General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck do you push?

How the fuck do you push? in General Discussion
Hanamichi Sakuragi

    In a situation wherein, there is literally that one guy, the only guy that can deal damage to objectives, and at this point, we're stomping, but he doesn't want to go for objectives at highground and instead goes for random kills and runs them all down until fountain even though its obvious he can't 1 v 5 because "kills can win games Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe" RIGHT? Those kills are shiny hihihihihihihihi.
    Dominating! Double Kill! Mega Kill! Triple Kill! Unstoppable! Ultra Kill! Yay! I got 4 kills 360 gold each and I died for 2400 it's worth. Right?
    I tried buying Necronomicon 3 on a guy that doesn't usually buy it just to damage objectives yet it did no change at all means.


      U have to go with him and keep him alive if u play support. He will push when he kills everyone. Big ego man.


        You pick pusher hero
        There is a reason why ember and othr shit pusher heroes aren't popular in NS

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          if you don't know how to properly communicate like a human being to your teammates and suggest them to push

          then play heroes that can solo push like arc

          Hanamichi Sakuragi

            @Lex He dies in the end, no matter how hard I tried, and he did that 7 times.
            I bought Dagon to steal some of his "GAME WINNING KILLS".
            @bws No, our line up went perfectly fine, we reached highground 20 mins, we we're stomping so hard, but, "KILLS" roit?
            It's not like Tinker can Dagon down a tower, Zeus ult spam down a tower, Timber cut a tower, AA freeze a tower, BH shuriken a tower, Pudge hook a tower, Lion finger a tower.


              Moon shard rapira on cm just to push tower ez

              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                @Cookie, I'm trying to empty my pages with Arc Warden so that they don't ban it for a few days. Even Meepo is always banned.
                Also, the whole team, communicated our carry PA/AM (different games) to PUSH THE FUCKING TOWER INSTEAD OF BLINKING FOR hihihihihi 360 gold right?


                  like it matters, if they attempt to ban arc, you pick some other hero

                  also, liek i said if you dont know how to communicate your team to push

                  then you pick solo push heroes and do it yourself

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                  casual gamer

                    just pick pos 1-2 if you can, if applicable build AC or necro. if you have to, pick venge/beastmaster/ogre (necro on ogre is ok maybe)

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                      So far ppl don't ban my oracle. But agreed. Heroes that can't push suck. Have to rely on ur teammates. God forbid u ever do that-rely on others.

                      Imagine how dota would change if tower dmg is no longer just mostly a right clickers domain.


                        many games people lose cause they dont have push seige heroes and dont have carry who cant farm ancejnts

                        so u always have to have in team atleast 1 hero predisposed for normal push for example venge aura pr luna aura is enough