General Discussion

General Discussiontrying to practice carry role

trying to practice carry role in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    what's up with this role recently? it seems like most of my games when i play safelane, i'm playing solo for some reason.
    since when did safelane become the solo offlane? lol. im trying to practice carry, and my team is nice enough to give me the role and the lane, but it usually ends up 1 v 2. everyone is just roaming, going mid or going to the enemy safelane.

    is this the common way to play now?

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      actually, best bet is to practice safelane 1v2 or 1v3

      because you need to learn to be solo without a support

      tbh in the safelane, it's actually quite damaging to have the support babysit you.

      defiantly game losing


        It's good, you'll learn to be an independent carry that can always find his own farm no matter how much pressure the enemy gives
        3k supports are mostly trash anyway, they take your resources without giving much in return, and proceed to BabyRage about their shitty carries not getting fat

        inst:  MissMissclick

          i mean, solo without a support is good when the lane is secured and i have a slight level advantage over the dual offlane, then im pretty confident to control it. but how do u practice safelane when u totally cant contest?


            exactly like that, you don't practice safelane when you get freefarm.

            that's not safelane, that's a shitty freefarm lane, might as well go jungle if you want uncontested freefarm.

            you practice when you can't contest it

            aka 1v2 and 1v3

            because when you get to high mmr, your support is gonna do 1-2 pulls and just leave the lane

            then you if you actually cry your support to come back, you sure get your freefarm with that babysitter

            but every other lane loses

            because you were selfish

            so learn to 1v2 and 1v3

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              You stay safe, draw creep aggros when they're low and hit them, and stay back again
              Keep the lane near your tower, or even last hit under tower if the lane is too dogshit

              inst:  MissMissclick

                i see. i understand what u mean that its better to practice if its contested. i agree. i dont want to practice free farm. i want to practice the first 5 mins to win the lane and secure free farm. Of course, if u are like 2k mmr above the skill level of the game u could probably win the lane 1 v 3. but baby steps man.

                not really interested in practicing like an offlaner to leech as much xp and cs as possible. i want to practice winning the lane with my supports to the point where they fk off and dont bother contesting. thats my goal. if i wanted to practice 1v3 i would just practice offlane.

                then again my original point was that ive been playing an increasing number of games where ppl just dont bother sending any heroes to the safelane, and i dont know why that is. in the past ppl would always send more support to the safelane. im just wondering if its a meta thing now

                inst:  MissMissclick

                  @bws well actually i dont have to do much in 1 v 2 because for some reason in SEA they always just push the lane constantly under my tower. just confusing the way ppl play some times.


                    well if you dont want to practice it, you can stay Normal skill forever

                    no one is forcing you

                    Holy Roman Empire

                      ^Why would the supports not rotate bot and kill the offlane? It doesnt make sense... getting a kill and uncontested farm for the carry is much better than getting it for the mid or offlane at which you have a higher chance at not succeeding

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                        Support's job is to secure all lane with rotations
                        Not babysitting the carry 24/7
                        Helping mid and offlane is better than babysitting the carry lmao
                        They get a good start in the laning phase, do their job, while the carry gets free space because the enemies are focused on fighting them off their towers and shit


                          It depends on the offlaner and what hero you are. I'm pretty sure if you are against Batrider or sand king if your support doesn't do some babysitting they will dumpster the lane, get some retarded fast items timing and just take over the game while you are trying to scrape together neutral creeps.

                          very good csgo player

                            I think it's best if you learn self sufficient carries like weaver or lifestealer/jugg safelane and politely ask the support to secure the other lanes. If the offlane is shitting on you pull aggro to ranged creep to create double wave you can clear under tower. If you are really struggling try play a position 2 fighting carry. Like no midas or early farming items. Try put some pressure on enemy core heroes if possible. E.g with jugg let ranged creep die and blade fury double wave under tower to secure farm. And NEVER get battlefury unless it's earlier than 11 mins if you pressured. Get yasha and gank with smoke omnislash to catchup. Always pick a hero that can jungle if the lane is just pure aids like jugg can get qb and partially catchup with efficient patterns. Just sharing what little knowledge I know. Plz correct me if I'm wrong


                              that's just an excuse, i've won solo vs countless sk

                              and i've lost 1v1 as sk against a couple of super high players

                              you just gotta let him push, and just take your lh

                              controll creep aggro

                              he can't kill you unless you walk into him like an idiot

                              to not make it too complicated: when creepwaves hit, pull aggro back to range creep then just walk in for lasthits
                              or separate creeps from creepwave

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                                the funny thing how normal skill ask this very knowledgable questions(not exactly this thread) while when i was 2k 3k i didnt know what pos 1 pos 5 means nor i knew whats creep euilibrium or anything and still improved cause putting so much questions in brain can make players tired and if they fail and know whats going on and still lose they will get demotivated even more
                                go fuck urself honestly
                                if ur 1v2 means u gona get lvl 6 fasters means u can take advantage of it and kill one of them
                                and dont worry they wont be with u down 15 mins when they see big fight midd top they just gona tp and u have safe lane and u can even push


                                  Depends on your hero. If you're a spec vs a timber offlane, then you need a support to babysit you. Does not matter how many times people will tell you the bs of " if you're better than them you'll still win." A timber will destroy a spec 1v1 with no problem and you will be forced to play catch up. Now if you're slark and 4 minutes in you're level 4, and the enemy offlaner is solo level 2 then yeah tell your lane sup to go gank mid or something because it's a waste of their time to be there. Every game is different and there is never something that's should be done every game or shouldn't be. Your sup needs to find out which is more important to do.


                                    @Anus Destroyer Wrong. If you're 1v2 and if they are not trash they will not let you farm or get xp. You'll prob reach level 6 within a minute of eachother.


                                      Bois. Iron talon is an item and ot exists. Even if ur lane becomes unwinnable (for whatever reason, maybe ur retarded, maybe they r rlly good), u can become a jungler. Also giving mid a good start by rotating on they mid is rlly good, cuz most mids r snowball heroes. Aka storm, af, tinker.


                                        In my trash tier supports dont rotate and when i do i usually fail. Im still learning how to set up ganks and roam properly.


                                          Your a sand king player Cookie so you should know better than anyone what happens if you give a sand king a free lane. Yeah you can get last hits under your tower but sand king will get every wave+the hard camp every minute which will basically ensure he will destroy your team later on. If he's bad theres potential maybe but I don't like to play my lanes as if my opponents are bad from the get go, that is simply not the mindset to winning against decent players. Also it doesn't invalidate my main point in which there are plenty of similar heroes like Bat, Timber and Tide in that if you leave your carry alone to 1v1 them they are going to get fucking massive from offlane while your carry will be poor as fuck which is gamelosing if the enemy knows how to play.

                                          Crushing the offlane is underrated in general, it really gimps their midgame as offlane typically wants to group up with the team and get shit done so if they get very little out of lane they either have to steal farm from their allies to catchup and get nothing done on the map or stay underleveled and underfarmed while they try to contribute. Compared to midlane it is a lot harder to catchup from a bad start as offlane so if your support can ruin offlanes life it is generally more gamewinning I feel. That being said ganking mid is probably easier vs most common mid heroes.

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                                            the issue with saying "let the creeps come to you" is that every second wave gets pulled and contesting it leaves you very vulnerable to dying if theres a 2nd hero.