General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me! I just wanna die right now :'(

Help me! I just wanna die right now :'( in General Discussion

    I'm not improving. I'm always doing my best to win the game but I always end up loosing.
    Please give me some advice and motivation. I know I'm just a trash but I really want to improve my gameplay.
    Please please please :'(


      Why u just using very limited hero


        I can use alot of hero, but right now Im practicing mirana.


          And now no one is talking to me. I thinks it's time to die </3


            it's ok you're alot better than that trash ^^


              Smurfing doesn't help you

              LISAN AL GAIB

                U have an ok win rate, with above 55%...u want to learn mirana and thats cool. IMO get 3-5 heroes and learn them to the max, that will allow u to have a bit of versatility whenever ur teams needs and specific role.


                  if you want to improve your gameplay then actually do something about it

                  playing the game won't make you any better

                  go analyze your own and higher mmr player's gameplay


                    I know smurfing wont help. I forgot my email in my main account so I create a new one and tried to get better mmr but I ended up in the same MMR. Hahahaha. I wan't to improve! Please guide me sensei!


                      been waiting for u @🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩
                      tbh, i really dont know what to do. I always watch my replays and pro/high mmr games.
                      Years ago I play in 4K and now that I'm playing again too many changes happened. Im only 3k now :'(


                        watching is not analyzing

                        i know hundreds of people who claim they analyze their games and are stuck at some mmr

                        then i when i sat down to see their issues, none of them actually do ANY ANALYSIS

                        all they do is just reflect back onto the mistakes they did and move on.

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 so can u give me ur final advice? Ill appreciate it.


                            about what? be more specific


                              🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 improving and escaping this 3k tier.

                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                  youve only played 2 heroes COME on man


                                    Be a trash like me bruh


                                      Lol tis trash hehe


                                        another heroes ? :v

                                          Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                            Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                            Kia Boyz Leader

                                              lul meepo

                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                lp pesok #2



                                                    What did jacked and trash say?


                                                      Just normal trash talking.


                                                        Lmao. I believe I said something non offensive and generic. Like, choosing death is the easy way out. Or something like that I can't remember. Why was it removed?


                                                          Hmm so apparently suggesting suicide to someone is too offensive? even in a joking manner? lol these mods


                                                            Go ahead kys


                                                              i already told you how to improve

                                                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                You can start by watching d2bowie or Purge.


                                                                  Keep calm and move on?

                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                    yeah d2bowie actually really good channel in youtube.

                                                                    most channel about dota2 in youtube just posting some highlight from pro player, like rtz, singsing, miracle, and so on.

                                                                    only few teach us how to improving or analyze.

                                                                    relax you're doing fine channel also a good one.
                                                                    i learn a lot from this channel.


                                                                      man ur high skill gamea and u didnt once stomped fucking how
                                                                      u need to stop 2 games in row but real stomp...its very easy for high even in very high in some cases


                                                                        D2bowie actually really good at analyzing really minor things that would take ages for u to ever figure out yourself. Would recommend


                                                                          ur gpm is shit for a potm.
                                                                          alsou had no HD every siongle gam3, r u afk or wut.

                                                                          aoe hero can ezly t0p HD chart every single gam3

                                                                          i would suggesT go bak 2 ma!n acc.


                                                                            I'm doing fine now. Thankyou <3

                                                                            dead inside

                                                                              relax you will be like me in 5-10 more years from now. keep practicing, lol kidding


                                                                                D2bowie best channel
                                                                                While retards watches dota watafak 2k fail compilation, you can actually watch shit that improves yourself


                                                                                  ^ thanks mate!

                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                    Persuading someone to suicide is a crime even online. And although it may be obvious sometimes that the "victim" is joking, you still gotta consider the wee bit possibilities that he isn't and if he does... cyber crime on you. So I think the mod is doing what they have to. Don't spread darkness(in society's perception) here.
                                                                                    This is quite a radical thread, unless you seriously need help, screaming to kys is really irresponsible. I dunno why I typed long shit for this. I mean how can you die when doto is love, doto is life!