General Discussion

General DiscussionOver a rampage.

Over a rampage. in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    So, even though it isn't a "very high skill" match. i thought I'd post this game because I have never seen over a rampage in an actual match. Nature's Prophet got 8 kills with them buying back and all. Post more if you can remember any I could watch these all day.

    EDIT: also, i think there should be very special quotes and shit for this happening

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    Giff me Wingman

      1.7k matches and its the first time you've ever seen that?



        Happens a lot in ability draft

        KGBlue Lives Matter

          I just witnessed a Nyx Assassin rampage. Most hilarious part was as I was going for the kill I thought "It would be funny if Nyx actually killed me lol" I was lowish helath but he was 1 hit away from death and I didnt want to timelapse and most likely lose the kill so I didnt ulti and tehn suddenly ZAAP "RAMPAGE".