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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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    2k indog monkey

      I think void is going to be under the radar in 6.89

      2k indog monkey

        I fapped to Luna AMA

        D the Superior
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            Luna easily has the best ass in doto



                2k indog monkey

                  But Lina is litterally the hottest girl in DOTA2


                    There is no argument. Luna has BY FAR the best ass.


                      how is no one online right now


                        calling all seatards. heed your emperor's call. i really need to play that support sven. prettysure sven has to be played greedy. so im gona leach all xp and take 25% of cs


                          I'm shifting homes so I won't be a me to play for 4 more hours


                            Support Sven? Go offlane, boots, blink, Vlad's, force, aghs. Late game ac.


                              Maybe u cud safe support. But ask for a ranged carry then, and get oov and windlace and run at people.


                                I guess maxing stun and warcry is the way to go on support Sven?

                                2k indog monkey

                                  Yes its my idea
                                  Urn drum vlad solar crest force staff seems good imo

                                  2k indog monkey

                                    I suggest not taking cleave and max stats instead for maximum slavery

                                    2k indog monkey

                                      I'll play tomorrow jacked
                                      We will go dual supp sven and CK

                                      2k indog monkey

                                        13131313242224 seems okay for support sven
                                        ODish skillbuild

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          yeah, luna has no real hard counters. maybe except pl but she can handle him once her glaives start doing damage

                                          you should never pick tb early. i guarantee there will be magical nukers in the enemy team

                                          slark is kinda ok. when no one picks in my team i go pick slark first. some dudes pick bs thinking he's a great counter imo he's only a counter when you get low. your shadow dance active gives your true invisibility or some shit, which means you can safely heal and disengage. i think cm and lc are the real counters tho

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            i still think when you are roaming any hero you should get soul ring + tranqs


                                              Slark butt rapes cm


                                                Evan I agree with ur build, but urn is not needed and blink is. For ck just go roaming with oov, mango, windlace. Max rift then stun. Build into bottle, drums, solar crest.


                                                  i think arc boots + wind lace + few smokes are better

                                                  tranq soul ring has almost the same cost as arc boots anyway, and the ability to give mana to ur team is always great

                                                  not to mention arc has two great support buildups: lens and greaves while tranq soul ring has no buildup at all


                                                    cm rofl what haffy

                                                    when is cm ever a threat to slark

                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                      CM only has ONE FUCKING disable against slark and its a fucking single target disable
                                                      CM easily dies to a boots gg branch slark

                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                        LC and AM are the real counters
                                                        But you won't see a retard AM crushing a retard slark so we can take AM out since only my enemies remember getting destroyed by a good AM in 2k MMR
                                                        Any idiot can go jungle for 10 minutes unpunished and press R after activating blade mail on a fish

                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                          @daddy clarity seems good on roaming CK
                                                          Mango regen isn't enough to sustain spinning around the map rifting people


                                                            Lc is a soft counter cuz linkens is an item and it isn't too bad on slark. Am is a hard counter cuz if slark goes orchid/bloodthorn then oh shit manta, and blink always reks pounce. Plus he can blink to keep up with slark. However IMO the best heroes against slark are void and storm. Storm cannot be killed, and neither can void. One dilation and slark becomes a large melee creep, and chrono shits on him hard. Storm can just explode slark before he can fucking blink in the mid game.


                                                              If ur roaming, then clarity means u can't actually go on people while its active. Instant mana is better. Plus with oov and windlace and cks high DMG and high move speed u won't always need stun for every gank.

                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                Yea I forgot about void and storm
                                                                Slark is a shitty BKB carrier and he won't be getting hex or abyssal that quick, even if he does he would be sacrificing damage for disable and void/storm doesnt give a shit about missing 10 stats

                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                  Mid game items on CK are magic stick, arcane, urn, the what? Give some suggestions
                                                                  Maybe pike? Raw stats and an upgrade from force staff?


                                                                    so luckily i can play one last game today (my bro slept and he sleeps for A LONG TIME)

                                                                    tho idk, should i play solo ranked on this account or on my 1.5k account

                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                      Your 1.5k acc
                                                                      So I wont be the 3k SEA benao


                                                                        fuk u kid


                                                                          i cant even use that acc for practice, the difficulty of the games are the same as playing bots goddamn


                                                                            if u want to practice all u have to do is ask and i'll lend u my vhs account


                                                                              MOC maybe good on ck. What about euls?, the mana regen and extramana should help if you are going to be ganking and using your spells and it builds up from windlace

                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                Drums > euls man
                                                                                CK has no skillshot to synergize with eul or needs the defensive purge ability, his stun is enough to set up kills
                                                                                Arcane is enough to sustain his mana I think, not to mention the little bit mana regen from urn

                                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                                  Not to mention the 10 minute OD rampage but I found a match when stacking with johann and clement right after it

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    The difference between 1500 and 2000 is actually quite huge although both are equally cancerous


                                                                                      Ayy this real name meme has gone out of hands


                                                                                        i fucking suck at farming



                                                                                          getting this kind of farm in 1k is unforgivable


                                                                                            If you actuslly think TB can only be played AM style then you're doing it wrong
                                                                                            You either eat towers or farm


                                                                                              Ayy anyone playing?


                                                                                                welcome to 1k let me be your guide


                                                                                                  lag is tilting me so hard. i wanna tear my isp a new butthole so bad