Currently, the Enchanted Mango has a 41.38% win rate. This is a tragedy. We've all had moments where that extra mana boost saved your ally with a clutch nyx stun or a sudden reincarnation turns the teamfight. It is our duty as fellow gamers and members of the DotA 2 community to rise up and give this item the respect it deserves.
Currently, the Enchanted Mango has a 41.38% win rate. This is a tragedy. We've all had moments where that extra mana boost saved your ally with a clutch nyx stun or a sudden reincarnation turns the teamfight. It is our duty as fellow gamers and members of the DotA 2 community to rise up and give this item the respect it deserves.
How come none have brought up the Grant witchhunt? Or are the mods censuring here like in reddit?
Realizing I actually got my comments deleted shows me why Grant is getting so little support in this shit and why he's only getting hate.
you guys know that feeling when your 💩 doesnt fit through the 🚽?
you dont have a shit katana?
no i use my hands
damn you the GOAT
envy 10th pick qop be like
RNG vs PSG.LGD (ALL GAMES HIGHLIGHTS) - CDA League Season 1 (Week 4) Dota 2
the deadest thread
ehh mood
I have a permanent nostalgia debuff
pretty cool
Don't lose this thread lads
Currently, the Enchanted Mango has a 41.38% win rate. This is a tragedy. We've all had moments where that extra mana boost saved your ally with a clutch nyx stun or a sudden reincarnation turns the teamfight. It is our duty as fellow gamers and members of the DotA 2 community to rise up and give this item the respect it deserves.
Currently, the Enchanted Mango has a 41.38% win rate. This is a tragedy. We've all had moments where that extra mana boost saved your ally with a clutch nyx stun or a sudden reincarnation turns the teamfight. It is our duty as fellow gamers and members of the DotA 2 community to rise up and give this item the respect it deserves.
let this thread die already
meka? you are a legend in the forum
hello! :D
I'm pretty sure this thread actually died once but some mod decided to unblock it because it had become a staple of this forum/message board already.
and it's still hot trash
imagine blocking ayy lmao
ayy lmao
big ayy
little ayy
cardboard box
EE is the best NA player alive... prove me wrong
watch any EE game and see for yourself xd
EE is the second worst human being touching this game after qSnake
whos qSnake? is he pro? :S
nope, thanks god
truth pilled
ty sirs
The International 2020 BATTLE PASS Review All Rewards Arcanas Maps Treasures (TI10) Dota 2
wow thanks that's pretty epic
5 years have passed since the last time i popped here, yet the thread persists.
obligatory ayyy's lmao'd.
ayy lmao
this thread shall not falter, gomrades
Fuck it
nearly 2 weeks without any posts
that's how we got ayy lmao nearly dead
dude why was my post removed xd what even was it? dumb ass dotabuff moderators.
that's exactly why the thread is dead
true facts here brother
Jannies PepeLaugh
How come none have brought up the Grant witchhunt? Or are the mods censuring here like in reddit?
Realizing I actually got my comments deleted shows me why Grant is getting so little support in this shit and why he's only getting hate.
And if you're ever asking yourself what a friend looks like, It's the complete opposite of what Capitalist is.
wow not only benao is a toxic moron but he is a rapist supporter too lmao. this shit is too good.