General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 patch

6.87 patch in General Discussion

    What you guys think about new patch?
    Personally I think natures prophet is even more broken now with xp potions against the right lineup. Aghs+refresher+octarine+xp potions sounds so broken. Can easily get lv 25 in 30 mins tops and carry the team with the right build.


      by 30 min u can buy 3xp potions x425 each. 1 xp potion gives you less than 2 creep waves. idk how can it be meaningful for any1 besides supports that get no exp at all.


        and the nerf to treants is actually so very huge


          Does the Agh's on SF become a viable option now? The stats from Agh's is nice, as well as the extra 20 damage from Souls.


            Sf seems like a viable mid with scepter and the other new items


              PA seems a litte better.

              Stifling does less damage to creeps than it used to so is harder to cs with, but it does a lot more damage to enemy heroes (or low armour ones at least). At level 7 PA has base 69 damage, probably has also built at least a ring of aquila by that point and treads too so that plus 19+9 (27), so the dagger is hitting for 60+67 (127) rather than the 90 it used to. If she goes phase boots then it does 138. From there it only increases as you get more damage.

              Echo Sabre probably works best as an item for mana starved melee carries with crits like PA, Wraith King, CK, Jugg so that will be an item to try. Getting two massive crits in a row on enemy carries would be a quick gg.

              With the abyssal rework she is probably better off just getting a skadi to provide the slow for honestly what hero that usually (used to) build abyssal gives a shit about vanguard and what it offers.

              Diffusal blade also a bit better on her now because it drains more mana. Plus with echo sabre you're draining 200 mana/200 damage each blink strike.

              Riki is also suuuuuuuuuuper good. His blink strike does three times (3)! the damage it used to at level 1. Ie level 1 now does what level 3 used to and now does the full 120 at level 4 and is a full second lower than what his pre 6.82 blink strike was when it did that much. He is going to start snowballing off kills the same way he used to.

              Also increased cooldown on tricks of the trade, and improved cast point, and fucking gem gives less true sight vision. Plus he gets the diffiusal charge, and echo sabre is good on him too. SnY increased maim chance also really good coz there's more chance they will be slowed and kept in the radius of ulti. Butterfly also got cheaper and improved movespeed buff etc etc. BH is going to become even more of a spammed hero in all levels and supports are going to be even poorer. I expect Riki will reclaim his 56% winrate very soon.

              TB and bloodseeker buffs are a fucking joke that will do nothing to improve their viability when you consider how buffed some other heroes like the ones I mentioned above are.

              So yeah, Riki and PA are my heroes this patch. Going to embrace the pubstompers.


                Riki seems op and pa too


                  What the hell are you talking about, that Blade Mail change removed PA from the game.


                    the only thing the xp books are useful for is helping that starved support get their level 6.


                      Nobody wanna see aghanims sf


                        That Echo Sabre on Chaos Knight felt SO good!