General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is your favorite hero and how do you play him ?

Who is your favorite hero and how do you play him ? in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    So i was thinking about how awful i am with some heroes and i realized that usually is because i dont really know what to do and when to do it, but everyone has his favorite hero and usually you learn how and when to do things, you learn tricks and more stuffs, it would be cool if you guys share this information with everyone. Keep in mind that i am talking about pubs here.

    For example, i think i am really bad with lifestealer because i usually join fights too early and i dont really know how to time rage correctly. So if someone tells me what they usually do ( what items they have for x minutes when they gank when they farm ) it might help me and others.

    By the other hand i think i have a high winrate with necro because i know when to start pushing and joining fights, usually after lvl 8 and with a mek, usually is pretty hard to lose team fights if you actually get your team to group up because of how powerful necro is in this stage of the game.

    (My example is really short because i am lazy)

    In other words, a mini guide about how to win pubs with X hero.



      go some lane ALONE. Get level 8. Kill supports 5 times. Dont buy shadowblade. Win gaem


      Go safelane. Farm midas. Buy treads and bling dagga. Buy crits and MoM or HoD. Tell your team to just go in and run around kiting. Kill everyone

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        use emp. win


          All the trolls.

          Slark. Ignore what other people say about SB, it is an absolute beast of an item on Slark and it punishes anybody out of position.

          1. Farm treads, orb of venom, SB by 15 min mark.
          2. Make sure you maxed dark pact first for farming ability + that spammy burst.
          3. You can now sneak up and solo any support/squishy. (You'll be able to use Dark Pact twice thanks to 4 second CD, add in all those autos for high dps)
          4. Snowball.

          Watch one of my Slark games or a game of Vaikiss. Its so easy to own with him.

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          Quick maffs

            Like i was saying i dont care about how stupid is the idea, if it works its perfect.

            Even if you are buying mask of madness first item on X hero, if you are winning most of your games at your mmr its good enough ! ( if posible you guys should put your mmr )

            Anyway be aware that i am a 3,5k mmr player so if you are higher ( 90 % of this forum ) its probably not going to work for you.

            Slark: I like to play slark in mid, he is kind of hard to play mid against range heroes but even if you are getting low farm you are still getting exp and it doesnt matter the enemy mid he is not going to kill you, if its a melee hero he is going to be food for you.

            I like going a tanky build with slark, so i get treads bottle drums sangue and yasha and i really like it, some people goes for shadow blade and its probably better but i just love sangue and yasha.

            Since i started going this build i have lost 1 or 2 games

            Dire Wolf

              Well here's a couple I win with a lot in ranked, though my mmr is not high, 3350 solo right now only. None of these are really "HOLY SHIT" revelations, but you'd be surprised how many people screw them up.

              Lich (13 games, 69% win rate) - Don't fall for the stupid aghs trap. Lich is VERY strong early, especially at 6 and 11 before most of the enemy has bkb and you have a killer ult. So build strong early game, mid game items like drums, veil, mek. All of these give him nice survivability and build in really easy pieces, unlike aghs where you need 1200 for your point booster, then grab some expensive addons like 10 agi for 1000g. Also 1 point in frost armor is often enough, I sometimes dump more levels into stats after Q and E are maxed. Frost armor slows the same at lvl 1 as 4. And this should be really obvious but harass the crap out of people with Q, keeping your tranquils from breaking, and you'll be super op. Heck you can last hit with Q and then just consume to get all your mana back.

              Troll Warlord (10 games, 70% win) - The key to troll is farm. He is an insanely fast flash farmer and can handle the jungle quite early, earlier and better than even luna or wraith king, because his W makes the creeps miss you so you don't need much lifesteal and it does a ton of dmg. My kda with troll is pathetic, like ~2, but my farm is great, I almost play him like a split pusher, just keep farming and then go man fight on their rax with bkb and satanic. Main tip is farm a lot, build phase, aquila, dominator (stack the ancients!!!) and a medallion and you can rosh around lvl 12. Then BKB is a must, so that means skip all the crappy early s&y and crystalis I see people building. Medallion + bkb are much more important.

              Doom (24 games 66%) - Don't build radiance. If you midas, get it done under 7 mins. Simple as that lol. Build vlads, phase boots, halberd. Why halberd? Cus it's awesome, makes you tanky as shit. I catch a lot of grief for building it every single game but it's quite amazing on doom. Then you can go either shivas or ac to finish up depending on your team.

