General Discussion

General Discussionbf on void. any good?

bf on void. any good? in General Discussion

    there is a offlane void and a safelane one. I guess its safe to say that vlad. Blink. Dif is not gonna work for core void since he lacks dps with dem.
    But bf is like a good item for cores. I see some pros went for it and it works. I tried that and it was good but 1k doesn't matter right.

    So bf is any good? I want your thought on safe lane void item builds and what items you would be get on him?

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      only in a wombo-combo that can set you up for a rampage in chrono like magnus or enigma

      and even then its bad

      Potato Marshal

        It wasn't even good back when before his abilities got reworked and he was played exclusively as a hard carry with MoM.


          Any single dps item like diffusal manta maelstrom is more effective than bf for void since ur never gonna get ur dream chrono of 4 ppl in it standing next ti each other so that u can cleave the shit out of them..
          Better to pick off cores with high single target dps

          Potato Marshal

            If you're playing void as a safelane hard carry, get something like a mjollnir, gives tons of attack speed for your bashes and procs chain lightning to everybody in chrono. You should be getting items that allow you to do the most amount of damage during chrono.


              thx for comments. will surely try it out


                You buy battlefury to farm faster not to hope for 5 enemies to stack up for a rampage

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                  makes me feel bad for buying bfury 6th item on pa after game of relentless snowball to spread those 2k crits


                    "It wasn't even good back when before his abilities got reworked and he was played exclusively as a hard carry with MoM."
                    It wasn't that bad, MoM was for midgame fighting build, while BF was for late-game where he can just land 4 man chrono and cleave them to death with all the items
                    Now, it's fucking dogshit, you need dagger to land your dream chrono, and even then you're stuck with 2 choices, use up a slot for dagger to land your perfect chrono, but doesn't deal that much damage, or go full dps but couldn't get the perfect chrono

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                      Now I only buy it against illusion heroes


                        It looks good as a cosmetic only.

                        casual gamer

                          just go vlads diffusal or the dumb linkens build man

                          vlad dif manta is plenty of dps

                          casual gamer

                            i played a few games of echo sabre BF void and its honestly so terrible, you farm fast but thats it


                              bf void is dead


                                so better maelstorm and rush mjollnir than bf for void?

                                casual gamer

                                  no buy diffusal blade vlads and manta you fuck

                                  void needs hp and slows so he can abuse his q, diffusal lets him remove silences. just having mj= squishy hero with same dps and vlad diffu but way less utility and no lifesteal


                                    i guess u can get those items with bf. you still has 5 free item slot. ;d

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                                    casual gamer

                                      you cant just spend 4500 gold on a farming item and be sure you have the same impact every game

                                      if it goes full retard and u have mid ricing alch + jungle axe/lc both afk farming u may either have bfury diffu yasha or vlad diffu manta, huge difference


                                        yes ure right dude. but if game go retard u cant really 1vs9 and u pretty much lost the game and having vlad not gonna help anybody. but when i play void as carry. i either goes for vang - radiance - dif- manata build or bf manta dif butterfly build.
                                        vlad is a good item but when you goes offlane and u rely on your team damge inside the chrono. but in pubs well, the only damge is your right clicks. and i love ring of aquila which i get instead of vlad. it's amazing.

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                                        casual gamer

                                          i like vlads because i can bully my team into taking rosh lol

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            You don't have to go farming items to keep up in farm, do PA's fail to farm cus they go deso over battlefury? I mean they can't afk farm and stay ahead but it's not like they can't effectively clear a jungle either.

                                            Void with manta farms just fine and fights a lot better than maelstrom void.


                                              "yes ure right dude. but if game go retard u cant really 1vs9 and u pretty much lost the game and having vlad not gonna help anybody."
                                              I'm pretty sure most of them are 1v9
                                              Some heroes are just not designed to afk farming, and void is one of them

                                              Jay the Bird

                                                What about the linken's diffu manta void? Is it any better than vlads?


                                                  diffu manta lets you farm, deal damage, and sustain yourself
                                                  BF lets you farm
                                                  Mjolnir lets you farm and deal damage
                                                  Easy to say which build is superior

                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                    mjolnir build?


                                                      Linken is cool on safelane void
                                                      Vlad helps you rosh and linken helps you to counter initiate
                                                      Build depends on your playstyle and enemy's composition


                                                        vlads are void ofdlane void safe is this

                                                        treads sphere diusal manta aghanim ac blink

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                                                        casual gamer

                                                          ^ i think the linkens build is complete shit fam

                                                          i go vlad difu on safelane void always


                                                            Both are equally good imo, some matches favours linken more, while some favours vlad more
                                                            It all goes down to playstyle and preference

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Linkens rush sounds just awfully, terrible build up, no dmg.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                the buildup is fine but you cant rosh and you have 0 kill potential

                                                                and void lifesteals a fuckton

                                                                my understanding is it enhances his split pushing but you cant split push against mirana without feeding anyway (in my experience)


                                                                  Getting dif and manta is a must. I just dont know which is better first. building vlad or bf or linken. Its maybe situational.

                                                                  Btw my fav build is vangaurd radiance build that i saw in a navi match. I just mute everyone until late game.


                                                                    true sphere dont have dmg ast start first pick sphere
                                                                    but still i watch pros they go first sphere cause they can get in 16 min and it can set up good chorno and survive good


                                                                      I love vanguard on void . I don't build any of the other waga items tho unless you count manta .


                                                                        Only make radi if the enemy is kitable and doesn't have fuckton of burst damage
                                                                        VG is fine however


                                                                          With BF you'll be afk farming during your power spike (when you get your chrono up to mid-late game) which is something you don't want to do
                                                                          Same like PA
                                                                          I havy only played 2 games with her, and on both I built BF
                                                                          Needless to say it sucks and doesn't fit her playstyle

                                                                          M U R D E R

                                                                            Sometimes id make radi if team doesnt have it.


                                                                              Played a fair bit of void, mostly off lane. Honestly your item build is extremely versatile and you shouldn't be building the same cookie cutter items each game. One thing I can say though is that Battle Fury is fucking awful, Mjonlir is a much better choice as both items do similar things but you should by no means be rushing it.


                                                                                Mjo is too chrono reliant
                                                                                You're still squishy and kitable with it


                                                                                  Anyway traf, if you're really that desperate for a farming tool, iron talon exists
                                                                                  Jungling with talon and tread switching is good enough for you to stay at the top of the net worth chart even if you teamfight alot