General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre ultra late game

Spectre ultra late game in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    What do you get super late like 7 slotted on spec 50 mins into the game? I know standard builds are phase/treads, radiance, manta, heart, butterfly. Not sure if diffusal is still a go to or not. Ultra late though does radiance lose it's usefulness when teams start getting mkb? Or would you keep it and get a refresher for backpack? It just seems like sometimes you need some single target burst to drop opposing carries and spectre doesn't have great burst. But building daedulus or something on spec also seems retarded so idk. A guy on my team last night said I should sell it but they had enigma and sand king with blink I wanted to disrupt so I kept it.

    Diffusal is a very nice mid game item, and late diffusal 2 is pretty good too but does it belong in a final build? Same with manta, but I think the move speed and still that pickoff power with illusions and desolate is worth keeping it. I also can't decide on skadi. Skadi plus abyssal plus heart seems like not nearly enough dmg, but heart seems a lot better than skadi cus you can back up and regen and reenter fight full on hp.

    And abyssal, so good for lockdown, so good for tanking damage on spec, but again it's a big trade off in right click power. I had a build of boots of travels, radiance, manta, heart, butterfly, abyssal, and was really tanky and did a lot of aoe dmg, but in a group fight or 1v1 vs this TA with mkb she still wrecked my face if I didn't abyssal stun her. I guess that's not spectres job though, not a 1v1 hero.

    -would you ever drop radiance in a late game situation for more right click dmg like daedulus/mkb/mjollnir or tower dmg like ac?
    -skadi vs abyssal or neither?
    -build/keep diffusal?
    -talent wise when would you ever take spectral dagger cooldown over 400 hp? Dagger has a +1% win rate though.


      Drop rad if you dont need pushing and make divines for team


        SK and enigma ue blink to jump on you. Your radiance wont save you..

        See this game which went an hour longer than it should have:

        You build radiance to jump a ti ker or invoker with blink and even then, they have a half second or so before the burn procs the blink dagger cooldown

        Dire Wolf

          why are you linking a brood mother game with no spectre in it? How is that relevant?

          Spectre has haunt. You open every team fight with haunt and blinkers can't get in position. My game enemy team got blink on sk and enigma. They also had a dk and ta who often go blink but they didn't. It's 3k so idk if they were thinking of radiance when they skipped blink, but haunt radiance makes it a pretty worthless item so good for them they didn't build it. As it was enigma could never get off good ults without getting interrupted cus we also has silencer and disruptor and he had to walk up to ult us everytime so it was so obvious.


            in super late scenarios i would keep BoTs on backpack abd refresher in base or cor for the sake of cd, from then on it's not discussable really...
            i would choose abyssal over skadi if team lacks enough lockdown or there's something like a storm against you, if lockdowns are enough i wouldnt even make vangaurd early. eye is the choice then.
            keep manta almost defintely.
            again diffusal depends on team's skills and slows and disables and if anything is worth purging on enemy.
            about radi i would sell it if i have nothing else to sell or we're against megas and mjolnir works better for me. it's like the first item to sell after u have BoTs on backpack probably :thinking: and i like a bloodthorne lategame to ulti into bloodthorne heroes that cant deal with silence in fights. if mkb needs to be purchased on her it would be bought earlier than this point of the game dont u agree? cant not have bkb against pa/butterfly cores till u have 7 items can u?

            so something like a :
            +bots on backpack
            +refresher in base/cor


              Moon shard(consumed), butterfly, manta, hot, skadi, abyssal, bloodthorne. Boots, bkb, refresher on backpack

              Livin' Real Good

                Travels, Manta style, Radiance, Diffusal blade level 2, Butterfly, Heart. (Consumed Moonshard) If travels are in your backpack, probably Abyssal blade.

                I don't know. o_o Those are usually the go to items for me, probably wrong though. It's just insane how much damage a radiance + diffusal haunt does (and desolate) like radiance haunts are one thing, but diffusal being added into the equation is insane how much damage it does, almost as if it autowins fights.


                  Radi BoT refresher on backpack, radi only for haunt/occasional wave pushing steroid

                  GRANT MACDONALD

                    Why link a brood game? Because the comment was made that radiance somehow counters enigma. Our slark bought it and was entirely useless for the mid game

                    Dire Wolf

                      1 radiance on slark is fucking terrible
                      2 no one would know that without clicking on build details and looking for it
                      3 you never said slark built it. I actually thought you were saying you built it on brood cus that's more normal
                      4 spectre has haunt so can disable blinks easily

                      Dire Wolf

                        Does everyone put boots in their backpack now? Seems like you'd be too slow to hit anything on a melee hero.

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Just use butterfly's flutter if you need the move speed to get around, then in an actual fight decide if you need move speed or evasion, solves that problem.

                          Erase Humanity

                            With abyssal+diffusal+butterfly+moonshard you could simply chain stun your enemy. Be aware of the fact that illusions gain desolate, burn, mana burn, agility and attack speed but not bonus damage and bash. So building stats items is more reasonable than building DPS items.


                              Deadelus actually increases your dps a lot because it affects your illusions. I always get it super late game


                                Butterfly>bot on lategame, bot just for tele


                                  when i think spec late game, i always think refresher.

                                  Alcoholic Milf

                                    I did the maths;

                                    For combat items - Skadi, Butterfly, Manta, Abyssal, AC and Daedalus/Bloodthorn
                                    For waveclear - Radiance or Mjollnir, obviously in backpack
                                    Other backpack items - BoTs, Refresher. Heart is good only for the regen, in terms of EHP it's less effective than Skadi.

                                    With that setup, you're looking at 2.5k dps to a 0 armour target, with 27k EHP against physical damage.
                                    3875 HP, hitting for 185+100 with an attack speed of 0.40. 42.8 armour, for a total of 72% physical resistance. Unlike a lot of melee carries, you can fight without boots because Haunt allows instant jumps, and Dagger, Abyssal and Skadi make it incredibly difficult to kite you... even then, you're constantly dispersing damage.


                                      I would only get refresher as 5th item if they have xxxratmeisterxxx heroes or annoying HG shitfucks and I need more haunt uptime to lock him down (sniper)
                                      Only happened once

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