General Discussion

General DiscussionLow solo ranked MMR but in "Very High" do I get MMR?

Low solo ranked MMR but in "Very High" do I get MMR? in General Discussion

    I am an unranked player. There is a massive discrepancy between my teammates in my unranked and ranked games. In unranked they are generally on the ball and know what they are doing, but as of recent I've wanted to boost my ranked as it's pitiful at 3.4k as I didn't take ranked very seriously when it came out. How do you gain MMR with these 3.4k teammates who always call GG at 5 mins and blame others? Maybe I should just not bother with ranked? Is this that ELO hell thing I see on the playdota forums?


      From a lol forum (where the term comes from)

      elo = your rating in ranked games, depending on your success :P

      elo hell = myth created by those players who believe themselves in it... it describes the elo range between 0 and prolly arround 1400... the affected individuals believe they dont belong in this so called "elo hell" but are constantly dragged down by noobs, ragers, afker, feeders, trolls and other stuff that took a long term living situation in this "elo hell"
      for the record, elo hell doesnt exist.... the allready named surroundings wont vanish in higher ratings, so better find a way dealing with them.


        From my personal experiences,

        Solo ranked is without a doubt the worst part of Dota matchmaking. Everyone is both try hard and retard at the same time because there are things at stake and emotions are raised, therefore, any mistake you make will be seen as a big one by someone else on your team (who wants to win) and vice versa, because of this, people flame each other and chaos breaks out.

        Edit, it's worst in the 4k range where everyone believes they should be better.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          Im in elo hell T_T


            Just continue to play unranked. For what reason do you want to change you MMR number?


              just to make it clear "very high skill" doesn't mean shit. ~3.5k is already very high in dotabuff.

              on the other side, you don't have to be good to enjoy the game. play the way you prefer. if you feel you really want to keep improving, then do it. but yeah, mmr hell is a myth


                Guiri, THAT is NOT elo hell

                I play lol AND dota, which seem to be unbelievable for most people, I like them both equally.

                Elo hell ONLY exists in lol

                This is because of the ranked system used in lol.
                When you win, you get points. Vice versa when you lose.
                If your hidden mmr is very low for your amount of points (because of a long losing streak for example), you lose A LOT more points for losing, than you gain for winning.

                SO, you win: +10, you lose -25. THAT IS ELO HELL

                Quick maffs

                  dragonfist just confirmed my theory of muting everyone on solo ranked


                    You figure it out, you let me know. The people I queue unranked with average more than 1k mmr over my ranked. /shrug