General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people pick morphling?

Why do people pick morphling? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    He sucks, 9th worst in win rate, no one knows how to play him, all the can do is afk farm and try for late game with manta or go that stupid shotgun e-blade build which works to kill one person then you die. Every time someone picks morph in ranked it's gg my team loses. So sick of it, he's like brood and earth spirit now only 2-3 times as popular.

    bum farto

      Morph is a very high-skilled hero, at least to be played effectively. Low skill players are literally a joke when compared to a high skilled morph player and the reason for the low win rate is simple (numberoflowskillplayers) > (numberofhighskilledplayers)

      some random trashcan

        the hero doesn't suck whatsoever, you can instagib the entire enemy team usually at the 15 minute mark (if you had freefarm) to 20 minute mark (mid) and this allows him to snowball like crazy.

        just because players in ur bracket cant play him doesnt mean hes a bad hero..people just dont know how to use him at low brackets which forces the winrate down. im interested in seeing his winrate in higher tiers, maybe from a db+ member?

        bum farto

          Please don't be harsh to people unnecessarily, low tier or high he can be effective but the vast majority aren't at a high enough skill to play him effectively.

          There is no player sort by rank or skill level in DB+ (at least as far as I know)


            Because the pros are playing him right now, so hes a trend.


              he's a good hero

              antimage is also a good hero

              ITT people still using dotabuff as a judge for hero quality, earth spirit had ~40% win rate in 6.79, wow such trash hero

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              Dire Wolf

                I'm not just using dotabuff, I'm using personal experience. Don't have a lookup for when morph is on my team but I distinctly remember my last 3-4 times with him being losses and I cannot remember any wins, let alone a win where morph was a deciding factor. Dotabuff stats simply reinforce my observation. And I think the dotabuff stats apply fine to my 3k bracket.


                  yes they apply fine to the 3k bracket since the low-mid 3k's should be the 50th percentile for ranked players

                  morphling is not that hard to play - you need to be able to farm very well and know when to waveform/morph. if you see a doom running at you with haste, and your waveform is on cd, you'd better turn on morph so you have a chance of surviving, etc. small stuff like that matters and adds up. he's very much like antimage, which is why i suspect both their win rates are extremely low even though good players will almost always have > 70% win rate with them - his first major item is relatively expensive compared to what other carries will buy (linkens usually for morph, battlefury for am), but most retards think this is enough so they try and join team fights, position themselves horribly, and just die without making any impact. an underfarmed morphling is worse than useless in the sense that you suck up quite a bit of farm and yet you're still not strong enough to do much - just afk faming and not being able to teamfight or dying in those fights = negative impact.

                  compare this to a terrorblade with drums and is pushing your towers down quickly less than 10 minutes in.

                  that being said, there are few things more satisfying in dota than instagibbing heroes with the shotgun build, which is probably the best way to play him ATM since morph excels at dealing both physical and magic damage, something most carries cannot boast

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                    because winning is overrated



                      Easy farm
                      Easy escape
                      3 hit kill.

                      Btw we lost the game cuz i didnt make bkb and jugger went hex. So am just right clicked all of us.


                        Two bashers Morphling imba permabash.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Same reason they pick Pudge : A pro does it. It's not a bad hero, but in a pub there is no way you can resist a Morphling level of greed.


                            People pick him because he's a hero available for picking...

                            Why do people pick any hero on the list? Because they feel like it.

                            some random trashcan

                              if you cant play him properly obviously you're going to lose

                              literally theres no reason to not have a 15-20 min eblade every game and then just 3 shot -> replicate an enemy hero. build skadi/bkb/linken/manta/fly after that and ur set

                              Dire Wolf

                                Yeah but at least pudge is a pub stomper. Although hook is a skill shot he can still punish players who have poor map awareness without a ton of skill with him. Morph doesn't really do anything unless you're a great farmer and know when to pick your spots, which pubs never do.


                                  imo morph and medusa are the worst heroes in the game

                                  random shitMMr

                                    <--morph op

                                    some random trashcan

                                      morph is more of a pub stomper than pudge provided as you said you can farm an eblade, which isnt really that hard if ur able to trash mid (not hard with high base dmg), can use replicates well and can farm an eblade reasonably fast you can carry your team whereas pudge if the other team gets fat u cant do anything, or if the game goes 30 mins ur not gonna be nearly as relevant.

