General Discussion

General Discussionhey guys. sorry for being off topic but how do you curb your animalis...

hey guys. sorry for being off topic but how do you curb your animalistic apettite when trying to go on diet? in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Hopelessly addicted to rice. I could eat at least 5 cups of rice and as much as double. Exercise is proving to be useless without limiting my carb intake. I once was able to limit myself to a cup of rice per meal then I'd flood myself with water but I would feel bloated or gassy afterwards. I did lose weight like that but I don't like the gassy feeling. I am also hyper acidic. Any tips?


      diet ahahha ahahhaha ahaha

      on a serious note, how do you gain weight?

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        Yea ahaha ahaha ahahahaaa :(

        Eat a lot. A whole lot. Sit on your ass and do nothing. I got close to 100 kg doing this.

        Dire Wolf

          Eat protein? Rice just turns to sugar in your body and doesn't fill you. Oh but your in sea rice is probably all you have.

          If you have acid reflux take some tums and cut down on acidy drinks like juices, coffee, maybe sodas. Coffee is the absolute worst for me, if I drink two cups I will feel like I have to throwup I get so much acid.

          Fatty foods can also cause an over production of acids.

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          mom said it's my turn to ...

            Oh but your in sea rice is probably all you have.

            Real SEA life problems. I do have access to fish and meats but I'm also on a tight budget that I get forced to go heavy on rice for the filler.

            Just googled if antacids are safe to use regularly and discovered it could cause osteoporosis. Yikes


              Drink more water?

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                i play dota sometimes 8h/day, dont regularily work out and eat about 4000 kcal/day

                guess whos still at 70 kg on 1.85 LUL

                casual gamer


                  when i hit peak stress and dota playing in 2013-2014 i might eat 1-0 meal a day on the weekend (3-4 day weekend) if uninterrupted

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    Drink more water?

                    I have in the past and hit 75 kg from 85-90 @1.75 m but I didn't like the bubbly-acidy feeling in my stomach

                    i play dota sometimes 8h/day, dont regularily work out and eat about 4000 kcal/day
                    guess whos still at 70 kg on 1.85 LUL

                    lucky mofo

                    Massive Dynamic

                      Eat brown rice instead of white. It is more filling, and because it is a complex carbohydrate and has more fiber it takes longer for your body to digest it, therefore avoiding a "simple carb sugar rush," which should help you to slim down a bit.


                        Do you have strong stomach acid naturally? Then you got to have blood type 0. If that's true you should eat a lot of meat and very little carbs. And if you eat rice, eat brown rice and you'll be fine. Also, you should try to eliminate all of the processed food and sugars. You'll lose weight really fast.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          deal with the bubbly-gassy feeling man

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            @ausar I'm out to check id there's brown rice and if it's affordable

                            @cdec.passif I actually am type O. And my acid is pretty strong. Back when I was still working in a ship I had to deal with seasickness caused by my hyper acidity. I basically ate rice like 5 servings a meal at the very least and I could weather the violent rolls of the ship where my crewmates would barf everywhere on an empty stomach

                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              @haffy it's all bubbly fun and games until you burn a hole on your stomach


                                guess whos still at 70 kg on 1.85 LUL

                                <65kg fight me LUL


                                  found it easier to curb hunger with keto. basically oil/butter+egg yolk emulsified into a bearnaise sauce over protein or low-carb vegetable (such as eggs or even cauliflower), intermittent fasting (18 hours on, 6 off, repeat). feels better being satiated than full from carbs. get in electrolyte salts tho because fat doesnt hold water as well as carbs do.

                                  theres also Khecarī Mudrā to access store-house conciousness in a bid to take the mind off hunger and earthly desires, although a theoretical framework ( would be recomended before the practical application. 'proceed with caution' as this stuff takes ages to come to terms with, if you're not flat out skeptical of the whole process from the start.

                                  but if you're a self-identified christian that gets physical trauma from the mention of earth history prior to christ, then maybe do the raptor jesus dance? and if you're a ricelord mossin and flossin, maybe opt for support every now and then or make like a tree and leaf?

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                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    bought brown rice which is 55 pesos a kilo(1.15 us dollars). Cooked roughly a small cup and it is quite filling. The only issue I have now is that it turned into a wet grainy mess when I cooked it (lul) probably because I didn't use enough water or i havent let it sit under low fire for too long. Just need to get the hang of cooking it ig

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                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      how have you lived this long


                                        Nothing can stop it if u love to eat.

                                        Johnny Salami

                                          Make ur plate look like this. One portion is about the size of a fist.

                                          Sources: I'm a chef/this is what the surgeon general sayz



                                            Go lift you fucking scrub diet is for losers.



                                              not sure how pure your vegetable oil is but you can into work out the $/kcal and kcal/cm^3 with your dog eyes on the ground there and see if its cost effective for your situation. may be wrong here, but generally sunflower oil is 'good enough' omega ratio and cost wise as to not cause inflamation for doggy doo doo or pockets. in that if you are all in on keto, you're getting enough omegas by weight ratio that omegas from fish will not compare quantitatively. no heat involved either if you eat the vegetables raw. whatever minerals are missing from diet is compensated for with 80g hemp hearts, broccoli (can sub with vit c pill )/carrots (vit a) and iodine salt.

                                              however, have heard balut is quite rich in minerals. what is good with that?

