General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut Item build suggestions

Juggernaut Item build suggestions in General Discussion

    Not long since I have been playing Dota, but I go battlefury first item on jugg everytime i play him, but i have seen a lot of guys, and in competitive games pros rush Manta diffu blink stuff.

    Which build would be more suitable?

    I usually mostly go battlefury into SnY blink basher stuff

    Or is manta diffusal blink stuff better? Thanks


      It all depends on the situation
      Sometimes you need to be agressive early game that you can't afford going BF
      Sometimes you need the raw HP from SnY
      Sometimes you need the universal uses of diffusal


        Depend situation
        My build echo,manta,deso


          I don't why do people get echo sabre on jugg? It's only good on heroes that has high damage but high BAT or heroes with dank procs like SB or void
          It's like buying skull basher on slardar or dagon on lina
          You're adding up something that the hero is already good at in a very inefficient way


            Sabre isn't an item. Generally BF is not that great, heavily overrated in pubs, especially awful on mid Jugg. Jugg with yasha farms very fast anyway and you can run at towers and make space for your team whereas with BF you are committed to farming. That being said if it is a BF game you can get it insanely early compared to stuff like AM because with kill potential in lane+1.4 BAT+crit+spin for the hard camp stack you can very easily drop 12 or even 11 minute BF which is basically autowin if it's a semi-decent Jugg game.

            My main suggestion is don't blindly go BF every game, usually you want to contribute and fight early and yasha is much better for that, the current meta doesn't really favour blind greed even in pubs which are always more greedy than more competitive dota.

            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

              think phase manta diffusal blink is generally the way to go, unless you think the games going to go late and they have lots of summons then u go bf

              went qb pms phase soul ring + aforementioned build, i think sr >> aquila now with the mana cost nerf


                After the mana cost increase of HW I can agree soul ring is more viable now

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                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                  its also better with the manta no fury build ure literally sustaining 4 active spells with aquila regen


                    Makes sense, thanks for all the suggestions/explanation, much appreciated


                      Problem is you can never compare pro to pub dota. Pro have a team that is constantly talking and have a game plan during the drafting phase. Every game is different but also expoermetn and find your playstyle and that goes for every hero.

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        Always buy BF. Mid or safelane, BF can help you farm till the won.

                        Do not buy Aghs. The extra 3 slash and the low cd is great but for that cost, buy a Manta Style.


                          Unless it's a 3k MMR below match where nobody farms and farm wins games singlehandedly, I don't see the reason of going BF on jugg mid, it's way to greedy and does the opposite of what he's suposed to do, create space for the pos 1 carry
                          Unless you're playing against summons or illusions

                          Vem Comigo

                            bf if you need to outfarm the enemy, go phase + echo + deso + manta + sell deso and get skadi + assault them rapira
                            WHY ECHO : becase of the mana regen on a mana starved carry.

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                            Jay the Bird

                              ^^ What if jugg is the pos 1 carry?


                                If u rlly want that mana regen then u cud buy a bottle. I wudnt go echo. Even soul ring is better. Or get a bf... Wow mana regen. I think bf is a good buy, but it depends. I cud see so many items being viable on jugg. Manta, sny, satanic, skadi, deso, mkb, blink, abyssal, bkb, bf, mjollnir, vlads, diffusal, butterfly, ac, even linkens.


                                  manta diffusal every game please

                                  Vem Comigo

                                    I dont know i prefer to have a jug safe lane, the thing is that with battlefury, you get delayed and put on a farming game isntead of fighting.
                                    *forgot about the difusal, very good item on him if you want to go manta.
                                    Echo is pretty good, its a 2k gold item that provides the same mana regen as a 4k gold bf, it doesnt give you the hp regen, but you have the healing ward.
                                    A jug at 20 minutes with Phase+echo+difusal can kill almost anyone if he split pushes.(difusal stacks with other orb effects)
                                    and atlas why the fuck did you added me on steam.


                                      Echo isnt terribad (kinda like jugg vlads) but there better items imo.

                                      M U R D E R

                                        Well echo phase and diffusal by 20 is a normalskill timing so no u cant rly kill ppl like that well. By 15 maybe u can.

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                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                          echo is not good why would you buy that on a guy who have one of the lowest bat in the game
                                          you have other options for mana regen


                                            Honestly, I personally hate going echo on Jugg, its good with heros like Sven or Slark, or even sometimes PA, but jugg imo is worst carrier for Echo


                                              Bro if u wanna see just see some of my jugg games i was building same bf like u in most games however later when i reached 3 k solo i have started going manta first and i assure u that ull see alot of diff in it and that ull be of more impact coz jugger does not scale late game very well against late gamers.
                                              He should be better played at posn 2 and manta diffusal dagger is what i found to be more interesting and provides more game impact :)


                                                Cooling blade stout shield and tango as starting items.

                                                Early game u go PMS and arcane boots cuz u will waste ur mana so much for healing ward

                                                Mid game u buy vladmir deso force staff and sny or wards. Why force staff? Cuz u are gonna dash to ur enemies to omnislash-em up and going beyblade around enemies chpose sny if u wanna be carry or choose wards if u wanna be support.


                                                  I've said it before. Depends on ur skill bracket. If u r below 3k get aghs refresher. More effective than manta diffusal because it require less execution. Once u r above 3k get manta diffusal and maybe blink. Battle fury is situational.


                                                    @Jacked it's still too risky to buy it, maybe people have no idea how to handle omnislash 1.5k below but I've seen enough omnislashes going to waste in my level because the enemies actually knows about GS and eul
                                                    Jugger is a trash support
                                                    Force staff < blink
                                                    Arcane < soul ring


                                                      If you actually wanna go full utility deathballer you can go XBOCT 2012 VG soul ring vlad build or shit


                                                        1k item suggestions :gun:


                                                          Counter their ghost or euls with diffusal. Ez game. I'm sure it will work even in low 3k.


                                                            :3 sayaka. U obviously don't play in 1k bro. U know nothing about the trench.


                                                              But when u use force staff its hilarious u can go beyblade to enemies... also force staff>phase boots for mobility


                                                                Shedow bled iz op m8


                                                                  I'm sure sayaka has played in 1k before
                                                                  He has 63% ranked winrate after all