General Discussion

General Discussionember offlane

ember offlane in General Discussion
Not Saske

    since ember change to magic burst and dps hero, i was thinking about ember offlane, like phoenix offlane with veil, is it good?

    i never play ember before, but i'm interesting with magic ember.

    my early build shoe -> urn -> arcane -> veil -> dagger/linken/shiva/radiance?

    still crafting for a better build.

    and, is there any tips for the skills build, or how to use chain while slashing?
    is it about timing and practice? or there is easy way to do it?


      He needs a ton of lvls

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        He's gonna die a lot in offlane unless dou-offlane


          Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

          casual gamer

            He needs a ton of lvls


              He needs tons of gold

              casual gamer



                  Not viable at all.


                    No reliable escape till 6 , no reliable harass vs duo/trilane


                      he needs a ton of gold and levels, he's agility and has no escape pre lvl 6

                      meaning against any competent supports, you won't be able to come even close to the lane and get even exp.

                      meaning you'll be severely underleveled and useless


                        Pretty sure its good in term of losing the game


                          ur on the low tier so everything can work


                            found this guy on my match all that he do is farming under twr and if got pushed hes jungling, but enemy didnt harras him too since they always gank mid

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