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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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    2k indog monkey

      It's TIMMY TIME
      Timmy, It's Timmy
      He's the little lamb with a lot to learn
      Timmy, It's Timmy
      He's a handful of trouble at every turn

      Timmy leaves the farm and goes out into the world
      Trying to be cool, He's number one!
      He joins all his friends on the big adventure
      And He's always having such a lot of fun

      Timmy, It's Timmy
      He's the little lamb with a lot to learn
      Timmy, It's Timmy
      He's a handful of trouble at every turn
      And He's always having such a lot of fun

      Timmy, It's Timmy
      He's the little lamb with a lot to learn

      2k indog monkey

        I unintentionally almost got the first page

        doc joferlyn simp

          kelly slowly becoming magnus rip


            johann becoming karl now

            2k indog monkey

              I fucking hope its not you in your profile pic haffy
              If it js you, you look like an average wana indog with names like Agus or Subroto who live in cardboard boxes

              2k indog monkey

                Cardboard box*


                  why are you such a fucboi haffy

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                  2k indog monkey

                    But Kelly you had your fuckboi profile pic for like 2 months


                      This is aids


                        i immediately regret using that

                        2k indog monkey

                          Dont worry there are people who are worse than fuckbois
                          Single beta cucks who use pic of themselves with some grill as profile pictures
                          "Look im with grill look im taken i like grills ehehehe eksdee"

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                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i am using karl's face rofl fucking lmao

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              id look for bryant's face but im positive that there are a few dozen people with the same name


                                you the guy with the cape haffy?

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  pathetic, cropping out your other friends from the picture so you look like you getting da pousti


                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    heh nice bluff man, only one guy here knows my full name huehue


                                      Cambridge to Boston, lives in a world she's lost in
                                      Victim of compromise
                                      He's starin' at her Aberdeen heart, London eyes, London eyes, Glasgow bone
                                      She's a whistle in the catacombs, a paradox, paradox...

                                      He's in love with the statue in a marble block
                                      He's in love with the girl that time forgot
                                      She just shuts her ears; she's fallen too far, with salt in her scars
                                      Won't let him taste her tears; she's fallen too far; the girl that time forgot

                                      Wasted moments full of potential atonements
                                      An angel in disguise
                                      But he can see her Aberdeen heart, London eyes, London eyes, Glasgow bone
                                      She's a whistle in the catacombs, a paradox

                                      He's in love with the statue in a marble block
                                      He's in love with the girl that time forgot
                                      She just shuts her ears; she's fallen too far, with salt in her scars
                                      Won't let him taste her tears; she's fallen too far; the girl that time forgot

                                      That time forgot
                                      The girl that time forgot

                                      That time forgot

                                      You let her go, catacombs, you let her go
                                      You let her go, catacombs, you let her go

                                      She just shuts her ears; she's fallen too far, with salt in her scars
                                      Won't let him taste her tears; she's fallen too far; the girl that time forgot

                                      The girl that time forgot


                                        the one that cropped out is another girl though, the guy behind me was a creeper
                                        edit: yves said, nc cape haffy one time, and theres one guy named johann with a cape at alyssa's friendlist hmmmmm

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                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          holy fucking hell i forgot about alyssa shit


                                            If this didn't make you hard I have no words

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              i offer a truce


                                                ok, dont use my profile pic pls, go use someone elses

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                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  well i got excited but a lot but not enough for me to get hard


                                                    I want to see alice though,

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      do NOT mock my battlecry


                                                        I actually popped a boner from the first time seeing this.


                                                          i got mega tilted on my timber game

                                                          that game was so fucking winnable, but apparently my shift button got stuck and i got stuck to shift-queueing, every move i made was delayed and i thought it was a latency issue (my ping was like 40 tho) so i kept on disconnecting to fix it, i ended up losing mid to a goddamn sf because he killed me while i was stuck scdvdgdgtjthrgrh

                                                          i swear i wouldve won that game for sure if i had 100% impact right from the beginning

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                                                            i cant fucking believe shit like this happened to me

                                                            its not my teammates, its not the draft, its nothing game-related

                                                            my fucking failure hardware lost me the game


                                                              not a whole lot you can do about that


                                                                mow im back to 3200, oh my lord

                                                                i have to win 2 games again jesus fucking christ

                                                                im so not playing any dota 2 video game today


                                                                  yeah, I also stop whenever I lose 2 games in a row
                                                                  better try again tomorrow , or just play party memer for today

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    kill party memer


                                                                      revenge shall come tomorrow


                                                                        Party memer is dead. Now only solo memer

                                                                        D the Superior
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                                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                                            I'm sure if you're not retarded you should find my face easily

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                              2k indog monkey



                                                                                  Where is dog when u need him?
                                                                                  Getting puss

                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                    Lmao haf that AM on your last jugg game
                                                                                    Buys BF before PT
                                                                                    277 LH


                                                                                      Doge is dead, we are all dead


                                                                                        I am alive though, and so is party memer and it will stay alive as long as I am alive

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                                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                                          No it's dead
                                                                                          Go play pubs and keep reseting your brain every game like how a pub player is supposed to be


                                                                                            hey once i get to 3500 im switching to carry

                                                                                            which carries can be safely first picked? so far i only know jugg and sven and maybe carry void as well

                                                                                            can u really pick tb/slark early?


                                                                                              just ban lc or am if your going to pick slark, ban sven/jug if your going tb.
                                                                                              as for now, luna is the safest carry to first pick

                                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                                I feel like I'm going to spam luna
                                                                                                She seems like to be one of the only carry that I'm great at that isn't situational, or out of the meta


                                                                                                  LUNA IS FINE


                                                                                                    JUST LIKE HER