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                                        actually whenever i see an opponent pudge mid i just collect my free win lol unless he has 2 gay buttbuddies like bane/mirana sitting him mid, in which case i'll probably pick tinker and just march as many waves as possible to avoid going 0-5 in 3 minutes.

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                                        Dire Wolf

                                          If morph is a pub stomper then why does no one manage to do it? At least pduge I know it's 50/50 he will kill mid a few times and gank side lanes. With morph I know it's 4v5 game for 30 mins and worse than AM, he'll shotgun someone late and then get killed by enemy team.

                                          some random trashcan

                                            ^ morph is by no means useless as a mid, he's able to get a lot of kills before the 10-12 minute mark with waveform, is super hard to kill, can cs really well in lane/bottle crow to rotate with jungle, and comparing him to am is stupid since the guy can be shotgunning at the 15-20 minute mark if played properly

                                            as for why no one manages to do it, its skewed because a majority of games are in a lower skill bracket (say at least sub 3k level, probably like 90% of them), nobody has a clue how to play him. they'll always go linkens, can't farm effectively, etc.

                                            once again, if we can get a db+ member to post the winrates at higher brackets, itll be more interesting.

                                            and you should never be dying while shotgunning, thats why you have ur ult...


                                              "If morph is a pub stomper then why does no one manage to do it?"



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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                @frostychee medusa isn't bad at all, her mystic snake at low levels is very strong and at 6 her ult is retarded strong. And late game she's an obvious beast.


                                                  Morph is strong you know, He can outcarry 2 5slotted carries.
                                                  And E-blade is not always an option on him.. for me at least

                                                  Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                    I am so bad i dont even have mmr, nut i stille love moprh:



                                                      I stink with him. Would like to get better at him because he seems to melt people away. 45% out of 11 games is indicating I need to practice more before I do ranked matches again with him.


                                                        bcuz he's a fkn walking water thing. how cool is that???


                                                          Yeah. Medusa is really strong, but it takes about 3 items to get her rolling. Her ult is the only redeeming thing I really see about the hero. Given that much free farm to any other hero, they would have more items in less time and have a huge effect on the game, than a Medusa idly farming.


                                                            <3 morphling HE IS A FUN HERO doesn't have to be op to play something
                                                            He has a strong mid-late game and can snowball out of control/ fight almost any enemy carry because of his abilities

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              He is a hard hero, like you need to have free farm on him


                                                              being honest i only won this game because my team stomped

                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                @Dorkly Do you actually think that if you exchanged morphling for ANY other carry in the game that you would not win harder? I agree that he is a very hard hero to play (or rather to maximaze his effectiveness) but I would argue that in 90% of cases any other carry would work better in his place.


                                                                  ^ He is amazing at split pushing because of replicate and doesn't need babysitting in lane unlike most carrys

                                                                  some random trashcan

                                                                    he needs babysitting up until level 5, the hero is beyond garbage in the early stages of the laning phase, but his power is ridiculous after 5 until mid game starts

                                                                    @thisguywillfeed you dont have to play him as a carry, i play him as a mid most often and yes he does what he does MUCH better than most carries. name another that can instagib any hero (or like 4) of the enemy team safely, has a flashfarm ability, ridiculous survivability, mobility, and massive snowball potential/great lategame potential with no shitty phases after level 5. yeah chances are no other carry can be named there.

                                                                    in 70% of cases you will be able to farm that eblade in 15-20 minutes granted your team isnt fucking stupid and feeds every lane. but most games it should be doable, after which you have to use ur head and know when to farm and pickoff and what not.

                                                                    like think of him as a weaver, hes not nearly as versatile but he is definitely up there with his kit

                                                                    if you play him out of safelane going midas skadi bkb and then the standard stuff (no shotgun) is also a possibility but thats only out of safelane imo

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                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      when i saw ee-sama play him mid in a pub he was up against a fucking omniknight mid and he used bottlecrow and his team had wards
                                                                      i found it hard to think highly of the hero after that


                                                                        I've been stomping all day with morph shush


                                                                          morph = ez win