General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker Dagon and Ethereal Blade

Tinker Dagon and Ethereal Blade in General Discussion

    After getting Dagon 1 on Tinker is it better to go for Ethereal Blade or keep on upgrading Dagon until lvl 5?
    I usually upgrade Dagon straight to lvl 5 because it costs less mana and saving 4900 gold for Ethereal Blade seems pretty too high...


      Get Ethereal Blade after Dagon 1

      Buy Ghost Scepter first usually to make yourself even harder to kill

      And with Ethereal, you can do extra damage w/ dagon and rocket.

      EDIT : Thank you for the correction, Heathen

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        Ethereal doesn't amplify laser damage because laser is pure, not magic. But other than that, 100% correct.


          Yea, eblade + dagon1 deals much more dmg than dagon 5 at the cost of almost the same price.


            ^It's actually cheaper. For some reason, a lot of people think eblade is expensive xD

            eblade = 4900g
            4 dagon recipes = 5000g


              Okey, thanks everybody.

              @EDIT: ^ Oh yes so expensive :D

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              charged up


                the problem is the buildup, eaglesong is like 3300 gold.
                dagon recipe 1250 or something..
                people just take longer to get the eblade than upgrading the dagon to lv5
                mainly because they throw their gold away

                other than that i pretty much agree with everything here

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                  alot of the pros i watch actually max dagon first i personally have only played tinker like 3 times in the last like 3 years so i cant really put much input but yer most the fellas i watch on twitch max dagon first even wen they are free farming

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                  ♛ peSte ♛

                    I do the Dagon 5 first because I'm too lazy to save 3300 gold

                    Quick maffs

                      With 1250g you can burst someone quicker

                      If you are going for eblade after dagon 1 you will only have the firepower of dagon 1 for a good time, if you go upgrading your dagon every 1250g it gets easier and easier to kill people.

                      Usually dagon 3 is enough to burst down a support, dagon 1 no

                      I tried the eblade after dagon 1 build twice and it work out, but it work out because the game was passive so i could farm my full ethereal without having to kill people in the meanwhile, because if you actually have to kill people a upgraded dagon its way more worth it, remenber the range of it upgrades too.


                        You guys should watch my tinker games. Dagon 1 is sufficient for getting kills as long as you are going for the right ones. Upgrading dagon is only 100 magic damage per upgrade (so its less than 100 damage after reduction) so it doesnt help that much unless you just go dagon 1 > dagon 5 instantly. Eblade is great to get earlier because you will always be able to get solo picks with it. I was completely shut down last game (sky and doom targetted me every time, no matter where i stood, even inside trees), but as soon as i had eblade i was able to get kills on my own where upgrading dagon would be meh.

                        Quick maffs

                          Man, heroes like lion

                          Usually i can kill him using missiles blink laser dagon 3, he cant react to that. ( he probably can but he is too slow )

                          If i had dagon 1 i would need to hit him with missiles twice, after the first missile he would run to fog.

                          This happens quite a lot actually with supports, usually their hp is low but not low enough to be instakilled by a combo with dagon 1, and if you need to rearm they will probably just run or hide or get ready to stun you.


                            Idk if those kills are needed if you can farm and your enemy team can't push while your team can push, u can farm that 1600 then 3300 gold easy, u just don't need to die. Farm safe assist teammates when there's a teamfight. Anways the eblade + dagon 1 build is successful for me as i've gained alot of mmr from that build

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                            Quick maffs

                              Well its not like i am losing with that build but its just meh, the results of my games with one build or another ( dagon 5 or eb ) are almost the same so.

                              I dont see how can you not have success going from dagon 5 but actually stomp going for eb


                                Its not about what you get when youre winning, its about what you get when youre losing. Dagon 5 wont win a match for you, but eblade might. Dont forget it does a lot more than damage

                                Quick maffs

                                  Well i can agree with that, eblade is probably better if you need the utility of it too. ( thing that you would probably need if you are losing )

                                  SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                    Wow people r still.picking tinker?.do they not learn anuthjng from ti4 , enjoy.your negatuve mmr op


                                      Stfu pinoy 14year old trash and make sure to learn proper spelling and manners too. You shouldn't be allowed to post in here

                                      SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                        Sorry i am using bad huawei china phone for reply, the keyboard is.very.buggy


                                          upgrading dagon allows you to use it from a safer range, i only go eblade first if their team is totally powerless vs a ghost scepter.


                                            There's something you all forgot about. The reason why you max dagon first on Tinker, is because the range of the dagon is also upgraded per level even though it does not say.

                                            Going eblade before maxing dagon means you have to cast eblade (It has the same range as dagon 5) Then walk your hero closer until he hits the dagon 1 levels range.

                                            IMHO. Maxing dagon first is better because it offers survivability in the form of long range burst (rockets/dagon5) and because it lowers the mana cost/ups your int slightly, which will help out your mana problems should you get level 2 rearm/level 3 rearm for effective hero sniping.




                                              ignore music please fraps just plays whatever I'm listening to on Pandora


                                                Imho, Idk if range does matter if you will just farm and go for sure kill. I won't dive without a good vision of enemies. Playing safe and go for the sure kill is the key.


                                                  ^^ on dagon5 you only used dagon, with eb you also used rockets



                                                    My bad going to try it again

                                                    EDIT : Dagon E-Blade did 10 more damage than Dagon 5

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                                                      yaeh its not a big deal in terms of damage its just that its better because you can save a teammate, use on urself vs jugg and physical damage dealers etc


                                                        ^AAAAAAAND CHEAPER :D


                                                          One thing to take into account is the mana cost and range that comes with upgraded dagon.

                                                          But going for eblade is the better choice, no doubt. Not only will you be more tanky with ghost scepter (immunity to right clicks + 7 str), eblade gives you far greater control over the battlefield, like you can save allies and aside from doing practically the same amount of damage, you will also slow enemies.