              Wraith king (10 games 60%) - Don't overthink wk. He is probably the easiest hero the game to build cus this one build is ideal is nearly every single situation. Go treads, armlet, bkb, ac. Period. Don't mess around with vlad's when you don't need it, skip stupid mana boots and just be mindful of your mana if you need to use ult, you won't get soul ring off if you're stunned. Then go either deso or abyssal. Farm a lot.

              Viper (22 63%) - Just please don't build manta til late. I thankfully don't see people building vanguard on him much anymore, mek is a great early item, yasha is a great early item but that doesn't mean you have to complete manta style right away. Aghs and butterfly are much better.


                Your stats are obscene for 3.5k player lol. Anyway I'm 3.9k myself so the games should be similar.

                But really, I swear by SB on Slark. The primary use is to sneak past wards and scout for easy pickoffs. I almost always build SNY after SB anyway. Seriously, the speed that Slark snowballs with an early SB is absolutely insane.


                12 games since I started building SB+Dark Pact. 7/12 of them have over 10 kills. 3/12 go over 20 kills. Those that were under 10 kills? Yeah 3 of them were perfect score. And no, I didn't get fed in laning stage. Almost always I do jungle farm to get that 15min SB and thats where everything starts.

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                  Clockwerk: Solo offlane. Use cogs to escape aggression. Get 6. Gank mid. Win mid for your team. Go back to fountain. Gank safelane. Win safelane for your team. Shoot hook. Hit hook. Win game.

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                    Quick maffs

                      Well when i play clock : Hook into 5 heroes, die


                        ^ Where was that in my instructions? :P


                          slarker press few buttons win dotka


                            you die cuz u probably try to trap a hero in ur cogs instead of bouncing them off ur cogs when the initiation is ass. seriously there are people that dont even know that u dont HAVE to trap a hero in ur cogs

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                              Shadow blade is retarded on slark stop advertising with your 19 games 50% winrate

                              Slark has shit stats gain and needs stats. You dont need damage items because of essence shift. With drums and s&y you get 400 ms while visible that is exactly what he needs.
                              Use your ult passive to scout for obs wards and tell the supports to deward.

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                              Dire Wolf

                                Noob wizard, my win rates aren't that nuts for a handful of games. I just haven't played that many ranked games yet compared to some and have very high variance between my successful heroes and my unsuccessful ones. I mean if I lose two games on wk I drop back to 50%, pretty small sample size. I'm 0-3 on a bunch of heroes, 3-6 on razor, 5-6 on spectre, and so on. Overall I'm like 50% wr ranked and I think around the exact same mmr as after I calibrated. I guess I should ride doom, viper and wk more and rank up but I get bored.

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                                Vanity  ツ

                                  4.650k party and 4.3k solo (I don't like playing alone). My favourite hero is furion and I will probably never run tired of hero. Furthermore, it
                                  is really to win solo ranked games if you learn to master this hero. However, there are quite many factors you have to take into consideration.

                                  You should always try to make good use of treants, check the map and look for kills etc. Also, Furion is a very versatile hero and can be played in several ways (someone who says furion is only for splitpushing, is probably not very successful with the hero). I'm not going to write a comprehensive guide on how to play furion, but you can always check some replays or some competetive games.

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                                  Quick maffs




                                      I've been playing a lot of Mirana lately. I hate the term "roaming Mirana", but that's exactly what it is. I really hate playing with roaming Miranas because they're so hit or miss and usually miss. I'd like to think that I make a positive impact on the game (21-10 recently)

                                      Get wards/chick and roam. Hopefully there's a easy target such as Storm, SF, or Invoker mid, and your mid has some sort of set up, or followup at the minimum. Scan each lane and see if there's any opportunity to make something happen (team and enemy heroes skills, lane position, hp of heroes). Worse case scenario, sit in safe lane and ensure your carry farm. I'd think if you can't get a kill on one of your first 3-4 arrows, you're probably done for the game. Up chick, keep wards up, and actively counterward. If you allow the other team to have vision, you cut the amount of directions you can go. Wardning/Counterwarding isn't much of a waste of time anyway, if you're running around the whole map. Even worse, if you don't know if/realize that they have vision, you are wasting plenty of time. You can't afford to get too far behind on exp.

                                      If there's a lull, try to look for empty lanes. If your mid went to gank a side lane, and you can't make it, just sit mid and soak up some exp/farm. When you're 6, you should be able to set up a kill anywhere with a teammate or 2. Moonlight shadow pretty much sets up a free 2 sec arrow. I try to use Moonlight shadow offensively as much as possible.

                                      Item build I go is Phase > Drums > Cyclone. Usually don't get farther than that.
                             This game was fun. Had highest impact, lowest death, lowest cs in the game, and full support.

                                      Besides Mirana, CM and Disruptor are my go to heroes.


