General Discussion

General Discussionpost about dota and its hxc stuff

post about dota and its hxc stuff in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    is pretty hxc when ur team loses a teamfight inside their base, then they buyback, then they die, is like gg automatically, i am soo high dude, but i think is too far just blow away one game if this occur, and occur in majority of games, i think alot of the games are ended like this way, it should be a way less brutal and more strategic than that, like, wtf one teamfight goes wrong can cost u the game in late game so much, the hard carry can even be the only one that survive the whole teamfight after the buybacks, or maybe he died but he has buyback travel and destroy every racks jsut for that ONE difference, what do u guys think i am right or i am crazy?


      how high are you?

      Vem Comigo

        like 6 feet tall/1.85 meters