General Discussion

General DiscussionMy real job work is...

My real job work is... in General Discussion

    Err seen a lot of ppl above 21 yrs age in this forum.

    My real job work is that I am an It engineer lol, what about u guys

    Giff me Wingman

      I am 7 years old and I'm a professional troll.


        researcher for scientific institution

        Livin' Real Good

          Man on the moon, I do moon stuff.


            to be awesome


              ^that's not a ob, that's a destiny


                I spam ads for tourist agency.


                  Soon-to-be Software Developer

                  the realm's delight

                    professional masturbator

                    No giggities?

                      International relations analyst.

                      Soon to be 25 years old i'm getting old af

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                      Miku Plays

                        i collect ultra rare miku items


                          professional internet pirate

                          also i was a rapper, but had to stop. because my mixtape was the cause of multiple firealarms in our company

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                              Web developer

                              plz do

                                i sell golden items in dotka to rich dudes


                                  Einstein who never got his degree nor recognition


                                    Professional bludgeor.


                                      Techsupport guy in the nearest office depot



                                        Product person


                                          you are only a product if you want to be

                                          I, on the other hand, am a real person with thoughts and feelings

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                                            I AM A BANANA!


                                              That's a lie that your program involves - belief in you being a human


                                                Talent scout for a porn agency, I'm in the lesbian department so no boys sorry.


                                                  19 years old and I don't know what to study


                                                    ^ do anything other than art/design, history, or psychology and you are fine :horse:


                                                      I was thinking on Biomedical Engineer, And get my Ph.D. on USA (a lot of scolarships in my country).

                                                      But im not sure =(, have 3 months to make a desition


                                                        You haven't done a bachelors degree and you are already thinking about a phd 4Head

                                                        Howard Donald

                                                          Software developer by day, 4k trashlord by night.

                                                          His Dudeness

                                                            Software developer.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Lots of developers. Add my name to the list. Though my official title is Software Engineer, sounds fancier that way. I do automotive diagnostic testing software.

                                                              I would encourage anyone who has any inklings about programming to give it a try. Pay is good to great, depending on how capable you are, but even someone who sucks at it will earn above average starting pay compared to other 4 year degree jobs like teaching or accounting. And if you are good at it and get a few years experience you will earn a lot more. And there will always be demand for you. I'd like to say hours and workload are awesome but it varies greatly from company to company. Good news is that you're so in demand you can find the company you like, just keep switching until you do.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                its actually weird if you start thinking of phd after graduation ^^


                                                                  my dad has a maths related PhD and he said that it's shit honestly

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    like, there are better things to do with your time at that point in life


                                                                      jerk off, f.e.


                                                                        ? what's wrong with getting a phd?


                                                                          @Jussi, i don't know, I'll ask him again for an elaborate answer.
                                                                          I think it has to do with the fact that none of his work was related to studies lol


                                                                            well then it's not worth it i guess

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Cus a phd in math is for teaching about that's about it. Software does all the super hard math for you now, so unless you're like a handful of guys that write physics engines and shit you don't need it.

                                                                              There's nothing wrong with getting a phd in like computers or business, so long as your company values it and will pay you more for it.

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                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                College student, starting this year I'll be studying control engineering.


                                                                                  A phd in math is not only for teaching. Big companies with r&d departments usually have phd+ level jobs and research projects so yeah.

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                                                                                    Guard force supervisor at an embassy.
                                                                                    Inventory: baton and oc spray
                                                                                    Salary: as much as I want since I make the schedules

                                                                                    Howard Donald

                                                                                      If you need a phd for your job, I'd say get it while on the job. Having such an intensely focussed qualification as a phd generally doesn't make you more employable, because you've gone and intensely specialised yourself and only appeal to a tiny market.

                                                                                      Not that having a phd is a bad thing whatsoever, it's awesome, but getting it in order to enter a field of employment may be misguided.


                                                                                        Yeah, I intend to take my phd in a few years, while working for a company or smth like that.

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                                                                                          If you want an academic career then PhD is mandatory

                                                                                          If you don't I don't think it's worth the effort

                                                                                          I'm still just an undergrad though (electrical engineering)

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                                                                                            european based attorney but not wearing a suit while playing doto [;

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              " Big companies with r&d departments usually have phd+ level jobs and research projects so yeah."

                                                                                              How many of those are there? If you get a phd in like chemical engineering you can probably go work for dow chemical or something, but a phd in math? This isn't the 50s where ibm is still developing theory. Maybe you can work for intel but then just get a computer engineering one. Who does R&D with math now? I didn't say don't get a phd, I said don't get one in math.

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                                                                                                  Combat medic. Wife's almost done with her bachelors in nursing in 7 months 14 months from now I'll be able to go back to school currently just got an associates degree through the military . Been a long ass journey but almost there . I guess I'll have no kids in the house when I am in my 30s so I'll be able to do travel earlier then most .


                                                                                                    Dire Wolf: it depends on what you mean with math. My work is mainly in machine learning and what I do is basically ... math. I work with people from the mathematics/physics departments all the time. If you mean a math phd with some weird focus then I agree with you.

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                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      SAP HR Master Data Administrator by trade!

                                                                                                      But a freelance doto playa at heart! :D


                                                                                                        a phd in math could help me. We do lots of simulation in petroleum and it could help with some decision making and stuff like that. From what I understand most of the shit they use is raw'ish and I could see a phd being very useful in that area. There are already people workingon that and stuff too so yeah. phd in math could potentially also work very well with flow and nanoparticles.

                                                                                                        a phd in math to do some programming focused shit (pc/drawings) or big scale already developed shit would not be so smart though.