General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some third-party advice on how to improve

Need some third-party advice on how to improve in General Discussion

    So after a relatively uninterrupted winning streak over the last 2 weeks or so, I suddenly cant win a game to save my life.

    It's like hitting a brick wall - as soon as I climbed up to 2.8k solo, suddenly the distribution between teammates' and enemies' individual skill and collective coordination becomes wildly skewed in favour of the opposing team, whereas it was more even before that.

    I can already hear the Dunning-Krueger and incoming invective: stoke those flames, throw another iron in the fire, etc etc

    But I do know that since the teammates change from game to game and I remain the constant factor, I rather focus on how i can have more game impact, make better decisions and mechanics, etc.

    Could really use some advice on how to improve in these areas, and if you all could take a look at my recent games and give me some ingame-specific feedback.


      You're crying because you're on a 7 loss streak lmfao kid deal with it, I get these loss streaks atleast 5 times a week, I went from 56.40% winrate to 54.29% and I will continue to keep going down, you have to accept it.


        So this is what crying sounds like on the Internet.

        Fyi, not butthurt in the slightest.

        Just looking for people's advice on how to remedy the situation.

        But thanks for your input - very insightful.


          I'll focus on support heroes.

          Honestly, I don't think rubick is a good ranked hero (especially when you look at the normal skill/high skill games). The plays that you can potentially make will rarely be taken advantage of, thus minimizing your impact outside the laning stage.

          Try and pick heroes that fit and don't fall off too much in all areas of the game and are able to sustain themselves even if your team falls. (Lich helps a lot honestly. For example, if the game gets too passive getting more levels in sacrifice can help you catch up on the levels you lost from lane/roaming).

          Try and look at your replays and compare them with tips that pros/higher leveled players give. (Aui gave a great replay analysis of a support. Fluffnstuff gives great support advice. There are also multiple guides that are available regarding supporting such as the Art of Support).

          Also, if you are losing straight games. Take a break. Don't rage queue. That's one of the worst things you can do.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            u should change ur profile picture from pikachu to raichu, that will help u get to 3k.

            ROAD TO HERALD 0

              Pilot: appreciate the advice.

              I will keep in mind the rubick thing - it just seemed like a good pick considering the enemy lineups in those games, not that my fy-god parody went well at all :(

              Also thanks for pointing out those guides - shall make time for them.

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                Ahahaha Road to 3k starts with Ash force feeding Pika Pika a Thunderstone (probably up the butthole).


                  If your only concern is winning, spam heroes that destroy normal skill games (i.e. don't pick rubick or dazzle)

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    Heroes like?

                    Besides, i picked dazzle to support in party games, where i stacked with a friend who spams alchem. Cant play greedy supports when i am helping him stack, secure rune, etc etc.

                    Plus dazzle solves alchem's (low) armor issue.


                      any hero that can win by themselves.

                      Sven, sf, tinker, wr

                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                        Doubt i can consistently climb with 1v9 dota when the other team is miles ahead in individual skill and coordination despite roughly having similar mmr to my feeding teammates - just see my recent losses.

                        Not that i am denying i have flaws - hence this thread.

                        Sure, will give high impact carry types like sven and tiny (?) a go in ranked games.

                        Sadly, im not good with heroes like tinker. In terms of micro, my brain is 8k mmr, my reflexes are 2k rofl.

                        But heck, if i can carry decent with Mr Game of Kings, how hard can sven and tiny be lol.

                          Этот комментарий удален модератором

                            or u can spam the highest winrate heroes and climb. that is how slacks is 4500

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              ^ Well i could give heroes like abbadon and omniknight a go, but they are not well suited for 1v9 dota, which im assuming is full of rats or high hero damage.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                Don't pick useless heroes like rubick - that hero can hardly win anything solo

                                Lich is godlike, dazzle is pretty damn good as well, disruptor, shaker, ogre too - and you know all of these heroes, i recommend focusing on these

                                try to play cores sometimes

                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                  ^ noted, thanks.

                                  Besides hero picks, where else can i improve?

                                  I sense my decision making and mechanics are keeping me stuck in the rut, so it would be great to hear some third-party perspective on this.

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Yo OP also practice fundamental things like hand eye coordination, awareness and better spidersense.


                                      I believe Elohell and Shadowpool exists so yup. Thse things happen to everyone.

                                      on the other hand, you can try high impact support/gank heroes like Earthshaker, Spirit breaker, even Phoenix