General Discussion

General DiscussionShit people.

Shit people. in General Discussion

    I'm getting a lot of people who eaither start feeding with self or couriers, go afk jungle, go afk farm, not be in teamfights, leave, abandon etc. lately... :c


      well look at my past games,

      alot these noob either feed and leave leaving us to 4 vs 5 all the time
      cant believe this is high skill bracket


        get high solo rank and play only there (I havent seen much high mmr feeders), or play in stacks

        plz do

          well, the others probably blame u for feeding since u lose every fight being in bad positions. I've had these, too. Its a blessing to play with good players, but still, dont pretend like ur a victim of bad mm.

          Livin' Real Good

            You can do every match crossing your fingers that the next match is going to be playable, i don't even pray for good team mates, just decent carry-able ones, it's really gotten to that point. Just hitting that accept button is sometimes scary.


              ^ I feel you, sometimes whenever I see players without profile pictures on ranked (solo que) I quit while someones still loading; I just assume they're smurfing their way to 3k. Specially if they're profile is private! Most if not all anyway, I do try to check if their dota profile or steam profile. I got up to 1 hour que'ing ban for doing this.


                I'm speaking about solo ranked 4500 mmr.

                I did get dream teams a couple of times that carried me but still. I'd rather not have either.


                  i guess ppl just like to kill rather than win
                  killing is the 1st target and winning only comes with luck


                    at least they dont ruin ++++++++ send you to LOW PRIORITY EVERY 5-15 games

                    plz do

                      ^hopeless cause. I sometimes flame like anthrax but then mute chat in order to relax and throw like a stubborn kid. kept me out of LP so far.


                        4.5 is not what Im calling high :) i think you should be about 1k mmr higher to feel rly safe.
                        and the second option (playing in parties) still stands

                        p. s the problem wtih 4k games is not that 4k players are trash, objectively they are rather good; but that the calibration cap is higher, and smurfs who abused calibration system in order to get higher ranking play there, as well as some account buyers (i guess its the most common mmr of sold accs - mid-high 4k). however, later on in 5k the amount of share people decreases.

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                          Im very happy my Party mmr is to high for my mates

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                            @London Road
                            haha, i really feel you. i got some 2-3kk irl friends who play cores only, and im glad i cant stack with some of them. not only the fact that we lose most games annoys me, but also they terribly suffer from dunning kruger and flame everyone they meet in my stacks.


                              I virtually never get feeders on my team when I play solo in my fairly scrubby 3.2k bracket.

                              But I play a lot with ~1.8k mates and holy shit, it's like every other game!

                              Tank yourself down to the Utopia that is the low 3k bracket*

                              *Results may vary


                                Thats a game on my 1800 mmr Account with 4 of my rl m8s our average mmr was sth like 1500 and the enemys Team was below 1k we gained 5 points for this and Still it was so god damn hard game cuz everyone just rdm heros thheyve never played b4 and Feed the shit out of it


                                  I'm just under 1.5k and rarely see feeders or huge tantrums...I mean it does happen but only once every 15 games or so.


                                    Thats Not just under 1,5k.... all 4 of them got Solo rating under 500 mmr thats total ultra trash. Their Party mmr is just around 1 k cuz i can Carry them trough 9v1 matches this far



                                      finally party game with my fren(ns)
                                      i dont see how hard it is to play gank and understand that tinker is not all about dagon and killing


                                        ^ Party with me plaz, you're from sea D:!!!