General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes anyone here play dotes here in the lowest or low quality graphic...

Does anyone here play dotes here in the lowest or low quality graphics settings? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I see some pros streams dat dey are playing dotes in some low quality settings. Anyone here doing the same? why do they do dat? I doubt that dey have low pc specs :O pls share based on your exp.


      i used to play, then i got a new pc

      i pretty much got +500 mmr from playing on super high and a nice 1080p screen


        i play on lowest settings, i use laptop. not sure if it wud lag if i put it to highest, but im not concerned about graphics so i cant be bothered

        Mode adiman

          rather have better fps and no lag than quality graphics i guess..

            Этот комментарий удален модератором

              My FPS has improved from like 20 at times to 50-60 now since the recent updates. But my frames on all games has increased even though my computer is getting really old now.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                how can u gain mmr from better graphics

                if anything, better graphics should distract u

                2k indog monkey

                  Less distraction
                  More performance
                  More noticable in csgo tho,I don't really squint my eyes to see dem pixels to notice the shittier ghrapics


                    Its all about fps, that low setting becouse they hunt as much fps as they can


                      Used to play at 60 fps at the lowest settings. Now I get 90 fps at lowest settings after searching for stuff online to improve game settings.
                      I still play at lowest settings because im used to it and I get 90 fps now.


                        I used to play with

                        fps_max 30

                        but after it moved on new engine, I don't know where to put this line. Can anyone tell me that?

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I just play on ultra settings, but on CSGO (Global elite) I play on medium settings intentionally cause that game tends to have inconsistencies in terms of frame rate, it's not a badly optimized game, it's just inconsistent sometimes, so 9/10 pro's on that game play it on low or medium settings. I don't think it matters on Dota, AT ALL.

                          I think i'd turn of " screen shake " on dota though.

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