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                                                when i do nothing and eat a lot, im losing weight ://

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                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                    @haffy wdym, I eat like a fucking pig lul

                                                    @jacked dont get me started now

                                                    @tears i could do most of it except fruits and dairy, shits expensive here

                                                    @hartzfear giff me w8s u fokin scrub

                                                    @roflwaffle sunflower oil costs like 50% more here plus it has to be bought in bulk, im almost broke but I really don't use too much oil except when frying
                                                    And balut is rich in protein and minerals but can make your blood pressure shoot up

                                                    @symetrical I do run, 4-6 kms a day but i just realized i should lose weight first before I could go on my usual pace or I will end up with injured feet and knees.

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      how have you lived this long in asia without knowing how to cook rice

                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                        u could start using a bicycle, afaik it doesnt put as much pressure on ur feet/knees as running does

                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                          @haffy i meant brown rice cooks kinda different to white rice. Needs more water, time on the stove etc.

                                                          @spunki i dont have a bike BibleThump I considered running in sand to cushion my steps, but the only available running space like that is in manila bay and im scared i might step on some random drug dealer's corpse.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            im scared i might step on some random drug dealer's corpse

                                                            dont forget rotting, bloated, with two shots to the chest and one to the head

                                                            lp pesok #2

                                                              I'm fat as(s) fuck

                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                then go and steal a bike? wtf


                                                                  is this dota forum still?

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    you want a predict my mmr thread?


                                                                      predict my mmr pls


                                                                        spunki 185 70 kg woah u hottie come over my well rounded ass with your wide arms and chest

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          dude you arent going to get osteoperoisis as a dude. It's a woman's disease.


                                                                            Dude try to gradually decrease your rice intake. 1st week try decrease like half a cup until you get to the point you can
                                                                            eat just 1 cup of rice.

                                                                            Dont stop to eat meat. After you are successful with rice. Try to decrease your meat intake. GRADUALLY


                                                                              keep in mind that sticking to a diet is the hardest the first 3 days, then 3 weeks, then 3 months (and then your stomach finally starts to "get smaller"). If you're actually making a change then it's normal to feel obsessed with food and while it does get easier over time it just takes a lot of discipline.

                                                                              - Track calories. Understanding how much rice (and other food) costs and what that means can help a lot with you resisting it
                                                                              - Try eating several small meals (so you never get famished) OR 1-2 larger meals (everyone is different and what works for people may vary)
                                                                              - Think of meals as some protein, lots of non-starchy vegetables, and treat all carbs as extra treats. (so avoid potatoes and other vegetables that are bad for you)
                                                                              - Identify a few very low calorie vegetables you like and let yourself eat tons of them to get full. (green beans, leafy greens like lettuce or cabbage, peppers, broccoli, etc.)
                                                                              - Drink a lot of water, especially before a meal. Some people have success with drinking an entire glass of water before eating
                                                                              - Eat slowly and don't have any distractions (computer/phone/tv) while eating. Distractions let you forget what you are putting into your body. Also if you intentionally make eating a bit more boring it will be slightly less rewarding.
                                                                              - I do best when I have no cheat days/meals. But if you choose to take them remember that it's not able gorging yourself and try to limit it to what will make you slightly more satisfied.

                                                                              If you have a very unhealthy diet then just reducing rice and sweet drinks could make a huge impact alone.

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                                                                              lp pesok #2

                                                                                Wat the hek are pointy elbows?

                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                  Drink water and make sure you get protien.

                                                                                  Plus, playing Dota can take your mind off hunger.

                                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                    @lawliepop will consider that as well. It's roughly 1 day after I started, 2:30 in the morning and I'm starting to dream about food. Hope I get used to it.

                                                                                    @MyNipplesAreHard AF nah It just gets harder to focus when I'm hungry.

                                                                                    OHMIGAD IM IMAGINING SPANISH SARDINES WITH A BOWLFUL OF RICE SUMBODY FUCKING SLAP SENSE INTO ME



                                                                                      is that 50% increase in price based off of a weight to weight comparison? or pesos/kcal? as for protein, any insect protein around in the markets?

                                                                                      only ever fry with butter and that is seldom.. frying vegetable oil past a certain temperature oxidizes it too highly. if it needs to be used under heat, then it's usually to lightly grease up a cooking pan in the oven.

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        octopus ogre cate cate doge


                                                                                          170 80 kg
                                                                                          American as fuck


                                                                                            U disgust me op. U filthy pig. Pull yourself together you animal. Hate yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror with such horror and discontent that you never want another bowl of rice ever again. Do it u chickenshit lardpool


                                                                                              @triple, you are not alone brother. 1.77 62kg here :/


                                                                                                Are you filipino? lol. I was able to lose weight by eating half a cup per meal and increasing my protein intake (protein helps you have cravings less often and promotes weight loss in case you didn't know). Avoid sugary drinks and dont eat white rice. that just gives you empty carbs/calories. and eat some greens damn it.

                                                                                                orrrrr, you can go the other way and starve yourself to death by just playing all day. lol


                                                                                                  It's actually surprising that a lot of people on Dotabuff actually care about their diet. I just imagine everyone to be in front of the monitor all day losing mmr and not caring about their health at all. kappa

                                                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                    I took a good look at my BMI and it said I needed to lose at least 15 kg to be normal @ 1.75 m. from my current 90 kg. Fml

                                                                                                    lp pesok #2

                                                                                                      I could eat a donkey, my friend is a donkey

                                                                                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                        @roflwaffle it's just too expensive for it's quantity. I think I should just give up frying altogether.

                                                                                                        @jacked thx. I really needed that.

                                                                                                        @shibe yeah. I actually did the same a year ago. I also paired itwith an 8 km jog everyday and some few rounds at the city olympic size pool. I did that within a month out of wanting to get accepted into a company that had some strict BMI standards. Still didn't get in so I fell off like 3 months later. My reason this year is roughly similar, just in case my current weight might pose issues for a possible medical exam for getting into this other company.