General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere are you guys from? PPL FROM DOTA

Where are you guys from? PPL FROM DOTA in General Discussion

    It would be noice to have people some exotic countries or at least somewhere far from the anglo sphere? Nords? Maybe some real japs (not weebs please) or asians in general? Arabs? Latins? Does the south african server really works? Why russians and peruvians can't just go into their own server? Let's speak up a little people!

      Этот комментарий удален модератором

        Which server do you play? Hows life in Ivory Coast?!

          Этот комментарий удален модератором
          Bad Intentions

            Do you guys consider pacific island doto exotic doto?

            Livin' Real Good

              I'm from where the TI5 champions are from, it's the only place to play, our 5K = Europe 6K. <-- confirmed by SuMaiL

              Этот комментарий был изменён
              Bad Intentions

                ^u min ur from pakistan?

                Livin' Real Good

                  ^ I mean from the land that never was

                  Bad Intentions

                    ^Never never land?

                    lm ao




                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          nice avatar btw


                            i am pakistan i see sumail play doto at ti5 me say very good must play dota too become rich hire terrorist and destroy american


                              apparently im not any exotic here


                                russia 21%, china 10% 4Head


                                  germany>sweden? has to be wrong

                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                    wtf dota is that unpopular in South they must love starcraft

                                    lm ao

                                      Pinoylandia the land of unbearably cliche memes and hot E-rides nc


                                        "Why russians and peruvians can't just go into their own server? Let's speak up a little people!"

                                        I see what u did there

                                        I dont see Switzerland, meaning i am Extremely exotic, shame we have no real ladies on the forums, not that i am aware of lol

                                        lm ao

                                          How about lady boi****

                                          saving private RTZ

                                            TI5 WINNERS AMERICANS

                                            2 AMERICANS

                                            2 ARABS

                                            1 CANADIAN

                                            AMERICAN TEAM CONFIRMED ELE GIGGLE 4HEAD

                                            NEW AMERICAN EG POGCHAMP

                                            2 AMERICANS

                                            2 ARABS

                                            1 CANADIAN COMING FROM UZBEKISTAN

                                            EG=AMERICAN CONFIRMED

                                            seriously, sayng that the "organisation" is american is bullshit, so then alliance is american too? Cuz same guy owns both alliance and EG

                                            Yorkey u seem like a proud murican 4Head


                                              maybe he drinks oil in the morning 4Head


                                                nah he shoots ppl in schools in the morning, oil goes for lunch time

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  he eats a 16 kg hamburger each morning (who are we talking about? 4Head)

                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                    Actually when they say American dota is because they represent NA dota which 3/5 would be a majority.

                                                    Of course as cliche American goes we will claim this for America because for one we know this pisses you off :)

                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      Proud murican 4Head

                                                      Also how is that american 1000 calories coke that is famous as being very toxic bcuz of sugar? Big something. Cant remember. Saw it on Nat Geo, some documentary on why 2/3 americans are obese 4Head.

                                                      1000 calories 1L coke. Nice drinks muricans EleGiggle

                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                        I actually dont understand what u want to say

                                                        3/5 what from what? There are only 2/5 americans in EG.

                                                        can u be more specific 4Head


                                                          wohoo, we're kind of exotic @DD

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            Im actually surprised romania is in first 20 countries, everyone seems to be playing LoL here lol


                                                              @Triplesteal, can u link the source where the pic is from?

                                                              I cant select the image url from my phone for some reason 😡


                                                                russia sucks dick


                                                                  i dont have it, i just had this pic saved

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                    3/5 players are from the North American continent aka NA dota.

                                                                    Side note seriously someone at valve get more advertisement in South Korea no way their numbers should be so low.

                                                                    Also Sumail and universe are USA citizens now I presume so unless there is a World Cup of dota I'm pretty sure they rep America now at least until they commit a terrorist act.

                                                                    Hell World Cup doesn't even mean that much since Germans take dual citizen ships to get playing time for USA they Wouldn't for Germany.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      I'm from New Zealand


                                                                        Peru here...not exotic at all it seems, but hey, sole peruvian in this forum/message board at least!

                                                                        Also that statistic just shows how it's actually other europeans who are invading russian servers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                          zano es mi pastor Kreygasm

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            damm spain is full of lol players

                                                                            sad life bruh


                                                                              ^true that, when i lived there, i knew some ppl who were hardcore lol players, but didnt even know such a game as dota exists. im still wondering why, though. apparently it was advertised there, or mb for some reason steam in general is less used in Spain.


                                                                                I still cant seem to grasp why is everyone playing "lol"
                                                                                No denies, less skilled overall (IMO)

                                                                                and you are clearly at a disadvantage if u start as a new player unless you pay tons of money for heroes and runes.

                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                  Well i dont know exactly the reason but you are right, steam here in Spain is not that used.

                                                                                  there is a good amount of lol players by the other hand.

                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                    I thought Germany had a lesser percentage of being in Dota, so like less than 1%.
                                                                                    Thats why i see a lot of germans like me frequently communicate with voicechat.
                                                                                    The german accent is very recognizalbe if they speak english (just like me) :D

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Serbia here, I play on EU East :X But my accent is pretty undefined and not at all slavic sounding so people are kinda surprised when they realize I'm not a native speaker. Probably because they hardly hear any native speakers.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Russia and china top two cos mann the landmass and pop.

                                                                                        But didnt know tiny philippines got lots of doto playas 😨

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                        Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                                                          I'm from Antartica (researching on penguins)

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                            Wait wtf Kitrak are you actually from Ivory Coast?


                                                                                              Well, that image could explain what's happening on US servers.
                                                                                              I'm originally from Ukraine, but my permanent residency is USA.
                                                                                              Haven't played dota since moving 😭

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                Are people too dumb to understand that NA does not mean you are white? These EU trash trying so hard to be relevant.


                                                                                                  Are people too dumb to understand that Russian does not mean you are a drunk bear named Ivan shooting muricans with your AK-47? These first world trash trying so hard to be relevant.

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    ^liar. russians are drunk bears named ivan shooting mruicans with their ak47


                                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                                        Are people to dumb to understand that NA dota does mean you have small deek? These NA trash trying so hard to make European girls notice their circumcised deek? 4Head Kappa