                                        I can tell you about Faceless Void. I have 100% winrate and 7 KDA ratio on this hero. Don't play this OP shit!


                                          Any hero that allow me to watch movie and play dota at the same time.
                                          Relaxing hero

                                          Something like solo offlane hero that when you died once you can just look for an excuse to jungle!



                                            I can't play him


                                              Jakiro -
                                              1. Pick Jakiro
                                              2. Channel inner tidehunter
                                              3. Press W
                                              4. ???
                                              5. Ravage


                                                Invoker ioh and i play him like a sir!



                                                  Pick him whenever enemy team picks either AM or Weaver. Fuck blink dagger.


                                                    Anti-Mage: Go safelane, have support harass, you harass, get 3 kills in 10 mins in late due to mana break. Proceed to split push after Battlefury + Treads + Yasha. Farm the shit out of all lanes and jungle. Join teamfight, teamwhipe, push mid, end.

                                                    Medusa: Go mid vs n00b Invoker/Pudge. Make them go back to fountain every minute due to mystic snake. Farm all lanes, join team fight, do 500 dmg/hit 'cause u have rapier. win game.


                                                      Jakiro - Before the buffs to liquid fire (turning it into an orb/additional damage/lower cd), I used to max my first and second skill before taking points into anything else. Now, I max liquid fire first (it's great in early game. Free harass with no mana cost. Keep it on CD). Then it depends on you on whether you want to max the first or second. I generally max the second when we have a lack of stuns/crowd control as I tend to only go near when I know I'll be able to dish out my other skills.

                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                        Phantom Assassin - if with competent teammates, drum/vlad and go fight early, if not, rush deso but you can fight with just the first mithril hammer if it's looking bad. She's the only carry that can fight early with little penalty.


                                                          im not sure why/how they determine your "most successful heroes"

                                                          but uh

                                                          favourite: pudge, obvious reasons - qb tricks always work, rly makes them cautious to be around any type of secluded trees

                                                          most played: mirana, i guess i just kinda stuck with her when i switched over to dota 2 and found it fit nicely - love surprise arrows, arrowing by teasin around w/ fake denying (which i am startin to see more often).

                                                          who i think i suck with but for some reason dont: ET, i just rarely touch him... guess im lucky for the first 8 games or so - for gods sake get at least 1-2 lvls in stomp before u reach 11, especially if your team requires some sort of setup and you're the only one
                                                          ppl kept sayin that his aura maxed is so much better, but time and time again ive seen so many lost opportunities due to the lack of stun

                                                          आप गे क्यों

                                                            Bloodseeker, because everyone hates a slark

                                                            Slark lover: fuck you, u cant counter me
                                                            10 mins later - Slark rage quits

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                                                              trax, even if you know you're gonna die! go like a retard against those towers!
                                                              sf, since people are so fucktard in pub, ive realized the best you can do is go midas on him, even after bottle and treads
                                                              mirana, get treads instead of phase (noob singsing) unless you need the extra damage to kill someone fast early on
                                                              pudge, hook selectively and trade of kills is ok since you get the str gain (only for when you kill the enemy first)

                                                              also! necro 3 works on trax sf and mirana :)

                                                              Bone Chilling


                                                                LC is a fun hero, and this game made me smile yesterday xD At the moment I only had trheds blink and mkolnir xD Lightning <3


                                                                  bloodseeker lol he fucks up slark. HARD


                                                                    Crystal Maiden. I play very aggressive and always look for opportunities to kill. I try to gank mid whenever I can and its always fun to have a lane buddy who stuns. I guess lol idk. But at times I'll have to play defensively as well, so I try to get levels instead.


                                                                      ^ are you a girl?


                                                                        The thirst is real



                                                                          Pick mah girl. Try to stop drooling, go safelane, farm Skadi, win games.

                                                                          Every time I see solo-Medusa winning a lane, I put into question level of adequateness said Medusa's opponents possess


                                                                            tb, wood :)

                                                                            Proud Boi

                                                                              - Pick juggernaut.
                                                                              - Buy aghs.
                                                                              - Click R.

                                                                              Ez win.

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                                                                              Protato BBnoZAR

                                                                                At my mmr In pubs I play pl if they dont have many aoe spells
                                                                                get 15 minute diffusal and brown boots that a <20 min BoT
                                                                                push lanes with clones get 4 last hits a wave do some tower damage tp to a different lane push it ,repete,with all that farm buy manta HoT and dedulus then teamwipe.
                                                                                But at higher mmr they would probaby shut you down
                                                                                I get flamed by my team for doing this because I disregard teamfights until I have my HoT