General Discussion

General Discussionrecommend item build

recommend item build in General Discussion
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    so someone says this to me when I have losing streak and I blame my teammates (well kay, thats my bad sides)
    "here's a fun fact
    if you follow the recommended item build
    you dont have the right to complain about your teammate
    and if you keep complaining and not playing
    meep, dont play doto
    cause these shit happens in life"

    is this really that bad to follow recommend item build ?


      I don't even :crazy:

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        Its not flameable, is not good to always follow it, you want to build items that are good vs your enemies or works good with your heroes. Like if your sf and your vs pa or antimage who bought butterfly, you should buy mkb. or if your vs wever or bounty hunter 20 to 30 minin you should buy gem unlease someone bought it already or atleast dust if bad farm.


          recommended doesn't mean it's always the best.

          for example, a shit game to go linkens in, and a good bkb game.

          there are too many targetted spells on the enemy team, most have lower cooldowns than linkens sphere, meaning there is a timing window where they have their ability ready while your linkens is cooling down, and also many spells aren't worth blocking, for example shuriken toss or lucent beam.

          there's also spells that can't be dodged, but could be blocked with BKB, for example epicenter and eclipse.
          had you a bkb there's no way you would have died 12 times, because you also wouldn't be subject to the enemy team's immense amount of stuns that I'm assuming stopped you time lapsing at least once.

          linkens is more of an item that helps you split push (not that it isnt useful in teamfights). there's no cost in using it (whereas using bkb lowers its duration), and it should be enough to save you from all but well co-ordinated ganks. whereas bkb tends to be better in fights due to it being able to block more than 1 ability, as well as blocking non-targetted things.

          You Us

            ouch that linken , now that I think again its really bad choice

            I think I shouldn't blame my friend again then .....


              If youre playing in normal bracket items mean nothing its basically 1-5% of the game if even that just use guide and have fun! =)


                if you're complete shite at the game you need every advantage you can get, having a good item/skill build is one of them.

                yes you can win with weird items that aren't the best for the situation in normal bracket but you're going to lose when you get put against better players.


                  IMO, which is probably a scrublord opinion, Items make games.

                  Item choice in DOTA 2 is actually a pretty bigger deal than other MOBAs (so far I've only played LoL). Since these will change your stats and most of the times give you an additional ability which varies greatly with each, deciding the best item for the game and using said item effectively greatly increases your chances of success.

                  The suggested item build is basically that, something offered as a suggestion. But as you grow more accustomed to the game mechanics and the inner workings and interactions of each hero and their stats, you will learn to decide which item builds favor your playstyle on each specific match.