General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion for Dota player

Question for Dota player in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    Why do you play Dota?
    Do you set goal that you want to achieve?


      To have fun.


        To get virtual number


          To kill time

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I wanna be the very best


              Its a game that I have started since wc3 and its the only one that I kept going back to, as it does not require an upkeep of time commitment and money.

              Back in the early years where 4k mmr was considered a really decent tier my goal was to hit a 4k, only managed to achieved it early this year after years of inactivity. I decided to quit mmr due to time constraints and play only for leisure with friends, especially during battle passes seasons to help them clear quests. Current goal is to help my 2k friend clear as many quests as possible.


                I play dota cuz i dont have friends.

                Bosnian Blade

                  i heard u need to catch m all
                  so im here for that.


                    To have big epenis to cover up my failure in real life

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      I play Dota because it is fun, addicting, and never gets old.

                      The competitive scene gives it even more appeal, and the fact that it keeps growing each year makes being a good player worth-while.

                      I want to be the best I can be, and since this game is highly competitve, I love to be faced with challenges and set goals.

                      I wish to some day make it pro and play my very absolute best to acheive that goal.

                      I love facing players that kick my ass, because it forces me to be a better player and improve my faults and then I await the rematch to see if I kick their ass the next time.

                      This game grows in popularity each year. Dota is literally nerd version of American Football.

                      It is nice to find a fellow dota player and never shutting up about this, that, and other things and sharing memes and jokes that people that do not play dota would never understand in 2 million years.

                      tp;dr I play for fun, and for competitve.


                        I play dota because every single match is different,there is no single game where it was boring

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          :hide: I feel embarrassed I gave a serious answer in a meme thread. :hide:

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            I play dota because every single match is different,there is no single game where it was boring

                            Very true.

                            And if you get bored of a hero or playstyle, there are many, many, many others to choose from that make the possibilities endless.


                              Seriously tho, I really enjoy games that are competitive and have fair gameplay enviroment, and dota is basically a game where it happens and the complexity, dynamic mechanics, and skill cap that enables someone to outplay the enemy team without them knowing how the fuck he got outplayed or even know that he got outplayed in the first place is amazing


                                I dont get time to hang out with my friends in real life, so I play dota with them over mic :P


                                  I'm bored and I don't want to try playing other multiplayer online games.


                                    not playing Dota is not living

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      memes and fun

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        not playing Dota is not living

                                        You're not wrong.


                                          I used to play for fun, now there's no fun anymore considering that most of my friend don't play anymore, so I just play with random people (automatic pilot) , so.. is not that fun like it used to be.
                                          I actually enjoy the most watching tournaments.

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                          also jdf8

                                            to remove myself from other irl shit that was happening


                                              Is that what it takes t get 6k? Xd


                                                I'm poor


                                                  Reach high mmr to play with my idol


                                                    To at least play with some pro lol


                                                      to become the best player in the world




                                                          I want to become pro so I can crush BSJ and become immortalized in the history of doto.

                                                          I can’t believe its not h...

                                                            Because LoL sucks

                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                              To prove myself i aint shit.

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                I play Dota 2 whenever there's not another game I'm interested in at the moment. I just finished Persona 5 so now I'm back to Dota again.

                                                                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                                  Because arc warden has taken over the world


                                                                    Relax from work and study


                                                                      Now you think of it I never came there to have fun I just came there to smurf and sell also create my account.


                                                                        which I can't create an account that has 20-0 to 100-0 on every account. the noobs keeps leaving and the game ends in 15 mins all left only me is there I tried to fountain farm it worked and still I got a 6-0 and create another account that has my name on it

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          Is that what it takes t get 6k? Xd

                                                                          i didnt climb fast until i fixed myself anyway

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            the x axis is misleading. i played about 20 games between august 2015 and august 2016