is not straightfoward jesus. everyone thinks they know something more about the game than others. even 7ks who play dota very efficiently are not always gonna come to the same conclusion about a strategic decision, because playstyle and heros matter.

                                                and HABIT MATTERS. some ppl just play out of habit and are more likely to splitpush rather than fight. how can you not know this about Dota? not saying you are wrong about the decision, just saying there are multiple ways to reach the same outcome. maybe you are the one who doesn't understand the game as well as u think?

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