General Discussion

General DiscussionSince Pa's dagger has all the positives of a hit

Since Pa's dagger has all the positives of a hit in General Discussion

    Why not the negatives as well , for example why there is no chance to miss a dagger from pa ,
    why doesnt it get the agro of creeps ?I could keep going .


      no spell attracts aggro and lots of them also include a physical attack.

      PMS Mantra

        I don't know any spell, magical or physical, in the entire game that acts like her dagger currently does.


          It could Coast mana at least :D


            Pa's dagger triggers me as much as lc jungle


              I think it should trigger "On-Hit effects" Like counter helix, Centaur's return and reactive armour. It should also be reduced by damage block like a normal attack.

              doc joferlyn simp

                up the mana cost that shit is everywhere like dicks out for Harambe; too spammable in lane

                yeah the thing mav said damage block should work, at least we have some kind of damage mitigation if only for a little

                casual gamer

                  even if u buff manacost to 25 or 30 at all levels u will not have difficulty spamming it with basi + raindrop. at most u may have to buy treads if u want mega spam

                  M U R D E R

                    Doesnt dmg block work already?

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Why not make all orbs draw aggro? Because they are balanced around the fact that they do not, among other things. Yes, this was a wc3 thing and how aggro worked due to the engine (but it could have been coded differently if people wanted to), but the game has been like that for a while and it works well as it is. Pa's dagger is pretty much an orb attack with true strike right now, that still possesses melee modifiers. It is cancer to lane against, but then again, the opponents have got pa, and you could have a hero that's actually good.

                      Johnny Salami

                        Just Nerf the range so its easier to proc wand charges and therefore less of a pain in the ass early game


                          Ye i laserd pa and she fucking daggered the range creep

                          Riguma Borusu

                            of course, dagger has true strike


                              the skill needs more mana imo, carries arent normally supposed to have a spammamble ability in the early game


                                The problem with pa's dagger trying to pretend that it's an attack is that it's counted as a melee attack and not a ranged one. That's it. That's simply it. You could also argue about attack speed, but fuck it. The biggest problem about it is because the attack implies it's melee.


                                  that is the problem with it - melee carries are meant to have a hard time early game - they aren't supposed to be able to have a 1200 range nuke - that's further than a level 4 take aim sniper with dragonlance!

                                  PMS Mantra

                                    I wish Dragon Slave proc'd chain lightning if you have Maelstrom on Lina. I wish even more that CM ult would proc bash and deso when I go crazy carry CM. If only any other skill in the GAME was like PA dagger...


                                      If you think of it as an orb with a cooldown then it is just the same as any other orb no?


                                        PA isnt a typical carry though. She peaks hard midgame and falls off a cliff after that

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          At what point do people realize that the hero is balanced around the dagger being the way it is? It is like saying an <insert hero here> is OP because you are analyzing one skill out of the context, when in reality, one skill is really good, but you are low HP, your passive that gives you tankiness against right clicks only is counterable, you desperately need a BKB to continue to fight, and will need armor as the game progresses.

                                          And need I remind all of you how raw damage was partially removed from most common damage items purchased on PA, so anything that gives bash now gives pitiful damage? This makes her crit pretty bad with basher/abyssal and MKB, and you will want to build at least one, or both, otherwise you go for deso vlads and hope you don't fall off too hard before you're able to just take towers (which none of your inherent abilities helps you with, mind you).

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                                          PMS Mantra

                                            I am not saying she is OP. I am just wondering why her dagger is the only skill in the entire game that acts that way. If you're saying other hc don't have similar flaws to make them counterable, then they would be picked far more than PA currently is, being she is number 1 picked hc in this meta.

                                            Why can't CK stun proc chain lighting?
                                            High mana cost for a hero that has an abysmal mana pool and counting in his other skills, it wouldn't ever come close to the term op on him. So why can't he have that if PA can? Or why can't CM proc Deso debuff on heroes she hits with Crystal Nova? If you're going to go so far as to buy a Deso on a CM, why can't it upgrade your skills as well? I am just wondering why it's like that.


                                              Basher - used to be +40 damage, now +10.
                                              Abyssal - used to be +100 damage, now +10.
                                              MKB - used to be +88 damage, now +66.
                                              Battlefury - used to be +65 damage, now +55.
                                              Desolator - used to be +65 damage, now +55.

                                              'Nuff said.