General Discussion

General DiscussionPredict what will change in 6.85!

Predict what will change in 6.85! in General Discussion

    Guessing moderate nerfs to OP heroes like lesh (lightning bounce range + mana cost), tuskar(not sure, maybe an overall nerf), bh (track cast range) and lina (aghs ultimate doesn't increase damage).

    Buffs to the majority of heroes but in particular the forgotten ones of this patch like ET and Naix etc

    Introduction of a new hero...Abyssal Underlord (AKA pitlord)

    Nerfs to completely broken items like solar crest and glimmer cape

    What are your thoughts?

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      Techies removed


        I think you wanted to say 6.85

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            HAHA oops....


              Speed cap for the fucking blyatcyka-er ... you can pump up 1100+ MS on him

              I hope for some TB buff since that hero has no love in current meta


                agree with buff on TB. and little on void. trash carry


                  They dont need to 'buff' TB, just revert the last nerf and he is fine

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    My money's on Lesh lightning storm cooldown being increased.

                    Gyro could be nerfed too, Im thinking probably a reduction to the flak cannon radius or rebalancing it to scale by level.

                    As someone who mains aggressive supports, this magic-based team fight meta suits me but at the same time I would love to see certain heroes buffed or reworked so they can gain further effectiveness and stop me from facing Ebola Spirit, blyatcyka, and fking magina every other match - i.e more love for heroes like Kunkka, Enchantress, etc

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      I really wish they'd reduce cast animation on Press The Attack. I love playing Legion, I really do, but that shit seriously irks me. For all I know, they can reduce her movement speed by 15 (because it's crazy atm), but if they reduce cast animation for that crap by a bit I'd be thankful.

                      Also a bit more +agi would not hurt her.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Glimmer cape nerfed

                        Queen of pain Q (shadow strike) level 1 and 2 nerfed, less initial and MAYBE less tick damage as well, level 3 and 4 stay the same. This will force queen players to want to have to put 3 levels in her Q (which they definitely won't do, cause of her blink and Scream being more important at that point) thus weakening her insanely strong early game laning stage. (which is auto win against most heroes cause of her Q)

                        Techies nerfed, i don't care how, but nerf him.

                        Storm Spirit can no longer use items during ball lightning, and maybe another small nerf to keep him modest, but still good.

                        Lina, i dunno, nerf something, i'm scared to say something cause i don't want to sound like a scrub, but she needs a tiny nerf...

                        Leshrac lightning cast distance nerfed, and cool down slightly nerfed.

                        Shadow fiend is probably fine, but now that the others are nerfed, he's probably shoot up to being one of the best mid heroes automatically cause of that... Not sure what to do with him.

                        Faceless void is NOWHERE is as intimidating as he once was, seems like an easy win fighting him nowadays, would be cool if he got changed.

                        Buff some melee mid heroes like Pudge, Kunkka, and Brew master( brew <333)
                        Puck needs buffs badly, Meepo small buffs, and who know's who else.

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                          Pudge is absolutely fine, doesn't need a buff lol, I stomp pretty much every single game with him.


                            for n'aix buff, they almost need to remove glimmer cape and solarcrest from the game :p


                              make n'aix rage give him movespeed ;*

                              increase range on slow ;*

                              gG ;*

                              DEFCON 1

                                Give bounty reward for destroying techies mines

                                lesh lightning bounce radius lowered

                                Blood seeker speed reduction on thirst

                                Make beast Masters minions require 4 hits like visage familiars to be killed.

                                Storm spirit general stat gain lowered slightly

                                Solar crest evasion reduced to 25%

                                Glimmer cape mana cost increased

                                Tinker mana cost on spells slightly reduced.

                                Bounty Hunter money reduced with track to allies

                                Tb strength gain slight increase

                                All I can think of now


                                  ^are you fangay of rat tinker and rat terror meta

                                  DEFCON 1

                                    Nope. Just like tinker a little. Right now he's almost useless


                                      nah he still ok in good player's hands

                                      Quick maffs

                                        fuck u i want my insta EB back


                                          Heh...I think Bloodseeker's only nerf will be that Thirst will no longer be global until maxed and maybe reducing his ms bonus but without putting a cap back.

                                          Some buffs to currently not useless, but forgotten heroes. I want Weaver buffs.

                                          And I'm really hoping Winter Wyvern won't get nerfed

                                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                                            I don't know what to do to tinker but if he ever returns to how OP he once was I'm gone from this game officially.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              Oh if that happens maybe i will be able to enjoy this game again !

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Do you guys remenber how fun was to kill the enemy carry in 3 rearms without them being able to do anything at all ? So fun !

                                                waku waku

                                                  i swear this fucking thirst works even when someone on bloodseeker's team has low health instead

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                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Solar Crest and Glimmer Cape combined remove about 60 heroes from the game, so something really needs to be done about these items.


                                                        ^you are right.

                                                        2015* solar cape (upon purchase put a global countdown of 10 minutes for enemy team to finish the game)


                                                          If you buff Naix, you need to give buffs to NP, Syllabear, TB as well, so these heroes don't feel left out.
                                                          To be honest all nerfs for Naix, NP, Syllabear since 6.78-6.79 should be reverted, since nowadays other heroes get powercreeped too much, they play in a completely different style that the former can't keep up with.

                                                          plz do

                                                            comeback of rat tactics. alliance wins ti6. ggwp.


                                                              I just want my boy Tinker back.

                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                The real question what ridiculous and poorly thought out Aghs buffs are incoming next...



                                                                  - Added Aghanim's Scepter to Ursa: Damage reduction is now 100% and unpurgeable for 10 seconds for Ursa and all allies in a 500 range

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    ^well, seriously, if you build aghanims on ursa, you deserve it.


                                                                      Why not keep glimmer cape the same,, but just make it harder to build.

                                                                      add a recipe cost or 550 or whatever

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        Need buff to slardar, lycan and sven, my favourite hero

                                                                        Buff to phoenix too

                                                                        Buff pugna, shadow demon, elder titan, OD, Lone Druid, Bane, TB, morphling, visage, IO, and chen

                                                                        Nerf the rest, thankx


                                                                          What's wrong with Sven?

                                                                          Slardar larger aoe stun + increase attack speed a little.